Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Zayn Malik Imagine 5 Part 3

Imagine Part 3- 
-"Wait...Slow down... you said what now?!?"
-"Yeah well at least thats what Liam told me..."
-"Ok so he might not like me...oh ok then."
-"Hey! Liam is not the type who lies! I think he is telling the truth! and anyways you guys are cute together..."
-"Watever...but there is one problem...Hes like 19 and I'm only 16..."
-"And...Thats only like a 4 year difference or so..."
-"No you don't get it I just turned 16 like a few days before I audditioned..."
-"Ohh common now! Love has no limits!"
-"Fine watever you say but anyways how would I talk to him..."
-"Oh I've got just the plan..." Danielle looks at you with a develish smile.
You guys walk up to the house and you go in your room to relax and stretch. You open your laptop and a skype chat pops up.
-"Hey beauty!" It's Zayn. THis would be the perfect time to ask him.
-"Wanna skype?"
-"Yeah sure :) " You send back a few seconds later you were talking and laughing.
-"So humm Zayn...Danielle told me you needed a bit of help with your dancing..."
-"Yeah why?..." He looks confused
-"Well she told me that I have ben working hard lately and decided to give me every night of the week of..So I was woundering if you'd like to meet me up at the studio one night so I can give you dance lessons?"
-"Yeah! I'd love to! I actually really need it...haha" Zayn says and a smiles pops up on your face.
-"So when do you want to meet up?" you ask him after a wierd silence.
-"Tomorow good?"
-"Yes it's prefect!" You tell him "Well I'm really sorry Danielle is calling me I have to go text you later!" You say bye and hang up. You run downstairs and Danielle was in the kitchen with Liam making some food.
-"Hey whats up?" You ask them as you enter the room.
-"Oh nothing much you know...Danielle was just telling me about your talk that you had a little while before..."
-"What! Danielle!" You exclaim.
-"Oh comon I had to tell him" Danielle says and Liam laughs "Anyways you talk to him?"
-"You did what I told you to do?"
-"Of course I did! We are meeting up tomorow night at the studio. I'm giving him a dance lesson." You tell her proudly.
-"You see I told you that your age did not matter"

The next day after your practice, you went back home took a shower and put on some sweats and a loose tank top to dance. You eat something quicly and leave. You walk into the studio and Zayn was already there. You looked at him dancing alone and started to laugh.
-"Oh Zayn we have some work to do!"
-"Hush up I know I'm a horrible dancer!"
-"So I was thinking of starting with the bassics...some ballet!"
-"Wait what!?" Zayn turns towards you
-"I'm kidding! Some hip hop should do the trick for you."
-"Yes that way more my stile!" You put in the music and start to show him some dance mooves. Almost every seconds you would have to stop him and place him proprely.
-"Ok I officaly can not dance." Zayn says discouraged.
-"Oh common! we just did not find your thing thats all!"
-"Well I think I have something in mind..."
-"Oh and what shall that be mister I can't dance?"
-"How bout some partner salsa, ballroom, sumba...."
-"As you wish...salsa it is." You look thru your ipod and find the right song. You walk back towards Zayn.
-"Ok so you put your hands here and mine here. The first few steps are simple." You show him the mooves and count to the rithym. After a while he stops again.
-"Oh common big guy you can do it."
-"No I can't!" He sits down.
-"I think I know what will do!" You run towards your ipod and put on a slow song.
-"Comon you wont let me dance alone will you?" Zayn gets up and joins you.
-"Well I think I can do this" He puts his arms around you and you both dance to the song.
You guys don't you just dance you look up into his eyes and you both stare at each other for a while. All of a sudden you feel Zayn's gentille lips against your.

Next part will be up soon :D*

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