Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Like two peas in a podd"

~This imagine is for a good friend of mine named Ananya. Hope you enjoy :) ~
I'm walking down W Brodways close to downtown Vancouver. I was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, with a pair of blue jeans and my yellow hunter boots. My long curly hazel hair was in a low loose pony tail. I had a coffee in one hand and my iPhone in the other ( . I was texting my best friend not really paying attention to my path. All of a sudden Bam! I run into someone.
-"Shit! I'm sorry!" We say at the same time and laugh. I look down at my shirt and see a tea stain on it. I then look at the other persons shirt and realized I had poured all my coffee on their, ironically, white shirt. We both look up at each other and stare into one anothers eyes for a few seconds before we both stutter a "H-h-hi." at the same time. We laugh once more and blush.
-"My name is Harry." He says to break the confortable silence that had been created for a few seconds.
-''My name is Ananya, but you can call me Ana or Anne, your choice."
-"That's a beautiful name, I've never heard it before."
-"Well it's Indian, and it means unique."
-"Well it really suites you, because you really are unique." He replies and I blush.
-"I'm so sorry I dropped my hot tea on you." He says.
-"Well we were both obviously occupied and ironically holding hot drinks." I say. We had run into each other because we were both to occupied looking at our phones instead of looking where we were going.
-"Yeah sorry again... Anyways you want to go get new shirts and grab a tea, or coffee." He ask shyly. 
-"That sounds good. There's a H&M shop just down the street, we can go there." I say and he nods. We walk to the shop trying to make small talk so there was no awkward silence. We arrive at the store and Harry runs towards a shirt and scans my body and grabs one off the rack. He then turns to another rack and grabs another shirt and gives them to me.
-"You would look good in these (Top 1 - Top 2). I roll my eyes and laugh.
-"Before I try them on I have to go find you a shirt." I say and he sighs in agreement. You make your way to the men section and grab a shirt for him (Top Harry).
-"Here try this on." I say giving him the shirt.
-"I want to see you in your shirt first." He says half begging.
-"Try it on at the same time?" I say smiling. 
-"Fine." He pouts. We head to the dressing rooms and enter each a cabin. I walk out with the second top on and Harry was already out waiting for me.
-"You look good in that shirt that I picked." Harry states.
-"I can say the same mister. That shirts fits you well." I reply and add a small wink.
-"You still have a shirt to try on so go go! Quick. " He tells me. I step into the cabin and put on the second shirt and walk back out. Harry was leaning against the wall waiting for me. As I walk out his eyes go big. I was wearing the first top he picked out (top 1).
-"You look beautiful in that. No need to debate it you are getting that shirt." He says. "Now get back in there and give me that shirt so we can pay." I hurry back in there and change into my stained shirt. I put the shirt over the door and harry grabs it.
-"I''ll be at the cash!" He exclaims. I hurry out to find him paying for both our shirts.
-"Hey I could of payed for that." 
-"I know." He says winking while he pays the cashier in cash. He passes me my shirt and we head back to the cabbing to put them on and change out of our dirty clothes. After we walk out of the store we head to a Starbucks a block up and grab a drink. I get a espresso and he takes a simple green tea.
-"So tell me about you Ana." He says as we sip on our drinks.
-"Well I'm 14." I say.
-"You look nothing like 14! I don't believe you."
-"Well I am.."
-"It's just you are way to beautiful and mature to be so young." 
-"You're making me blush." I reply hiding behind my mug. He laughs and makes me put my mug down.
-"Don't hide behind your mug, I want to be able to see your beautiful face, especially those amazing eyes." He says and I smile at myself looking down at the ground.
-"Tell me more about you Ananya." 
-"Well I'm into photography, I love fashion, my mom is a designer, I adore traveling and cars. I'm a hockey jock,and a dancer. Oh and I love music, especially writing it."
-"You write music?"
-"Yeah well I'd like to be a producer one day..."  
-"Do you play any instruments?" 
-''I play the flute, the piano, the guitar, and I'm learning how to play the violin also."
-"You play more instruments the me and I'm a musician!"
-"What do you mean?"
-"Well I'm in a band. We just came in third place on the X factor UK, and I am here on vacation with the rest of the boys. Like a ski trip."
-"That's so cool! So how old are you? Tell me about you."
-"I'm 16, hum, I sing, I-I." He starts but ends up stuttering as he looks out the window.
-"Oh shit!" He says.
-"What's wrong?" I ask.
-"Look I really have to go." He says getting up grabbing his tea. "It was really nice meeting you but I have to leave."
-"Um..." I say confused. "Well goodbye then..." But by then he had already run off. ' I didn't even get his number! He was really cute! Damn it!' I think to myself. I sigh and grab my coffee and head back home. I really wished I could of grabbed his number.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Alone (part 5)

*Erica's POV*
Once I get back home and into my room I scream into my pillow. This could not be true! It was all a dream it had to be. My phone then starts vibrating and I see the picture on my phone. This was not a dream. I look at my phone and see things I wish I had not seen. Stuff like 'go die in a whole', 'no one loves you', 'why are you still alive? Don't you understand no one loves you nor wants you!'. I only read a few of those messages and shut off my phone. Tears start to shed and I run to my bathroom. I hop into the shower and let the tears go down. I look up on my shampoo rack and see my razor. An idea comes into my mind as I grab the razor.

*A month and a half later*
I'm in math class siting in the corner alone like always.
-"Hey." I hear a familiar voice say. "How can you be wearing a long sleeve shirt in summer?"
-"Hey." I smile looking up at Charles. He had become a friend but he would not wanted to be seen in public with me so it would not affect his reputation, and I understood. He would talk to me a bit in class but rarely. "Oh I'm always cold."
-"I can't believe you." He says. "Anyways we still on for tonight?" He whispers.
-"Yeah." I smile and he turns around on his heals and walks over to his place. I look down at my notepad and realize all my drawings where about Harry. I sigh and try to hold back a tear. Since the concert he had not texted me. I knew he was touring and was probably really busy but still. He had not texted me once. The teacher walks into class and snaps me out of my thoughts.

*Later that night*
Charles was coming over for the night and was sleeping over since it was a Friday. 
-"Hey Girl!" I hear him say as he walks into my room.
-"Oh hey mister!" I reply.
-"What's up?" He says siting down on my bed.
-"Nothing any ideas of what we could do tonight?"
-"Movies, pizza and popcorn?"
-"Yeah perfect! Meet you in the home theater while I grab the popcorn, chips and candy?" I say grabbing my phone and jump onto my two feet. He smiles and nods and we walk out of the room. After grabbing the food I make my way to the home theater room. Charles had already picked out five movies.
-"Two horror movies? Do you not want me to sleep tonight?" I say dropping myself onto the couch next to Charles.
-"Maybe..." He says winking.
-"So Don't be afraid of the dark, Insidious, and all three lord of the rings!" 
-"I say we start with insidious then end with don't be afraid of the dark." He suggest.
-"I guess so..." I say as he puts in the movie and I shut the lights and grab a few blankets.
-"You ready?" He asks pressing play.
-"I really hate you right now!"
-"Oh don't worry I'll protect you from those fake monsters." He says laughing but serious at the same time. As I crumble into a ball and hide under the blanket Charles puts his arm around me and I bury my head into his chest. By the time that movie had ended and we were at the second Lord of the ring, we were so close to one another not even a finger could fit between us and by the ending of Don't be afraid of the dark, his lips were on mine and he was over me. When the movie ended Charles got off of over me and we both sat up, there was a sort of awkward silence before we both got up. 
-"Um, I'll be right back." He says walking out of the room as I smile. I start to pick up the food and head to the kitchen where I had left my phone. I open it an see tons of messages like the ones I always got. I hold back a few tears and put my phone into my pocket. I make my way into my room where I put on a tight v-neck white long sleeve shirt and some black shorts. I put my hair up into a messy bun and go wash my face. I walk out of the bathroom and see Charles siting on my bed.
-"Um the guest room is the second door on your left. You have your own bathroom and all if you want to take a shower." I tell him. His back was facing me and he seemed concentrated on something. I make my way closer to him and realize he had my phone in his hands and looked as he was about to cry.
-"I-I knew you got bullied at school but never knew it went to cyber-bullying." 
-"Charles." I say grabbing my phone and trying to hold back tears. "I learned to ignore those messages." I lie. He looks at me and grabs my wrist. I bite my lip to hide the pain but it hurt so much and I pull my arm back.
-"We should go to bed it's almost 1 am." I tell him getting up and opening the door so he could get out. He let's out a small sigh and gets up. I close my door behind him and pull up me sleeve and look at my scars. I quickly put my sleeve down and throw my phone on my bed letting out a small scream. I turn my lights off and crawl under my blanket in my bed while tears came down. 
My clock stated 2:30 am and I could not stop crying. All of a sudden I feel someone crawl into my bed next to me.
-"It's ok Erica. They are all stupid and especially wrong." Charles says and I turn around and put my head deep in his chest as he wraps his arms around me and reconforts me until we both fall asleep.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Alone (part 4)

Harry and I turn our heads toward the door were we see Louis taking a picture and running off.
-"I'm going to kill him!" He whispers under his breath.
-"What's the worst he can do?" I ask.
-"Post it on twitter."
-"Go run along after him."
-"Thanks! Go hang in the dressing room and I'll be right back." He says pecking my lips. I watch him run out of the room and into the hall way.
-"I'll kill you Louis Tomlinson!" I hear Harry scream and I laugh. I walk out of the room and find my way to the dressing room where the boys were relaxing and some half sleeping.
-"Oh hey...Erica?" Liam says as he sees me walking in.
-"Hey." I say taking a seat at Harry's makeup chair.
-"I have a question...?" Liam asks. Niall was sound asleep on the couch and Zayn was half awake in his makeup chair.
-"Ask away!"
-"How do you and Harry know each other?''
-"It's kind of complicated... but we met on the rooftop of your hotel, that my dad owns."
-"Oh..." He says still confused. I could see he wanted to ask a question but kept it to himself. An awkward silent runs the room but luckily Harry runs in the room with Louis not far behind him.
-"Erica! Take the phone!" He says giving it to me. I catch the phone and look at it. There was the picture of Harry and I kissing. We actually looked cute and I could not help myself to smile. I sent the picture to myself and then deleted it from Louis' phone.
-"Here you go. The picture is deleted." I say giving the phone to Harry.
-"Thank you!" He says then gives the phone  back to Louis. He walks over to me and sits down on my lap.
-"You're heavy you know?" I tell him.
-"I do. But I'm doing this on purpose you know." He winks.
-"Guys time to head into the bus and leave!" Paul says walking into the room. All the boys groan and get up except for Harry. They grab their things and walk out of the lodge.
-"It's my cue to leave..." He says sadly.
-"I guess it is." I answer as he gets up. We look around the room awkwardly before he puts his hands on the arms rest of the chair and goes down to kiss me. He pulls back biting his lip and helping me to my feet. We walk out of the room and head toward the exit. Once outside he tells me a car is waiting to bring me home and hugs me tightly. I could feel he wanted to kiss me one last time and I felt the same but by fear of paparazzi we don't. He pulls back from the hug and squeezes my hand once more before hopping into the bus. 

*Harry's POV*
I squeeze her hand once more before stepping into the bus. All the boys had already gone of to bed except for Louis who was sitting all sassy on the couch waiting for me.
-"So mister not-so-single-anymore tell me more about her." He asks.
-"We are not dating. It was just a kiss! Now don't tell anyone!"
-"So you plan on kissing and running?"
-"No absolutely not! I just want to get to know her better before making it official and I want to make sure she wants the same thing."
-"If you say so. Just don't be a jerk Hazza." 
-"I wont. Now good night." I say walking to my bed. As I lay down I check my phone. One message from Louis Tomlinson.
-She looks like a real keeper! Don't mess it up Hazza!-
With the picture of Erica and I kissing under it.
I smiled at the picture as I dozed off into a deep sleep. I wouldn't mess it up, I tell myself as I fall asleep.

Harry Imagine (Deborah)

-"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Eleanor, happy birthday to youuuu!" Everyone sings at the same time. El was my best friend in the whole world. We met in university but we complete one another in some way. We are complete opposites but fit perfectly together. Today was her birthday and everyone was here. Louis, and the other boys, a few of her close friends from school, Perrie and Danielle. 
-"Oh thank you guys so much!" She says smiling at everyone. "Now can we eat the cake and then go play a few rounds of truth or dare." We all say yes and dig into the cake. A few minutes later there was nothing left, so we head to the living room and all get comfy.
-"I say El should go first since it's her birthday." I say.
-"Fine then." She says giving me a dirty look. 
-"Truth or dare?" Danielle asks. She thinks for a while before answering "Truth".
-"If you had not met Louis, would you have tried going out with Harry?" She asks.
-"I guess not. Harry was and still is like a brother to me." Harry kind of looked insulted but understood.
-"Now Deb, truth or dare?" She asks me.
-"I dare you to go sit and get close to the cutest guy in the room and stay there all night with him." She says and I bite my lip looking around. My eyes flicker around a bit on all the boys, until I finally get up and sit down next to Harry. The whole room goes 'ooooh' and I turn red. The game goes on for a while until we land on Harry.
-"Truth or dare mate?" Louis asks.
-"Hum, dare" Harry replies. Louis and El give each other a devious smile and look at Harry.
-"I dare you to sit next to the cutest girl in the room and stay there all night with her." Louis says and Harry turns red. Everyone looks at him waiting to move but he stays at the same place.
-"Well what are you waiting for mate?" Louis asks.
-"Umm." He says shyly. "I'm already sitting next to her." This time the whole room stayed silent and just stared at us with devious smiles and looks. The game goes on for a few more turns but it goes back to Harry and I.
-"Harry AND Deb. Truth or dare." Harry and I look at each other confused but say at the same time "Dare.".
-"We dare you two to go for a 7 minutes in heaven in a bedroom! But we need a picture of you two kissing with clear tongue action" Almost everyone says at the same time. Harry gets up and helps me up. He takes my hand and brings me toward a bedroom. He closes the door and we sit on the bed.
-"We don't have to do this..." He says.
-"But it's a dare." I say.
-''I know but if you don't want to we wont."
-"It's not that I don't want to it's just." I start.
-" I would of wished to have done this another way." Harry says.
-"What do you mean?" 
-"I'd rather take you out on a real date then kiss you rather then it happen this way." He says and I blush looking at the ground. I hear him sigh.
-"But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell. You don't know you're beautiful." I whisper/sings. I laugh and look into his eyes.
-"My love my heart is breathing for this, moment in time I'll find the words to say, before you leave me today." I reply as his forehead is against mine. We both smile as we bend forward and kiss.
-"I'm sad I could not of taken you out on a real date then kiss you but in some way every time I'm close to you I have to hid the urge I get of wanting to kiss you."
-"I'm happy this happened because I don't think I could of waited any longer."
-"We forgot to take the picture." He states.

-"Oh... well I guess we just have to kiss again." I say winking and laughing.
-"I guess we do."

~Hope you like Deb! Give me feedback! And if you want an imagine just leave your full name and with who you want it in the comment section below! Love you all so much! Write soon!-xxx-~ 

Zayn Imagine (Nouran)

-"Wow guys! I can't believe it! You have been together for 7 years already!" Josh says.
-"Well man I have to say it's all thanks to you!" Zayn replies pulling me closer.
-"I still remember the first day I presented you to her." Josh says fake sniffling which makes us all laugh. Him, I, Zayn and the rest of the boys were out for diner to celebrate Zayn and I's 7 year anniversary.
-"Are you really going to tell the story again?" I ask trying not to be to serious.
-"I have to!" He says almost insulted so I sigh and nod. " Nine years ago I brought my bestest friend in the whole world to one of our concert, one of our very first concerts to be exact. When they met I know that they had an instant connection. I could see it in there eyes but of course Miss extremely stuck up, hard headed Nouran had to act as if she hated him and shut him off." He shoots me a look then turns to Zayn. "And of course Zayn had to act the same way!" He rolls his eyes and we all laugh. " Anyways it took them two year and one game of truth or dare for them to kiss and finally realize they loved each other. After that everything went up hill, and now have been dating for seven years." He finally finishes and, like always, everyone awes. 

*After the diner was over*
Zayn and I say goodbye to the boys and head off to his car. He drives away but not in the direction of our flat. I wanted to ask where we were headed but I stayed silent. We finally arrived at a little park we loved to go to.
-"I was thinking maybe we could go for a stroll to digest." He says taking the keys out. I nod and we get out of the car. We start walking hand in hand down the half light up path. We talked about everything and nothing until we could not talk anymore. As we walked in silence he stopped me and looked me in the eyes.
-''Nouran since the day we met 9 years ago, I knew that I would make you mine. Even when we 'hated' each other I could look into your eyes and know everything was fine. Then we kissed over a dare, and after that nothing was going to stop me from making you my girlfriend. After our first date I looked at you and knew one day I would make you my wife, and I was thinking that maybe that day could be today." He says and I just stood there silently, trying to stay standing.
-"So I was wondering..." He starts while making his was down on one knee." ...would you like to marry me?" My hands go over my mouth as a few tears go down my cheek. 
-"Yes! Yes Zayn I will marry you!" I say putting my left hand out so he could put the ring on it. Tears of joys flow down as I jump into his arms and kiss him.

~Here you go Nouran! Hope you like! And if anyone else wants an imagine just leave a comment down below with you full name and who with! Love you guys! Write soon-xxx-~

Alone (part 3)

-"Charles." I say pulling just a bit back from the kiss but his forehead was still against mine.  -"Please." He says. "Make this last please." 
-"Charles. I-I" I stutter but he presses his lips against mine. It was tender, soft. It felt right but at the same time out of place.
-"Charles. I can't. Not now. Maybe we can start out as friends only. Please." I say and then hear a sigh come out of him. He keeps his hand on my cheek and the other around my waist.

~Lately I've been loosing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be. Lately I've been praying hard. No more counting dollars, will be will be counting stars.~

I pull back from our positing to grab my ringing phone out of my pocket. *Thank you* I sing in my head. Saved by the bell...we can say.
-"I-I have to take this..." I say walking away.

-"Hi?" I ask answering my phone.
-"Hey it's Harry."
-"Oh hey! What's up?"
-"Oh nothing. I was just wondering if you were ok? If that stupid boy is leaving you alone."
-"Oh hummm. Yeah yeah he is. I'm just eating lunch alone like always."
-"Oh... ok then." He starts. I then hear a lot of screaming in the back ground and him struggling. "I have to go now...Goodbye." I try to say something but he had already hung up. I start walking toward the hallway to go outside and eat when someone shouts my name.
-"Erica!" I turn around and not surprisingly Charles was running towards me.
-"You said you would rather start out as friends, so... want to go have lunch together?"
-"What part f-"
-"As friends only of course." I stop for a second and smile. A friend. Him my friend. I smile spreads across my face as I nod. He smiles and we walk outside. After lunch we went our separate ways and did not speak for the rest of the day. I got back home and a wave of excitement rushed over me. I was going to the One Direction concert tonight! And then it hit me. I was going to see Harry. How would he react. I brush the feeling away and grab the outfit that was set out for me on my bed.( .
*At the concert*
I pass by the entrance with my VIP tickets and get so many dirty stares from all the other girls outside. A security guard shows me the way to the meet and greet. The guard opens the door to their dressing room and a rush of nervousness comes over me. 
-"Erica?" Was the first thing I heard as I walked in. My cheeks turned red and I keep my eyes on the ground. "Erica?" He asks again. I lift my head up a bit and nod. I finally look into his eyes and he looked confused more then anything.
-"I-I hum." I try to say but I don't know what to say. The room was quiet and all very awkward. The rest of the boys get up and introduce themselves like a normal meet and greet while Harry sits there trying to digest everything. Harry waves to a guard to come over and he whispers something in his ear. The guard nods and walks away. Someones comes in and signals them that its time for the sound check. I move over and let them go out. The rest of the night goes by fast. The concert was amazing but Harry seemed a bit off. As they sing their last song a guard tells me to follow him. He brings me to an empty room where I take a seat as he leaves me there alone. A few minutes later Harry comes in the room.
-"Harry can I explain?" I say before he can talk.
-"You don't have to explain."
-"I am a big fan of you guys but last night I poured my heart out to you and I felt like I was around someone normal and not a big superstar."
-"It felt goo to be around someone who treated me like a normal person last night."
-"I'm sure it did." 
-"I just don't want to be treated like a superstar, you know?"
-"Fine then." I smile and get up. "But give me a small second to fan girl about your concert." 
-"Fine only this once."
-"IT WAS EPIC! I swear you guys are so amazing! It was as perfect as I imagined." I start rambling for a minute of two and finally jump into his arms. He holds me tight and we stay like that for a few minutes until he pulls a tad back from the hug. We looked at each other  as if we had known each other for ages. He starts coming in closer and closer to my face but someone knocks on the door. Harry acts as if he heard nothing and keeps getting closer until his lips settle onto mine. At the same time the door opens and a flash appears.

~I'm deeply sorry guys for not posting! Really am! School started again, and I've got training 6 days on 7 and other things! I've also had a lack of inspiration but hopefully it's back! If you could share my blog and give me feedback it would be epic! Love you guys so much! Write soon -xx-~