Imagine Part 5-
*Your POV*
*Beep Beep Beep!*
You wake up to your alarm going off. You grab your phone and turn it off checking the time. It was about 10:30 am. You see that you have a new text message. You open it.
-"Hey (y/n)! SInce Kristen only flies in tomorrow morning the day of the finaly. We will go and get her together but for today I have can't pick you up I have something with Simon. So Louis will be at the airport to pick you up when you land! I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you promise!
xoxo Liam" You read it saddly but at the same time happy. You wanted to see Liam because you needed to tell him something important.
You reply to Liam's text and drag yourself out of bed. You walk downstairs and you see your little sister Emma eating breakfast. You make yourself a peanut butter sandwich and sit in front of the TV. You watch TV for about an hour then go take a shower and get dressed. After that you put your earphones in and continue doing your logadge.
About an hour later you were closing your suit case. It was now about lunch time and you had to leave in about a half hour. You feel someone touching your sholder and it scares you. You see it's your older brother James.
-"Hey James!"
-"Hey! So you leaving?"
-"Yeah Liam booked me plane ticket to go see the finaly of the XFactor."
-"Oh that means your going to see Looouuiiiis!" He teases.
-"Oh shut up James"
-"Fine then!''
-"What do you want anyways?"
-"Mom's waiting for you downstairs."
-"Tell her I'm comming down!" You say and he leaves.
A hald hour later your at the airport having lunch with your mom. She keeps on telling you to be carefull and not go out in town alone and all that stuff.
It was now 1pm and you had to go thru the gates.
-"Bye Mom! I love you. I'll call you when I land."
-"You better call me honey! Have fun and remember what I told you!"
-"Yes mom I know I know!"
-''Fine then. Have fun sweety. I love you!"
-"Bye Mom!" You say and walk away.
*A few hours later.*
-"We will be landing in 5 minutes. Please fassen your seat belts" The women say on the intercom.
Five minutes or so later you landed in London. You walk of the plane and go to get your suit case and then walk past the gates. You see Louis standing in the crowd of people with a little drivers hat and a sign riten Boo. You laugh and walk towards him.
-"Hey Bobear!" You smile and hug him.
-"Hey Boo! I missed you!" He says huging you back tighter. "You hungry?"
-"A bit."
-"Ok then we will go to your hotel room and then I'll take you out for diner!"
-"Sounds good!" You say and walk out with Louis. The was a car waiting for you two and a man next to the drivers seat. He grabs your bag and puts it in the trunck while Louis opens the door for you.
*Fifteen minutes later*
You check in your hotel room and drop of you bag. You grab you purse and leave the hotel with Louis. You eat at a small cafe and then go to the park. While you are walking your both don't realize you are holding hands.
-Oh boy! Does she love Louis!? What does she have to tell Liam?-
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