Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 6

Imagine Part 6- After spending the afternoon at the park with Louis, he brings you back to the hotel room.
-''Humm so I'll se you at the finaly then!" Louis says awkwardly.
-''Yeah! I'm sure you guys will rock it!" You say.
-"Well sleep tight (Y/N)!" He smiles
-"You to bobear!" You say and hug him tightly. He smiles and hugs you back even tighter. You wave him goodbye as you open your door. He smile cheecky at you and walks away.

*The Next Day*
You hear a nock on your door and wake up up groaning. You walk to the door and opend the door.
-"Hey sleepy head!" Liam says chearfully as always.
-"Mmmmmmmmmm" You groan.
-"Comon I'll order some room service."
-"Fine..." You say and crawl back to bed. You shut your eyes and hear Liam calling room service. He puts down the phone and crawls in the bed next to you. You would both always do this. So you put your head on his cheast as he rubbed your arm.
-"So how have the past few weeks ben?"
-"Fine fine. Same old same old."
-"But I have met someone..." Liam says and you lift your head up.
-"DETAILS!" You exclaim.
-''Well she is a dancer. Her name is Danielle Peazer. She is beautiful, nice, perfect. Did I meantion beautiful?"
-"Well she seems like the perfect girl for you! You should totaly ask her out! I mean who would say no to YOU!" You laugh
-"I think I will!" He winks. "So anybody special in your life?"
-"Naa not really..."
-"Oh comon! You and Lou have ben getting preatty close!"
-"Yeah but he is only a really good friend." You explain.
-"(Y/N) I can tell your lying! Tell me the thurt!"
-"Fine...I might have a small tiny crush on him..."
-"I knew it! Mouahahahh!" He says with and evil laugh.
-"Hum ok...your acting wierd..." He laugh confused. There was this awkward silence and the door bell rang. Liam got out of bed and got the food from the room service.
-"Finaly I'm starving!" You say as Liam puts the tray in front of you.
-"Did in beauty! Because after we are going to get Kristen!" He says and you both eat the food.
An hour later you are garbbing you clothes and went to change. You put on a nice pair of skinny jeans with a red top. You put your hair in a messy bun and got your hugs. 

A few hours later, you and Kristen where back at the hotel and dropped of her things. Liam said his goodbyes and left us. You and Kristen spent the rest of the day catching up and gossiping.

-OH! She admited she had a little thing for cute boy Louis! But will Louis will be brave enough to tell her his feelings?-

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