Friday, June 29, 2012

Heartache Part 4

-"No Niall! We have nothing to talk about!"
-''We actually have lots to talk about Kristen! We can't hide this anymore! We can't hide that summer anymore."
-"Well guess what! I've ben hiding everything for the past year and a half! I think you can keep it to your self can you?!"
-"Not anymore! I'm tired of hiding what really happened that summer!"
-"Niall! Do this for me please! Just keep this our secret it way better this way."
-"I'm sorry if I can't hide this anymore but I'm telling them at the cottage!"
-"You know what do whatever the hell you want Niall! Good night!" I say and slam the door shut in his face.

A few day later
-"Hey! Ready to go?" Liam asks as I close my bag.
-"Yeah! I'm coming down right now!" I say and walk out the door and go downstairs meeting the rest of the boys. Niall and I had agreed to just play along with the whole thing and act like friends. But seeing Zayn all the time would make you wounder what do I want...
A few hours later we where at the cottage and droped all our things in our rooms and went outside to play. 
After a while Liam and Danielle had went inside and Niall, Zayn, Harry and I had follwed shortly after. I had went to my room and changed into my PJ's. I was in front of my mirror brushing my hair when Niall walked in slaming the door shut behind him.
-"Is it true!?" He asks you madly.
-"What?!" I ask confused
-"You and Zayn hocked up!?"
-"What! He told you!"
-"So you guys did hock up!"
-"Niall I was drunk! I was having a really bad night and I was not aware of what I was doing and so was he!"
-"But you still hocked up with him!"
-"Why are you so mad about this!?"
-"What...What..." At that moment I knew I was in love with Niall not Zayn.
-"I'm all out of faith! This is how I feel! I'm cold and I am shamed liying naked on the floor! Illusions never change into something real! I'm WIDE awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn!" He sings crying.
-"I'm sorry I hocked up with Niall I was really mad that night because I wanted to be yourgirlfriend again but tought I could not so he brought me out to a bar and we both got drunk and made out in the bathroom, but after a while I stoped and so did he and we were like 'what the hell are we doing!?" I explain " He told me he loved Perrie and I shouted 'I LOVE NIALL!' he was kind of confused so I explained everything, but to make my point...I have always loved you."
-" do!"
-"Of course Niall! I never stoped loving you! I never wanted to break up with you but we did! And when I saw the you and Liam where in a band together I tought 'Wow god really wants us to be together' but I tought you moved on...''
-"I never moved on from you Kristen! When I told you, you were my princess, I meant it!"
-''I need a Horan hug, Horan..."
-"Well I need a Kristen kiss, but I'll only give you your Horan hug for a Kristen kiss."
-"Deal!" I say as he kisses me then hugs me.
-"Can I please call you my girlfriend again?"
-''Yes! Niall I wish we never even broke up."
-"But you know we will have to tell the boys about that summer right...."
-"I know!''
-''So tomorow..."
-"Of course.''
-"Can I sleep here tonight? I missed being next to you..."
-"I miss being with you too Niall." I say andhe crawls in to bed with me.