-"No Niall! We have nothing to talk about!"
-''We actually have lots to talk about Kristen! We can't hide this anymore! We can't hide that summer anymore."
-"Well guess what! I've ben hiding everything for the past year and a half! I think you can keep it to your self can you?!"
-"Not anymore! I'm tired of hiding what really happened that summer!"
-"Niall! Do this for me please! Just keep this our secret it way better this way."
-"I'm sorry if I can't hide this anymore but I'm telling them at the cottage!"
-"You know what do whatever the hell you want Niall! Good night!" I say and slam the door shut in his face.
A few day later
-"Hey! Ready to go?" Liam asks as I close my bag.
-"Yeah! I'm coming down right now!" I say and walk out the door and go downstairs meeting the rest of the boys. Niall and I had agreed to just play along with the whole thing and act like friends. But seeing Zayn all the time would make you wounder what do I want...
A few hours later we where at the cottage and droped all our things in our rooms and went outside to play.
After a while Liam and Danielle had went inside and Niall, Zayn, Harry and I had follwed shortly after. I had went to my room and changed into my PJ's. I was in front of my mirror brushing my hair when Niall walked in slaming the door shut behind him.
-"Is it true!?" He asks you madly.
-"What?!" I ask confused
-"You and Zayn hocked up!?"
-"What! He told you!"
-"So you guys did hock up!"
-"Niall I was drunk! I was having a really bad night and I was not aware of what I was doing and so was he!"
-"But you still hocked up with him!"
-"Why are you so mad about this!?"
-"What...What..." At that moment I knew I was in love with Niall not Zayn.
-"I'm all out of faith! This is how I feel! I'm cold and I am shamed liying naked on the floor! Illusions never change into something real! I'm WIDE awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn!" He sings crying.
-"I'm sorry I hocked up with Niall I was really mad that night because I wanted to be yourgirlfriend again but tought I could not so he brought me out to a bar and we both got drunk and made out in the bathroom, but after a while I stoped and so did he and we were like 'what the hell are we doing!?" I explain " He told me he loved Perrie and I shouted 'I LOVE NIALL!' he was kind of confused so I explained everything, but to make my point...I have always loved you."
-" do!"
-"Of course Niall! I never stoped loving you! I never wanted to break up with you but we did! And when I saw the you and Liam where in a band together I tought 'Wow god really wants us to be together' but I tought you moved on...''
-"I never moved on from you Kristen! When I told you, you were my princess, I meant it!"
-''I need a Horan hug, Horan..."
-"Well I need a Kristen kiss, but I'll only give you your Horan hug for a Kristen kiss."
-"Deal!" I say as he kisses me then hugs me.
-"Can I please call you my girlfriend again?"
-''Yes! Niall I wish we never even broke up."
-"But you know we will have to tell the boys about that summer right...."
-"I know!''
-''So tomorow..."
-"Of course.''
-"Can I sleep here tonight? I missed being next to you..."
-"I miss being with you too Niall." I say andhe crawls in to bed with me.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Heartache Part 3
-"Zayn and Kristen sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Harry sings as he walks in to me and Zayn laughing and playing with each others hands.
-"Oh dear god do I love Zayn? Or does my heart still belong to Niall?" I say to myself as I look at Zayn and I hands. I quickly let go of his hands and walk away. I go up to Liam's room and sit down on the bed crying. I hear someone walking in and I see those curls and smile.
-"Are you o.k?' He asks me
-"Really Harry! Do I look O.K!?!'' I shout at him.
-"Sorry I asked! Whats rong?"
-"Harry can you please sto teasing Zayn and I! Really you don't understand what it does to me!"
-"I'm gessing there is a back story to this..."
-"Yes there is Hazz but I dont want to talk about it."
-"Fine then!"
-"Look me and Zayn are good friends nothing more! He is like Liam to me. Like a brother.''
-"ok I'll stop I promise." He tells me and comes to rub my back and make me laugh.
For the next few weeks while the boys where back on the show.Zayn kept texting you to try to make you tell Niall how you feel. Liam kept talking/texting you asking what happened betwen you and Niall. Harry kept texting you asking what the back story was even tough you told him you where not telling him.
One day you got a text from Liam and thinking why wont he stop, but to your suprise is was the invite to the finaly and the whole cottage thing.
So a few days later you flew in to London and there was a Liam and (y/n) waiting for me.
After Liam had brought (y/n) back to her room he brought me to my room that was right next to my best friend. He gave me a good night kiss on the cheeck and left. As I was getting ready for bed I heard a nock on the door. I walk up to the door and open it.
-"What are you doing here?"
-"We need to talk..."
-Oh dear god! But does she have feeling for Zayn!? You will know in the next chapter! Night Night reader! Love you ;)-
-"Zayn and Kristen sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Harry sings as he walks in to me and Zayn laughing and playing with each others hands.
-"Oh dear god do I love Zayn? Or does my heart still belong to Niall?" I say to myself as I look at Zayn and I hands. I quickly let go of his hands and walk away. I go up to Liam's room and sit down on the bed crying. I hear someone walking in and I see those curls and smile.
-"Are you o.k?' He asks me
-"Really Harry! Do I look O.K!?!'' I shout at him.
-"Sorry I asked! Whats rong?"
-"Harry can you please sto teasing Zayn and I! Really you don't understand what it does to me!"
-"I'm gessing there is a back story to this..."
-"Yes there is Hazz but I dont want to talk about it."
-"Fine then!"
-"Look me and Zayn are good friends nothing more! He is like Liam to me. Like a brother.''
-"ok I'll stop I promise." He tells me and comes to rub my back and make me laugh.
For the next few weeks while the boys where back on the show.Zayn kept texting you to try to make you tell Niall how you feel. Liam kept talking/texting you asking what happened betwen you and Niall. Harry kept texting you asking what the back story was even tough you told him you where not telling him.
One day you got a text from Liam and thinking why wont he stop, but to your suprise is was the invite to the finaly and the whole cottage thing.
So a few days later you flew in to London and there was a Liam and (y/n) waiting for me.
After Liam had brought (y/n) back to her room he brought me to my room that was right next to my best friend. He gave me a good night kiss on the cheeck and left. As I was getting ready for bed I heard a nock on the door. I walk up to the door and open it.
-"What are you doing here?"
-"We need to talk..."
-Oh dear god! But does she have feeling for Zayn!? You will know in the next chapter! Night Night reader! Love you ;)-
Zayn Malik Imagine (Maria)
-"Hello. My name is Maria and I would like to apply for the job in the One Direction music video 'Gotta be you'."
-"Great! Can we have you resume?"
-"Yes. I've donne many modeling jobs around the world. I model for 'Garage' and have played in many music video's."
-''You have a solid resume Miss Maria. We will call you up in about a week. Thank you for comming." The man says looking at my resume.
-"Thank you sir!" I say and walk away.
A week later I get a phone call at my flat.
-"Hello?" I ask
-"Miss Maria! We would like to inform you that you got the job in the video clip!"
-"Really! Thank you!"
-"We will start the filming of the video clip this week end..." The man goes on telling me to meet then at this place at this time etc.
It was now the week end and I had meet the boys and we had talked and they told me that I would be the girl that Zayn would sing for. The day went by and everything was going smoothly. Zayn and I talked most of the day. It was now time for mine and Zayn's scene. Everyone was watching us and all I could do was smile. Zayn had always ben my favorite from the band and I tought I was the luckiest girl in the world to have this job. At the end of the day we where all in front of the camp fire just having a laugh. Zayn and I where siting next to each other his arm around me. Niall was playing his guitar, and the rest of the boys where with the other girls. At the end of the day Zayn gave me his number and skype. In return I gave him my skype, number and twitter. The weeks went by and Zayn and I talked all the time.
It had now ben about a year since you and Zayn had seen each other. It was a friday night and you just got back home from a photo shoot. You droped your bags on the ground and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water but once you got to the kitchen you saw a path of candles leading to your terrasse. You followed the path and found Zayn all dressed up holding a rose and had a table placed for two.
-"Zayn!" I scream and run to hug him
-"Hey Maria!"
-"What is all this?" I ask
-''Maria I need to tell you something..."
-"Yeah go tell me!" I saw anxiously
-"I...I love you..."
-"I love you to babe!' I say and kiss him.
*Wait Wait Wait! I think I forgot to mention that Zayn and I have ben dating for about 3 weeks.* So to get back to my story.
-"I mean I want to go public with you..."
-"Really! Zayn are you sure?"
-"Babe I know you might get hate and stuff but I love you and I will protect you. Please!"
-"Well I guess I dont mind telling the world that you are mine..."
-"Seriously! It's settled then! Tomorow I'm taking you out on a date to show the hole world my beautiful girlfriend." He tells me and I give him a quick kiss. "Comon let's eat babe... It's going to get cold."
-"Sure I'm starving."
-"I love you Maria."
-"I love you to honey."
-"Hello. My name is Maria and I would like to apply for the job in the One Direction music video 'Gotta be you'."
-"Great! Can we have you resume?"
-"Yes. I've donne many modeling jobs around the world. I model for 'Garage' and have played in many music video's."
-''You have a solid resume Miss Maria. We will call you up in about a week. Thank you for comming." The man says looking at my resume.
-"Thank you sir!" I say and walk away.
A week later I get a phone call at my flat.
-"Hello?" I ask
-"Miss Maria! We would like to inform you that you got the job in the video clip!"
-"Really! Thank you!"
-"We will start the filming of the video clip this week end..." The man goes on telling me to meet then at this place at this time etc.
It was now the week end and I had meet the boys and we had talked and they told me that I would be the girl that Zayn would sing for. The day went by and everything was going smoothly. Zayn and I talked most of the day. It was now time for mine and Zayn's scene. Everyone was watching us and all I could do was smile. Zayn had always ben my favorite from the band and I tought I was the luckiest girl in the world to have this job. At the end of the day we where all in front of the camp fire just having a laugh. Zayn and I where siting next to each other his arm around me. Niall was playing his guitar, and the rest of the boys where with the other girls. At the end of the day Zayn gave me his number and skype. In return I gave him my skype, number and twitter. The weeks went by and Zayn and I talked all the time.
It had now ben about a year since you and Zayn had seen each other. It was a friday night and you just got back home from a photo shoot. You droped your bags on the ground and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water but once you got to the kitchen you saw a path of candles leading to your terrasse. You followed the path and found Zayn all dressed up holding a rose and had a table placed for two.
-"Zayn!" I scream and run to hug him
-"Hey Maria!"
-"What is all this?" I ask
-''Maria I need to tell you something..."
-"Yeah go tell me!" I saw anxiously
-"I...I love you..."
-"I love you to babe!' I say and kiss him.
*Wait Wait Wait! I think I forgot to mention that Zayn and I have ben dating for about 3 weeks.* So to get back to my story.
-"I mean I want to go public with you..."
-"Really! Zayn are you sure?"
-"Babe I know you might get hate and stuff but I love you and I will protect you. Please!"
-"Well I guess I dont mind telling the world that you are mine..."
-"Seriously! It's settled then! Tomorow I'm taking you out on a date to show the hole world my beautiful girlfriend." He tells me and I give him a quick kiss. "Comon let's eat babe... It's going to get cold."
-"Sure I'm starving."
-"I love you Maria."
-"I love you to honey."
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Heartacke Part 2
After Niall walked out Liam walked in about 3 seconds after.
-"What do you mean "It's ben a year we have to forget it" what I'm lost? Did you guys already meet?" He asked full of questions.
-"Yes I mean no! I mean arggg" I tell him and walk out. I go out to the backyard with my covert. I hear someone walk up behind me.
-"Hey" I hear Zayn say.
-"Oh hey!" I say turing back to him. He comes next to me and sits down. "Having a rugh night?"
-"Yeah kind of.''
-"Want to grab a drink at the bar?"
-"Yeah sure!" I tell him and put on some clothes and we head out to the nearest bar. We both sat down at the bar and order a beer. Before you know it you had two, three, four, five, six beers and you where in the bathroom making out. You where both kissing and did not want to break it up. But you both pull back at the same time.
-"What are we doing?" Zayn asks.
-"I don't know. We are both drunk." I say laughing drunkly.
-"I mean I'm not in love with you! I'm in love with Perrie!"
-"I know what are we doing! I'm in love with Niall!" I say and Zayn backs away from me confused.
-"In the summer of 2009 I went and live in Ireland Mullingar, and I met Niall. We dated for the summer and broke up the day I left. The thing is that we told each other to forget one another and well I've tried to forget him but I'm to much in love with him..."
-"What! So why dont you start all over and becom a couple again?"
-"Because I never told anyone about us excpet you right now. But I swear you say this to someone I'll kill you! This is OUR little secret ok!"
-"Fine but you better tell him you feelings."
-"No we agreed to start all over and well Liam overheard us and is now confused and it's creating a whole bunch of BS."
-"Fine then only if you keep 'this' to ourselfs?"
-"Deal!" I say
-"Deal!" He says and we shake hands. We walk out of the bar and head back home. Since we where still drunk we both slept on the ground in the living room. My head on his chest and his arm around me. That morning we hear some gigles and me and Zayn wake up to se Harry taking pictures of us with his phone.
-"Harry! I swear! Delete those pictures!" I ask
-"Why should I do that?" He teases.
-"Dude really! Just delete them! You never saw any of this!" Zayn says getting up and away from me.
-"Only if you tell me what happened here?"
-"I was ahving a horrible night last night..." I start
-"So I decided to take her out to a bar for a couple of drink..."
-"And well..." I stutter
-"She drank a little to many drinks and so did I. One we got home, Kristen had drank a bit more then me and well fell on the floor. So I took her to the living room and put her down. Since I was drunk to. I fell to the ground to and we must of ended up this way while we where sleeping."
-"Fine then! I'll delete these picks." Harry says deleting the pictures.
From that moment Harry had started teasing Zayn and I everytime we where together.
After Niall walked out Liam walked in about 3 seconds after.
-"What do you mean "It's ben a year we have to forget it" what I'm lost? Did you guys already meet?" He asked full of questions.
-"Yes I mean no! I mean arggg" I tell him and walk out. I go out to the backyard with my covert. I hear someone walk up behind me.
-"Hey" I hear Zayn say.
-"Oh hey!" I say turing back to him. He comes next to me and sits down. "Having a rugh night?"
-"Yeah kind of.''
-"Want to grab a drink at the bar?"
-"Yeah sure!" I tell him and put on some clothes and we head out to the nearest bar. We both sat down at the bar and order a beer. Before you know it you had two, three, four, five, six beers and you where in the bathroom making out. You where both kissing and did not want to break it up. But you both pull back at the same time.
-"What are we doing?" Zayn asks.
-"I don't know. We are both drunk." I say laughing drunkly.
-"I mean I'm not in love with you! I'm in love with Perrie!"
-"I know what are we doing! I'm in love with Niall!" I say and Zayn backs away from me confused.
-"In the summer of 2009 I went and live in Ireland Mullingar, and I met Niall. We dated for the summer and broke up the day I left. The thing is that we told each other to forget one another and well I've tried to forget him but I'm to much in love with him..."
-"What! So why dont you start all over and becom a couple again?"
-"Because I never told anyone about us excpet you right now. But I swear you say this to someone I'll kill you! This is OUR little secret ok!"
-"Fine but you better tell him you feelings."
-"No we agreed to start all over and well Liam overheard us and is now confused and it's creating a whole bunch of BS."
-"Fine then only if you keep 'this' to ourselfs?"
-"Deal!" I say
-"Deal!" He says and we shake hands. We walk out of the bar and head back home. Since we where still drunk we both slept on the ground in the living room. My head on his chest and his arm around me. That morning we hear some gigles and me and Zayn wake up to se Harry taking pictures of us with his phone.
-"Harry! I swear! Delete those pictures!" I ask
-"Why should I do that?" He teases.
-"Dude really! Just delete them! You never saw any of this!" Zayn says getting up and away from me.
-"Only if you tell me what happened here?"
-"I was ahving a horrible night last night..." I start
-"So I decided to take her out to a bar for a couple of drink..."
-"And well..." I stutter
-"She drank a little to many drinks and so did I. One we got home, Kristen had drank a bit more then me and well fell on the floor. So I took her to the living room and put her down. Since I was drunk to. I fell to the ground to and we must of ended up this way while we where sleeping."
-"Fine then! I'll delete these picks." Harry says deleting the pictures.
From that moment Harry had started teasing Zayn and I everytime we where together.
Harry Styles Imagine (Vivianna)
Imagine- You and the boys where like best friends tight as hell. You were always together. Well you had to always be with them. You were maybe there age but you were their photographer. One day you where all out in the park and it was the middle of the day. You had your camera as alaways and where taking pictures. At one point Louis grabed the camrea and said it was out turn to take pictures since you and Harry where to occupied talking. So he took the camera and began taking pictures. At one point you were walking past a fountain and Zayn and Niall run towards you and Harry and pushed you guys in the fountain.
-"Guys what the hell!?" Harry screams.
-"Sorry I had to! It was a dare!" Niall and Zayn scream while Louis is taking pictures of you two.
-"Well I admit this is pretty funny but you will be cold if you don't change" Harry says grabing you hand and helping you up. You both walk back to the boys flat that you lived in with them and changed. By the time you had taken a shower and got dresses again you the boys where back at the flat in the living room. As you walk down the stairs you over hear a conversation betwen the boys.
-"Dude why did you not do your move one Vivianna when we pushed you two in the fountain?" Zayn asks
-"Because that not how you do a move idiots!" Harry says.
-''DUDE! Your going to have to start somehow! You like her right!? Well then start doing somwthing about it!" Louis says. At that moment the rest of the conversation went black. You could only think to yourself he likes me! All this time while I've ben trying to get over him because I tought he would never love me. He loved me back! Without thinking you walk down the stairs and go to the living room.
-"You like me!?" You ask
-"What what?" Harry asks caught of card/
-"Tell me the thrut! Do you like me?" You ask again.
-"Well yeah but you dont have to like me back and well I wanted to tell you but I did not want to ruin the friendship and-" You cut him of with a kiss.
-"Good thing I kept your camera! I can now take a picture of your first kiss!"Liam says and takes a picture of you two
-"So this means..." Harry asks pulling away from the kiss.
-"Yes it does..." You smile at the ground biting you lip.
-"So will you be my girlfriend?"
-"Of course Hazza!" You shout.
-"Good then! Lets go up to my room and watch a movie or something... Just to get away from these idiots that keep taking pictures of us."
-"Haha I think thats a good idea baby."
-"Baby oh I like the sound of that! Let's go Vivi." He says and you both walk up to his room and watch the hunger games again.
-"Guys what the hell!?" Harry screams.
-"Sorry I had to! It was a dare!" Niall and Zayn scream while Louis is taking pictures of you two.
-"Well I admit this is pretty funny but you will be cold if you don't change" Harry says grabing you hand and helping you up. You both walk back to the boys flat that you lived in with them and changed. By the time you had taken a shower and got dresses again you the boys where back at the flat in the living room. As you walk down the stairs you over hear a conversation betwen the boys.
-"Dude why did you not do your move one Vivianna when we pushed you two in the fountain?" Zayn asks
-"Because that not how you do a move idiots!" Harry says.
-''DUDE! Your going to have to start somehow! You like her right!? Well then start doing somwthing about it!" Louis says. At that moment the rest of the conversation went black. You could only think to yourself he likes me! All this time while I've ben trying to get over him because I tought he would never love me. He loved me back! Without thinking you walk down the stairs and go to the living room.
-"You like me!?" You ask
-"What what?" Harry asks caught of card/
-"Tell me the thrut! Do you like me?" You ask again.
-"Well yeah but you dont have to like me back and well I wanted to tell you but I did not want to ruin the friendship and-" You cut him of with a kiss.
-"Good thing I kept your camera! I can now take a picture of your first kiss!"Liam says and takes a picture of you two
-"So this means..." Harry asks pulling away from the kiss.
-"Yes it does..." You smile at the ground biting you lip.
-"So will you be my girlfriend?"
-"Of course Hazza!" You shout.
-"Good then! Lets go up to my room and watch a movie or something... Just to get away from these idiots that keep taking pictures of us."
-"Haha I think thats a good idea baby."
-"Baby oh I like the sound of that! Let's go Vivi." He says and you both walk up to his room and watch the hunger games again.
Heartacke Part 1 (Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 9)
Imagine Part 9-
So that's were my story really starts one summer in Ireland. A few weeks after I got back home my parents gave me the news that we were moving to Northampton. But before I get to that I have to go to the day after I got back. I still remember perfectly what happened. I wake up and eat breakfast and quickly go to see my best friend.
-"Hey!" I shouted as i walked in the house.
-"OMG your home!" She screams running down the stairs and jumping in my arms. "You have to tell me everything that you did in details!" She says jumping up and down walking up to her room with me. We both sat down on her bed and she grabed my hands waiting for me to talk.
-"Well I move there and got myself a job at a clinic as a secretary. Everything was perfectly fine I had an amazing time being a tourist, at the end it felt like i lived there for ages."
-"Oh god thats boring! Don't tell me there is no boys!"
-"Well...One day I went out to the park with some food and my guitar and started to sing. Just as I was about to start sing a song a ball rolls by my leg but I dont mind I continue the song and this boy walks up to me grabing the ball but stops and sings along to my song. After the song we talked for a little while and he ended up giving me his number. One night we went on a date and kissed. We dated for the summer but broke things of before I left. We both agreed it was just a summer love so we told each other not to talk about it. So I'm not following the law right now. Sorry can't say more." I said to her now looking disapointed face. School was starting in a few weeks and a few days before school started for senior year my mom and dad told me we are moving! What kind of parents do I have! So I packed up in only a few days all of my things and we moved out.
Now going back to me and Niall. The thing is that I actually loved him. The year went by and I was still in love with him. One night I sat in front of my TV to watch my favorite show. The XFactor. I watched as the auditions went by until this blond boy walked up on stage. His blue eyes cheecky smile. Oh dear god I knew him! It was Niall! I could not beleive my eyes. I finaly got over it and was glad that he made it thru. I continued watching the season. It was both camp on this episode. When I saw that Liam and Niall did not make it I was sad for them but then they were called back on stage. Liam, Niall and three other boys. Then I learned they where in a band together! I told myself wow the world is small! It was now almost christmas and my parents told me we where going to (Y/N) house for christmas. After I got to my BFF's house I learned Liam was comming to visit. So one day we drove to Liam's house to greet him. We where all standing waiting for him and then we hear the door open. Liam walks in and then I see the rest of the boys walk in to.
-"Oh by dear god" I whispered under my breath once me and Niall made eye contact. We both went along with it and acted happy. Since the boys where staying overnight, they were staying in the guest room downstairs. That night you slept on Liam's couch. Just as I was closing my eyes I hear someone walk by and I wake up.
-"Kristen?" He asks turning around to face you. "Sorry if I woke you up..."
-"Nah it's good." I say but he walks up to me and tucks me back in siting next to me.
-"I think there are things we need to talk about..." He tells me.
-"It's ben a year or even more Niall we have to forget about what hapened!" I try to tell him.
-"But Kristen..." He try's to say but I cut him off.
-"No Niall we will start all over again like nothing happened." I told him and he sadly walked away from me giving me a kiss on the forehead.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 8
Imagine Part 8-
*Kristen's POV*
I wake up that morning and find out that my best friend is dating Louis! I am really happy for her but I think it's about time I tell my story and what happened these past few months to me! But before I tell my story...I have to go back to a year ago.
It all started the summer of 2009. I had asked my parents if I could go and visit Ireland as my birthday present. Since I was a single child and I got straight A's all year round and worked for my own money they rented a little appartement in Mullingar for the whole summer. So the week after I packed most of my things and moved down to Ireland. A few weeks went by and you got a job at a clinic and I was having a blast. Since my parents where paying for half of the rent I had money to spend. One day I went out in a park with my guitar and big basket plenty of food. I found a nice spot on the grass and sat down. I opened the picnic basket and grabed a bit of my watermelon. I started to strum to my guitar huming the lyrics. While I was starting to strum on my guitar -No Ordinary Love from The Civil Wars- a soccer ball rolls by my leg. A young blond haired boy runs up to me to grad the soccer ball. I had started the song again and this time I was siging. He walks up to me as I was siging and wierdly he started to sing along with me. I needed a male back up and I think he new it because he knew the song and did the back up just like the real song.
-"I gave you all the love I got...Gave you more than I could give...Gave you love." You finish up siging. You smile at the beautiful blond boy and put your guitar down grabbing another peice of your watermelon.
-"You have a really beautiful voice..."
-"Thanks you to." You smile to the boy
-"Oh I'm so sorry! My name is Niall! Niall Horan!" He smiles and puts his hand out.
-"I'm Kristen...Kristen Fogle." You smile and put your hand out to shake his.
-"Humm soo you new in town? I have never seen you around before?" He asks
-"Well kind of. I moved here for the summer. It was my birthday present. I always wanted to visit Ireland." You explain.
-"Well then! I'll be your private tourist guide! I'll you every corner of this town before the end of the summer!" He says riting his number on a piece of paper. "Give me a call anytime! I'll take you out for a little tour!"
-"Sure! I would love to."
-"Fine then call me anytime!" He smiles
-"Sure thanks." You smile and wave goodbye as he walks away.
The next day you call him up and as he said he gives you a small tour of the town. After that you would both hang out almost everyday you could. One week he had asked you out for diner and you accepted. He took you to Nandos, and since it was your first time you wanted to take everything. After that he walked you back to your flat and you both kissed each other goodbye. For the rest of the summer you dated you were so happy and never wanted to leave, but then came that dreatful day.The night before you and Niall went out for the best date you had ever had in yoru life. You both decided to end it that night for the best of you both. The next day he drove you to the airport after the truck with all your belongings had ben sent of by plane left and you both kissed each other goodbye for the last time.
*Kristen's POV*
I wake up that morning and find out that my best friend is dating Louis! I am really happy for her but I think it's about time I tell my story and what happened these past few months to me! But before I tell my story...I have to go back to a year ago.
It all started the summer of 2009. I had asked my parents if I could go and visit Ireland as my birthday present. Since I was a single child and I got straight A's all year round and worked for my own money they rented a little appartement in Mullingar for the whole summer. So the week after I packed most of my things and moved down to Ireland. A few weeks went by and you got a job at a clinic and I was having a blast. Since my parents where paying for half of the rent I had money to spend. One day I went out in a park with my guitar and big basket plenty of food. I found a nice spot on the grass and sat down. I opened the picnic basket and grabed a bit of my watermelon. I started to strum to my guitar huming the lyrics. While I was starting to strum on my guitar -No Ordinary Love from The Civil Wars- a soccer ball rolls by my leg. A young blond haired boy runs up to me to grad the soccer ball. I had started the song again and this time I was siging. He walks up to me as I was siging and wierdly he started to sing along with me. I needed a male back up and I think he new it because he knew the song and did the back up just like the real song.
-"I gave you all the love I got...Gave you more than I could give...Gave you love." You finish up siging. You smile at the beautiful blond boy and put your guitar down grabbing another peice of your watermelon.
-"You have a really beautiful voice..."
-"Thanks you to." You smile to the boy
-"Oh I'm so sorry! My name is Niall! Niall Horan!" He smiles and puts his hand out.
-"I'm Kristen...Kristen Fogle." You smile and put your hand out to shake his.
-"Humm soo you new in town? I have never seen you around before?" He asks
-"Well kind of. I moved here for the summer. It was my birthday present. I always wanted to visit Ireland." You explain.
-"Well then! I'll be your private tourist guide! I'll you every corner of this town before the end of the summer!" He says riting his number on a piece of paper. "Give me a call anytime! I'll take you out for a little tour!"
-"Sure! I would love to."
-"Fine then call me anytime!" He smiles
-"Sure thanks." You smile and wave goodbye as he walks away.
The next day you call him up and as he said he gives you a small tour of the town. After that you would both hang out almost everyday you could. One week he had asked you out for diner and you accepted. He took you to Nandos, and since it was your first time you wanted to take everything. After that he walked you back to your flat and you both kissed each other goodbye. For the rest of the summer you dated you were so happy and never wanted to leave, but then came that dreatful day.The night before you and Niall went out for the best date you had ever had in yoru life. You both decided to end it that night for the best of you both. The next day he drove you to the airport after the truck with all your belongings had ben sent of by plane left and you both kissed each other goodbye for the last time.
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 7
Imagine Part 7-
It was two days after the finaly had passed by and you guys where all in the car on the way to the mountain cottage. Because of you Liam had the courage of asking Danielle to come with them, Kristen had gotten closer with Niall and you well you where still falling deeply in love with Louis. A few hours later the bus stoped in front of this big cottage, and you guys all got your bags and ran to it. There was only 4 rooms and they all had queen size beds excpet 1 room that Zayn and Niall had shotguned. You and Kristen where staying in the same room and Louis and Harry in another room togther and Liam and Danielle where left with the last room. After you all setled in you all got dressed and went and have a snow ball fight in the dark. After a while Danielle and Liam went in and sat in front of the fire. Niall and Kristen went in about an hour later and went in your's and Kristens room to watch a movie. There was only you, Louis, Zayn and Harry left outside. It was all quiet and you could not see the three boys anymore. All of a suden someone jumps on you and you scream out of fright. You turn around and see Louis.
-"Harry and Zayn went and join Liam and Danielle inside. So it's only me and you now."
-"Ha they are boring!"
-"I know I know...You want to go for a walk?"
-"Yeah sure!" You say and he helps you up. You guys walk for about a half hour until you turn around and go back to the cottage it was bout midnight when you got back inside. Everyone was in bed once you guys got inside. You went to your room but Niall had taken your spot in your bed so you grabed your PJ and changed. You headed to Louis room and opened the door.
-"Hey humm...Niall took my spot in my bed...Do you think I can sleep here?"
-"Yeah! Zayn and Harry played a game of poker in Zayn's room and Harry fell asleep there."
-"Thanks!" You exclaim as you crawl in his bed. "I'm actually not that tired..." You say as Louis goes in the bed with you.
-''Yeah me either..." He says and then there was a silence. You lay your head and close your eyes and you feel Louis moving around and then you feel a pillow slam on your face.
-"LOUIS!" You laugh.
-''What?" He says laying back down as if nothing happened.
-"Fine then you want to play that way!" You say and grab your pillow and hit him.
-"Fine then we will play hard!" He laughs grabbing your pillow and hits you. You guys fight like that for a little while until you hit him in the face and he drops his pillow.
-"Oh no you did not just do that!" He say and starts to chase you down in his room. You are laughing and screaming and so is he. He finaly grabs you and stops you from moving.
-"So what will be the price I have to pay fro what I did?" You ask teasingly.
-"A kiss in the cheeck!"
-"Fine!" You say and kiss him on the cheeck.
-"Hey I think the boys brought a game of twister! You want to play? I think they brought beer to!"
-"That sounds good! I'll get the beer and you the game!" You shout. You both run out of the room and meet in the living room. Louis places the game as you open two beer bottles. You start to playn and drink your beer. You guys still are playing after two or three drinks. It was both your forth drink and you where in the middle of a game. Louis spins the thing and you try to place your hand on the right spot but fall and make Louis fall over you. You both have a deep stare in the eyes and then slowly get closer and kiss. After a while the kiss gets more passionate. Louis pulls back and says ''I love you (Y/N). I really do...and this is not just a drunk Louis saying this but the normal sober Louis saying this." You look away from him and laugh to yourself.
-"Whats so funny?" He asks
-"It's because I love you too Louis."
-"Well thats a relief!" He says and you laugh. "So will you be my girlfriend?"
-"Of course I will bobear!" You say and kiss him passionatly.
-"I love you boo." He says betwen kisses.
-"I love you to bobear." You say betwen kisses. You both pull back at the same time and look into each others eyes.
-"You tired boo?"
-"Kind of.." You say. It was now 3am.
-"I say we sleep here in front of the fire. I'll get the coverts and pillows while you move the game.
-"Sounds like its a plan." You say and a few minutes later you are both cuddling under the coverts.
The next morning
*Liam's POV*
I wake up with Danielle and go downstairs with her to make some egs and bakon. She goes in the kitchen as I walk to the living room. I spot the two 6 packs of beer on the floor wich 8 of them were open and lying on the ground. I spot the game o twister in a corner and then I see Louis and (y/n) lying and cudling on the ground both sound asleep. At that moment I new that they had finaly told each other.
A few hours later everyone was awake and all found the same thing as I did in the living room. After a while we where all in the dining room attached to the living room having breakfast. I walk up to the living room and see Louis and (y/n) waking up. I hear them speeking
-"Just saying everything I said last nigth was true..." Louis says.
-"Well me too bobear..." She says back
-"So that means...we are dating?" He asks her.
-"Yes it does." SHe replys kissing him.
-"FINALY! I KNEW THIS HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!" I shout after I see what I just saw. They both get up out of bed and look at me.
-"Well go on tell them!" I exclaim.
-"Fine Liam..." She tells me
-"We are dating!" Louis shouts. Everyone cheer at them and clap at them including me. That was the higlight of my day. Finaly seing two of my best friends finaly telling each other their feelings.
-Thats the end of book 1! Book 2 wont be on Louis but On Kristen. You will get what I am saying once I start to rite it!-
It was two days after the finaly had passed by and you guys where all in the car on the way to the mountain cottage. Because of you Liam had the courage of asking Danielle to come with them, Kristen had gotten closer with Niall and you well you where still falling deeply in love with Louis. A few hours later the bus stoped in front of this big cottage, and you guys all got your bags and ran to it. There was only 4 rooms and they all had queen size beds excpet 1 room that Zayn and Niall had shotguned. You and Kristen where staying in the same room and Louis and Harry in another room togther and Liam and Danielle where left with the last room. After you all setled in you all got dressed and went and have a snow ball fight in the dark. After a while Danielle and Liam went in and sat in front of the fire. Niall and Kristen went in about an hour later and went in your's and Kristens room to watch a movie. There was only you, Louis, Zayn and Harry left outside. It was all quiet and you could not see the three boys anymore. All of a suden someone jumps on you and you scream out of fright. You turn around and see Louis.
-"Harry and Zayn went and join Liam and Danielle inside. So it's only me and you now."
-"Ha they are boring!"
-"I know I know...You want to go for a walk?"
-"Yeah sure!" You say and he helps you up. You guys walk for about a half hour until you turn around and go back to the cottage it was bout midnight when you got back inside. Everyone was in bed once you guys got inside. You went to your room but Niall had taken your spot in your bed so you grabed your PJ and changed. You headed to Louis room and opened the door.
-"Hey humm...Niall took my spot in my bed...Do you think I can sleep here?"
-"Yeah! Zayn and Harry played a game of poker in Zayn's room and Harry fell asleep there."
-"Thanks!" You exclaim as you crawl in his bed. "I'm actually not that tired..." You say as Louis goes in the bed with you.
-''Yeah me either..." He says and then there was a silence. You lay your head and close your eyes and you feel Louis moving around and then you feel a pillow slam on your face.
-"LOUIS!" You laugh.
-''What?" He says laying back down as if nothing happened.
-"Fine then you want to play that way!" You say and grab your pillow and hit him.
-"Fine then we will play hard!" He laughs grabbing your pillow and hits you. You guys fight like that for a little while until you hit him in the face and he drops his pillow.
-"Oh no you did not just do that!" He say and starts to chase you down in his room. You are laughing and screaming and so is he. He finaly grabs you and stops you from moving.
-"So what will be the price I have to pay fro what I did?" You ask teasingly.
-"A kiss in the cheeck!"
-"Fine!" You say and kiss him on the cheeck.
-"Hey I think the boys brought a game of twister! You want to play? I think they brought beer to!"
-"That sounds good! I'll get the beer and you the game!" You shout. You both run out of the room and meet in the living room. Louis places the game as you open two beer bottles. You start to playn and drink your beer. You guys still are playing after two or three drinks. It was both your forth drink and you where in the middle of a game. Louis spins the thing and you try to place your hand on the right spot but fall and make Louis fall over you. You both have a deep stare in the eyes and then slowly get closer and kiss. After a while the kiss gets more passionate. Louis pulls back and says ''I love you (Y/N). I really do...and this is not just a drunk Louis saying this but the normal sober Louis saying this." You look away from him and laugh to yourself.
-"Whats so funny?" He asks
-"It's because I love you too Louis."
-"Well thats a relief!" He says and you laugh. "So will you be my girlfriend?"
-"Of course I will bobear!" You say and kiss him passionatly.
-"I love you boo." He says betwen kisses.
-"I love you to bobear." You say betwen kisses. You both pull back at the same time and look into each others eyes.
-"You tired boo?"
-"Kind of.." You say. It was now 3am.
-"I say we sleep here in front of the fire. I'll get the coverts and pillows while you move the game.
-"Sounds like its a plan." You say and a few minutes later you are both cuddling under the coverts.
The next morning
*Liam's POV*
I wake up with Danielle and go downstairs with her to make some egs and bakon. She goes in the kitchen as I walk to the living room. I spot the two 6 packs of beer on the floor wich 8 of them were open and lying on the ground. I spot the game o twister in a corner and then I see Louis and (y/n) lying and cudling on the ground both sound asleep. At that moment I new that they had finaly told each other.
A few hours later everyone was awake and all found the same thing as I did in the living room. After a while we where all in the dining room attached to the living room having breakfast. I walk up to the living room and see Louis and (y/n) waking up. I hear them speeking
-"Just saying everything I said last nigth was true..." Louis says.
-"Well me too bobear..." She says back
-"So that means...we are dating?" He asks her.
-"Yes it does." SHe replys kissing him.
-"FINALY! I KNEW THIS HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!" I shout after I see what I just saw. They both get up out of bed and look at me.
-"Well go on tell them!" I exclaim.
-"Fine Liam..." She tells me
-"We are dating!" Louis shouts. Everyone cheer at them and clap at them including me. That was the higlight of my day. Finaly seing two of my best friends finaly telling each other their feelings.
-Thats the end of book 1! Book 2 wont be on Louis but On Kristen. You will get what I am saying once I start to rite it!-
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 6
Imagine Part 6- After spending the afternoon at the park with Louis, he brings you back to the hotel room.
-''Humm so I'll se you at the finaly then!" Louis says awkwardly.
-''Yeah! I'm sure you guys will rock it!" You say.
-"Well sleep tight (Y/N)!" He smiles
-"You to bobear!" You say and hug him tightly. He smiles and hugs you back even tighter. You wave him goodbye as you open your door. He smile cheecky at you and walks away.
*The Next Day*
You hear a nock on your door and wake up up groaning. You walk to the door and opend the door.
-"Hey sleepy head!" Liam says chearfully as always.
-"Mmmmmmmmmm" You groan.
-"Comon I'll order some room service."
-"Fine..." You say and crawl back to bed. You shut your eyes and hear Liam calling room service. He puts down the phone and crawls in the bed next to you. You would both always do this. So you put your head on his cheast as he rubbed your arm.
-"So how have the past few weeks ben?"
-"Fine fine. Same old same old."
-"But I have met someone..." Liam says and you lift your head up.
-"DETAILS!" You exclaim.
-''Well she is a dancer. Her name is Danielle Peazer. She is beautiful, nice, perfect. Did I meantion beautiful?"
-"Well she seems like the perfect girl for you! You should totaly ask her out! I mean who would say no to YOU!" You laugh
-"I think I will!" He winks. "So anybody special in your life?"
-"Naa not really..."
-"Oh comon! You and Lou have ben getting preatty close!"
-"Yeah but he is only a really good friend." You explain.
-"(Y/N) I can tell your lying! Tell me the thurt!"
-"Fine...I might have a small tiny crush on him..."
-"I knew it! Mouahahahh!" He says with and evil laugh.
-"Hum ok...your acting wierd..." He laugh confused. There was this awkward silence and the door bell rang. Liam got out of bed and got the food from the room service.
-"Finaly I'm starving!" You say as Liam puts the tray in front of you.
-"Did in beauty! Because after we are going to get Kristen!" He says and you both eat the food.
An hour later you are garbbing you clothes and went to change. You put on a nice pair of skinny jeans with a red top. You put your hair in a messy bun and got your hugs.
A few hours later, you and Kristen where back at the hotel and dropped of her things. Liam said his goodbyes and left us. You and Kristen spent the rest of the day catching up and gossiping.
-OH! She admited she had a little thing for cute boy Louis! But will Louis will be brave enough to tell her his feelings?-
-''Humm so I'll se you at the finaly then!" Louis says awkwardly.
-''Yeah! I'm sure you guys will rock it!" You say.
-"Well sleep tight (Y/N)!" He smiles
-"You to bobear!" You say and hug him tightly. He smiles and hugs you back even tighter. You wave him goodbye as you open your door. He smile cheecky at you and walks away.
*The Next Day*
You hear a nock on your door and wake up up groaning. You walk to the door and opend the door.
-"Hey sleepy head!" Liam says chearfully as always.
-"Mmmmmmmmmm" You groan.
-"Comon I'll order some room service."
-"Fine..." You say and crawl back to bed. You shut your eyes and hear Liam calling room service. He puts down the phone and crawls in the bed next to you. You would both always do this. So you put your head on his cheast as he rubbed your arm.
-"So how have the past few weeks ben?"
-"Fine fine. Same old same old."
-"But I have met someone..." Liam says and you lift your head up.
-"DETAILS!" You exclaim.
-''Well she is a dancer. Her name is Danielle Peazer. She is beautiful, nice, perfect. Did I meantion beautiful?"
-"Well she seems like the perfect girl for you! You should totaly ask her out! I mean who would say no to YOU!" You laugh
-"I think I will!" He winks. "So anybody special in your life?"
-"Naa not really..."
-"Oh comon! You and Lou have ben getting preatty close!"
-"Yeah but he is only a really good friend." You explain.
-"(Y/N) I can tell your lying! Tell me the thurt!"
-"Fine...I might have a small tiny crush on him..."
-"I knew it! Mouahahahh!" He says with and evil laugh.
-"Hum ok...your acting wierd..." He laugh confused. There was this awkward silence and the door bell rang. Liam got out of bed and got the food from the room service.
-"Finaly I'm starving!" You say as Liam puts the tray in front of you.
-"Did in beauty! Because after we are going to get Kristen!" He says and you both eat the food.
An hour later you are garbbing you clothes and went to change. You put on a nice pair of skinny jeans with a red top. You put your hair in a messy bun and got your hugs.
A few hours later, you and Kristen where back at the hotel and dropped of her things. Liam said his goodbyes and left us. You and Kristen spent the rest of the day catching up and gossiping.
-OH! She admited she had a little thing for cute boy Louis! But will Louis will be brave enough to tell her his feelings?-
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Niall Horan Imagine (Kristen)
Imagine- You and Niall where dating and everything was perfect. You were both just so happy and everything was perfect. Today was the premier of the One Direction movie and you needed to get a dress. You go down town looking for the perfect dress. Your walking thru town and this beautiful dress catches your attention.
You walk into the store and try it on. It went perfectly with your body. Just as you put it on you got a text from Niall.
-"Hey Pricess! How are you?" You read the text and smile.
-"Hey Baby! I'm good you?" You reply.
-"I'm prefect! Where are you Kristen?" You laugh and reply saying your at this dress store and before you know it there is plenty of screaming girls in front of the store and Niall walks in. You had tried on a few other dresses because when you checked the price tag on the first one you new you could not aford it. You where having some money problems. So you tried on a different dress but did not like it as much as the first one. You try it on and get out of the changing room. Niall sees you and comes and find you.
-"This for tonight?"
-''Well kind of..."
-"No no no! You can't wear this! I can see you don't like it!"
-"It's not my favorite Niall but the dress that I want well I can't aford it. I don't have the money for it. You know I have money problems..."
-"Go try it on now!" He insists.
-"Fine then... but I can't pay for it." You say sadly and go try it on again. A few minutes later you walk out and go in front of the mirror. Niall walks behind you and give you a hug from behind. He smiles and says.
-"This is THE one you are wearing tonight!"
-"But Nialler I can't pay for it!"
-"I'll pay for it baby!"
-"What no! You can't do that for me! You do enough for me already."
-"I'll do anything for you Princess! Now go get changed so I can pay for this and go do some shoe's and accesorie's!"
-"This is why I love you baby!" You say and kiss him. You guys get the rest of the things and head back home. Niall and you got ready and head out to meet the boys. At the red carpet premier. You looked perfect and Niall kept on reminding you. The red carpet was perfect and everyone kept on saying you were perfect.
You walk into the store and try it on. It went perfectly with your body. Just as you put it on you got a text from Niall.
-"Hey Pricess! How are you?" You read the text and smile.
-"Hey Baby! I'm good you?" You reply.
-"I'm prefect! Where are you Kristen?" You laugh and reply saying your at this dress store and before you know it there is plenty of screaming girls in front of the store and Niall walks in. You had tried on a few other dresses because when you checked the price tag on the first one you new you could not aford it. You where having some money problems. So you tried on a different dress but did not like it as much as the first one. You try it on and get out of the changing room. Niall sees you and comes and find you.
-"This for tonight?"
-''Well kind of..."
-"No no no! You can't wear this! I can see you don't like it!"
-"It's not my favorite Niall but the dress that I want well I can't aford it. I don't have the money for it. You know I have money problems..."
-"Go try it on now!" He insists.
-"Fine then... but I can't pay for it." You say sadly and go try it on again. A few minutes later you walk out and go in front of the mirror. Niall walks behind you and give you a hug from behind. He smiles and says.
-"This is THE one you are wearing tonight!"
-"But Nialler I can't pay for it!"
-"I'll pay for it baby!"
-"What no! You can't do that for me! You do enough for me already."
-"I'll do anything for you Princess! Now go get changed so I can pay for this and go do some shoe's and accesorie's!"
-"This is why I love you baby!" You say and kiss him. You guys get the rest of the things and head back home. Niall and you got ready and head out to meet the boys. At the red carpet premier. You looked perfect and Niall kept on reminding you. The red carpet was perfect and everyone kept on saying you were perfect.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Niall Horan Imagine (Grace)
Imagine- You and Niall dated for about a two years. After he had becom famous and left for tours and all you could not take it anymore. The leaving and coming it was killing you so you ended things with him and it left you both heartbroken.
It had ben a year that you and Niall had ended things and there had ben rhumors that he was dating Demi Lovato. Even tough it had ben a year you still loved him with all your heart. He was your prince and you were his princess. One night you got a call from Zayn.
-"Hey it's Zayn."
-"Oh Hey Zayn! Wazzup?"
-''Humm I really need to ask you something..."
-"Yeah shoot!"
-''Grace...don't beleive anything about the Demi and Niall story nothing is true."
-''ok...but why are you telling me this?"
-"Just beleive me when i tell you this." He says and you start to hear boys speeking in the background. "Look Grace I have to go! Bye" He says real quick and hangs up before you can react.
-"Well that was wierd" You say to yourself.
*A few weeks later*
*Ding Ding*
You hear the door bell to your flat and walk to the door. You open the door to see Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam. "Humm hey guys...?"
-"Hey Grace we are back from tour and decided to pay you a visite."
-"Humm ok. Where is Niall?"
-"He's at Nandos getting food for all of us. Humm can you go meet him downstairs? He might need help bringing everything up."
-"Humm sure...." You ask kind of confused. You get your shoes on and walk downstairs to the front doors of the appartement building. A few minutes laters you see a struggling blond haired guy trying to make his way thru the paparazzi. He walks thru the front doors with bags of Nandos.
-"Hey Niall." You say awkwardly. You guys had not really spoken this past year so it was awkward right now.
-"Oh hey Grace..." He says then there was an awkward silence.
-"Humm you need help with the bags?"
-"Yeah sure! I got you your favorite..." He says cheecky
-"You remembered!?" You say blushing.
-"Of course I remember. Why would I forget my princess's favorite meal." He says and gets all read. "I mean why would I forget your favorite order..." He says and looks away. It was silent for the rest of the walk upstairs. You open the door and walk in the living room with Niall. You look at the boys and they are all standing up with a barner in the back riten "Intervetion".
-"Humm boys? What is this?" Niall asks putting down the bags on the cofe table.
-"It's an intervention!" Zayn says.
-''Why...for what..." You ask really confused.
-"For you two." Liam says.
-"Because you both have ben acting stupidly!" Louis says.
-"Why is that!?" You ask offended.
-"Guys let's state the obvius! You both are in love with each other and it's killing you two!" Harry shouts. You and Niall turn red.
-"The only reason you borke up with him ,Grace, is because you where scared of loosing him. So you ended it to not have to face that he might end up with another girl or meet someone on tour." Zayn explains.
-"The thing is that you are his princess and no matter what he might say you are and will always be his princess." Liam says.
-"And he is your prince and even tough you try to convice yourself he is not. He is and that whole Demi and Niall rhumor killed you!" Zayn says.
-"We are locking you two in your bedroom and you will not come out until you say the truth!" Harry says and brings you guys to your room. The door shuts behind you and Niall and you hear then putting things in front of your door
-"So when you said in the elevator that you would never forget your "princess's" favorite food. You meant it."
-"I love you Grace and I told you, you ARE my princess. I said it to you and a few months later you broke up with me!I I am was heartbroken. I was so mad at you but at the same time I was not. How could I be mad at my princess!?"
-"Zayn's right.."
-"What?" He asks confused.
-"What Zayn said...It's true...all of it...The reason I broke up with you well Zayn put it in words perfectly. I was scared to loose you so I ended it before I lost you for real. I know it makes no sense at all but in some wierd way it does."
-"You should of told me! I would of done something about it."
-"I'm sure you would of. But Niall I miss you! I really want to try again with you!"
-"I miss you too! I really want to start all over with you because you are my princess, but I can't promise that plenty of girls will jump on me but you have to know I will be loyal to you and no matter how beautiful the other girl might be, you will always be a hundred time pretier!"
-"I love you my prince." You smile as he grabs your hand.
-"You what!?" He says laughing and tickling you.
-"Niall!" You laugh as he keeps on tickling you. He quickly goes on top of you still tickling you.
-"You what?" He ask again.
-"I love you MY PRINCE!" You laugh as he tickles you.
-"That's what I tought." He says and stops tickling you. He gets closer to you and your lips touch and he finaly kisses you. That kiss was passionate and perfect and everything. After a while he pulls back.
-"OH Niall how I missed your kisses." You say bitting your lip.
-"You look really sexy when you bite your lip. I just can't resist kissing you." He says and get even closer to you. Your lips where brushing against each other and he pulls back "But I'm hungry right now." He says and you start laughing.
-"I missed how you made me laugh" You say laughing. He grabs your hand helping you up and goes to open the door. The boys had mooved everything. You walk to the living room and the boys were eating the food.
-"Our plan worked!"You hear Louis say.
-"Yeah I guess you can say that" You say kissing Niall's cheeck. You both sit down at the cofe table and eat up your food.
-"Hey Grace? You know how I said I could help with your little scare of loosing me?" Niall says with his mouth full.
-"Well I can fix that!" He says proudly.
-"And how do you count on fixing that?"
-"By you comming on tour with us!" He says and you drop your fork. You look into his eyes and you its like he read your mind.
-''Boys it's settled! She's coming with us on tour!" Niall exclaim happly.
It had ben a year that you and Niall had ended things and there had ben rhumors that he was dating Demi Lovato. Even tough it had ben a year you still loved him with all your heart. He was your prince and you were his princess. One night you got a call from Zayn.
-"Hey it's Zayn."
-"Oh Hey Zayn! Wazzup?"
-''Humm I really need to ask you something..."
-"Yeah shoot!"
-''Grace...don't beleive anything about the Demi and Niall story nothing is true."
-''ok...but why are you telling me this?"
-"Just beleive me when i tell you this." He says and you start to hear boys speeking in the background. "Look Grace I have to go! Bye" He says real quick and hangs up before you can react.
-"Well that was wierd" You say to yourself.
*A few weeks later*
*Ding Ding*
You hear the door bell to your flat and walk to the door. You open the door to see Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam. "Humm hey guys...?"
-"Hey Grace we are back from tour and decided to pay you a visite."
-"Humm ok. Where is Niall?"
-"He's at Nandos getting food for all of us. Humm can you go meet him downstairs? He might need help bringing everything up."
-"Humm sure...." You ask kind of confused. You get your shoes on and walk downstairs to the front doors of the appartement building. A few minutes laters you see a struggling blond haired guy trying to make his way thru the paparazzi. He walks thru the front doors with bags of Nandos.
-"Hey Niall." You say awkwardly. You guys had not really spoken this past year so it was awkward right now.
-"Oh hey Grace..." He says then there was an awkward silence.
-"Humm you need help with the bags?"
-"Yeah sure! I got you your favorite..." He says cheecky
-"You remembered!?" You say blushing.
-"Of course I remember. Why would I forget my princess's favorite meal." He says and gets all read. "I mean why would I forget your favorite order..." He says and looks away. It was silent for the rest of the walk upstairs. You open the door and walk in the living room with Niall. You look at the boys and they are all standing up with a barner in the back riten "Intervetion".
-"Humm boys? What is this?" Niall asks putting down the bags on the cofe table.
-"It's an intervention!" Zayn says.
-''Why...for what..." You ask really confused.
-"For you two." Liam says.
-"Because you both have ben acting stupidly!" Louis says.
-"Why is that!?" You ask offended.
-"Guys let's state the obvius! You both are in love with each other and it's killing you two!" Harry shouts. You and Niall turn red.
-"The only reason you borke up with him ,Grace, is because you where scared of loosing him. So you ended it to not have to face that he might end up with another girl or meet someone on tour." Zayn explains.
-"The thing is that you are his princess and no matter what he might say you are and will always be his princess." Liam says.
-"And he is your prince and even tough you try to convice yourself he is not. He is and that whole Demi and Niall rhumor killed you!" Zayn says.
-"We are locking you two in your bedroom and you will not come out until you say the truth!" Harry says and brings you guys to your room. The door shuts behind you and Niall and you hear then putting things in front of your door
-"So when you said in the elevator that you would never forget your "princess's" favorite food. You meant it."
-"I love you Grace and I told you, you ARE my princess. I said it to you and a few months later you broke up with me!I I am was heartbroken. I was so mad at you but at the same time I was not. How could I be mad at my princess!?"
-"Zayn's right.."
-"What?" He asks confused.
-"What Zayn said...It's true...all of it...The reason I broke up with you well Zayn put it in words perfectly. I was scared to loose you so I ended it before I lost you for real. I know it makes no sense at all but in some wierd way it does."
-"You should of told me! I would of done something about it."
-"I'm sure you would of. But Niall I miss you! I really want to try again with you!"
-"I miss you too! I really want to start all over with you because you are my princess, but I can't promise that plenty of girls will jump on me but you have to know I will be loyal to you and no matter how beautiful the other girl might be, you will always be a hundred time pretier!"
-"I love you my prince." You smile as he grabs your hand.
-"You what!?" He says laughing and tickling you.
-"Niall!" You laugh as he keeps on tickling you. He quickly goes on top of you still tickling you.
-"You what?" He ask again.
-"I love you MY PRINCE!" You laugh as he tickles you.
-"That's what I tought." He says and stops tickling you. He gets closer to you and your lips touch and he finaly kisses you. That kiss was passionate and perfect and everything. After a while he pulls back.
-"OH Niall how I missed your kisses." You say bitting your lip.
-"You look really sexy when you bite your lip. I just can't resist kissing you." He says and get even closer to you. Your lips where brushing against each other and he pulls back "But I'm hungry right now." He says and you start laughing.
-"I missed how you made me laugh" You say laughing. He grabs your hand helping you up and goes to open the door. The boys had mooved everything. You walk to the living room and the boys were eating the food.
-"Our plan worked!"You hear Louis say.
-"Yeah I guess you can say that" You say kissing Niall's cheeck. You both sit down at the cofe table and eat up your food.
-"Hey Grace? You know how I said I could help with your little scare of loosing me?" Niall says with his mouth full.
-"Well I can fix that!" He says proudly.
-"And how do you count on fixing that?"
-"By you comming on tour with us!" He says and you drop your fork. You look into his eyes and you its like he read your mind.
-''Boys it's settled! She's coming with us on tour!" Niall exclaim happly.
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 5
Imagine Part 5-
*Your POV*
*Beep Beep Beep!*
You wake up to your alarm going off. You grab your phone and turn it off checking the time. It was about 10:30 am. You see that you have a new text message. You open it.
-"Hey (y/n)! SInce Kristen only flies in tomorrow morning the day of the finaly. We will go and get her together but for today I have can't pick you up I have something with Simon. So Louis will be at the airport to pick you up when you land! I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you promise!
xoxo Liam" You read it saddly but at the same time happy. You wanted to see Liam because you needed to tell him something important.
You reply to Liam's text and drag yourself out of bed. You walk downstairs and you see your little sister Emma eating breakfast. You make yourself a peanut butter sandwich and sit in front of the TV. You watch TV for about an hour then go take a shower and get dressed. After that you put your earphones in and continue doing your logadge.
About an hour later you were closing your suit case. It was now about lunch time and you had to leave in about a half hour. You feel someone touching your sholder and it scares you. You see it's your older brother James.
-"Hey James!"
-"Hey! So you leaving?"
-"Yeah Liam booked me plane ticket to go see the finaly of the XFactor."
-"Oh that means your going to see Looouuiiiis!" He teases.
-"Oh shut up James"
-"Fine then!''
-"What do you want anyways?"
-"Mom's waiting for you downstairs."
-"Tell her I'm comming down!" You say and he leaves.
A hald hour later your at the airport having lunch with your mom. She keeps on telling you to be carefull and not go out in town alone and all that stuff.
It was now 1pm and you had to go thru the gates.
-"Bye Mom! I love you. I'll call you when I land."
-"You better call me honey! Have fun and remember what I told you!"
-"Yes mom I know I know!"
-''Fine then. Have fun sweety. I love you!"
-"Bye Mom!" You say and walk away.
*A few hours later.*
-"We will be landing in 5 minutes. Please fassen your seat belts" The women say on the intercom.
Five minutes or so later you landed in London. You walk of the plane and go to get your suit case and then walk past the gates. You see Louis standing in the crowd of people with a little drivers hat and a sign riten Boo. You laugh and walk towards him.
-"Hey Bobear!" You smile and hug him.
-"Hey Boo! I missed you!" He says huging you back tighter. "You hungry?"
-"A bit."
-"Ok then we will go to your hotel room and then I'll take you out for diner!"
-"Sounds good!" You say and walk out with Louis. The was a car waiting for you two and a man next to the drivers seat. He grabs your bag and puts it in the trunck while Louis opens the door for you.
*Fifteen minutes later*
You check in your hotel room and drop of you bag. You grab you purse and leave the hotel with Louis. You eat at a small cafe and then go to the park. While you are walking your both don't realize you are holding hands.
-Oh boy! Does she love Louis!? What does she have to tell Liam?-
*Your POV*
*Beep Beep Beep!*
You wake up to your alarm going off. You grab your phone and turn it off checking the time. It was about 10:30 am. You see that you have a new text message. You open it.
-"Hey (y/n)! SInce Kristen only flies in tomorrow morning the day of the finaly. We will go and get her together but for today I have can't pick you up I have something with Simon. So Louis will be at the airport to pick you up when you land! I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you promise!
xoxo Liam" You read it saddly but at the same time happy. You wanted to see Liam because you needed to tell him something important.
You reply to Liam's text and drag yourself out of bed. You walk downstairs and you see your little sister Emma eating breakfast. You make yourself a peanut butter sandwich and sit in front of the TV. You watch TV for about an hour then go take a shower and get dressed. After that you put your earphones in and continue doing your logadge.
About an hour later you were closing your suit case. It was now about lunch time and you had to leave in about a half hour. You feel someone touching your sholder and it scares you. You see it's your older brother James.
-"Hey James!"
-"Hey! So you leaving?"
-"Yeah Liam booked me plane ticket to go see the finaly of the XFactor."
-"Oh that means your going to see Looouuiiiis!" He teases.
-"Oh shut up James"
-"Fine then!''
-"What do you want anyways?"
-"Mom's waiting for you downstairs."
-"Tell her I'm comming down!" You say and he leaves.
A hald hour later your at the airport having lunch with your mom. She keeps on telling you to be carefull and not go out in town alone and all that stuff.
It was now 1pm and you had to go thru the gates.
-"Bye Mom! I love you. I'll call you when I land."
-"You better call me honey! Have fun and remember what I told you!"
-"Yes mom I know I know!"
-''Fine then. Have fun sweety. I love you!"
-"Bye Mom!" You say and walk away.
*A few hours later.*
-"We will be landing in 5 minutes. Please fassen your seat belts" The women say on the intercom.
Five minutes or so later you landed in London. You walk of the plane and go to get your suit case and then walk past the gates. You see Louis standing in the crowd of people with a little drivers hat and a sign riten Boo. You laugh and walk towards him.
-"Hey Bobear!" You smile and hug him.
-"Hey Boo! I missed you!" He says huging you back tighter. "You hungry?"
-"A bit."
-"Ok then we will go to your hotel room and then I'll take you out for diner!"
-"Sounds good!" You say and walk out with Louis. The was a car waiting for you two and a man next to the drivers seat. He grabs your bag and puts it in the trunck while Louis opens the door for you.
*Fifteen minutes later*
You check in your hotel room and drop of you bag. You grab you purse and leave the hotel with Louis. You eat at a small cafe and then go to the park. While you are walking your both don't realize you are holding hands.
-Oh boy! Does she love Louis!? What does she have to tell Liam?-
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 part 4
Imagine Part 4-
A few hours later you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket and you look and at. A smile apears over your face to see Louis called you.
-"Hey Louis!" You say happly
-"Hey Boo!" He says happly
-"OMG Liam just told me a few hours ago some amazing news!"
-"I can see that! You sound really happy right now!"
-"Yeah well thats not the only reason I'm verry happy right now" You say cheecky.
-"So whats the news?!" He ask enthusiasticly.
-"Well I'm flying in tomorow for the finaly!" You say happly
-"What really!"
-"Yeah my flight leaves around 3pm tomorow and Liam is comming to pic me up at the airport.
-"Oh well I can't wait!"
You both speek for a while longer as you pack your bags after about and hour you both say your goodbye's he kisses you good night and so do you. You put your bag on the floor and change in your pj and go to bed.
*Louis POV*
I hang up the phone after kissing (y/n) good night. I throw my phone on my bed and run to Liam's room.
-"You never told me she was coming for the finaly!"
-''Oh well it was suposed to be a suprise but I guess she told you."
-"Of course she told me!"
-"Well I gues since you know that I should tell you that two days after the finaly I booked a cottage for all five of us plus (y/n) and Kristen."
-"Yeah I'm sure you can't wait to spend a whole weekend with you crush!" He teases.
-"Liam she thinks of me not more than a friend. Anyways you where not really subtile earlier when I was on skype whit her!"
-"Haha she does not know anything about your little crush. And anyways I told you that she would be perfect for you!"
-"Your right about that Liam. She's perfect! She funny adorable, she like sto be immature and have fun she is the me version girl!"
-"I know when I met you i was like woaw your exactly like her!"
-"Yeah and thanks Liam."
-"For what?''
-"For making me meet the girl of my dreams!"
-"Your welcom! And don't tell the boys about Kristen and (y/n) or about the cottage please?"
-"Sure Liam anything for you." I say and leave releived about what I heard. I just could not wait to be able to see her beautiful face again. She was everything I have ben looking for all my life. I just hope she feels the same way...
-Holala Louis like her! Does she love him or not? Will he tell her? What will happen with them if he tells her his feelings but she does not feel the same way!? What will happen!? You'll just have to read the reast of the story once they are posted!-
A few hours later you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket and you look and at. A smile apears over your face to see Louis called you.
-"Hey Louis!" You say happly
-"Hey Boo!" He says happly
-"OMG Liam just told me a few hours ago some amazing news!"
-"I can see that! You sound really happy right now!"
-"Yeah well thats not the only reason I'm verry happy right now" You say cheecky.
-"So whats the news?!" He ask enthusiasticly.
-"Well I'm flying in tomorow for the finaly!" You say happly
-"What really!"
-"Yeah my flight leaves around 3pm tomorow and Liam is comming to pic me up at the airport.
-"Oh well I can't wait!"
You both speek for a while longer as you pack your bags after about and hour you both say your goodbye's he kisses you good night and so do you. You put your bag on the floor and change in your pj and go to bed.
*Louis POV*
I hang up the phone after kissing (y/n) good night. I throw my phone on my bed and run to Liam's room.
-"You never told me she was coming for the finaly!"
-''Oh well it was suposed to be a suprise but I guess she told you."
-"Of course she told me!"
-"Well I gues since you know that I should tell you that two days after the finaly I booked a cottage for all five of us plus (y/n) and Kristen."
-"Yeah I'm sure you can't wait to spend a whole weekend with you crush!" He teases.
-"Liam she thinks of me not more than a friend. Anyways you where not really subtile earlier when I was on skype whit her!"
-"Haha she does not know anything about your little crush. And anyways I told you that she would be perfect for you!"
-"Your right about that Liam. She's perfect! She funny adorable, she like sto be immature and have fun she is the me version girl!"
-"I know when I met you i was like woaw your exactly like her!"
-"Yeah and thanks Liam."
-"For what?''
-"For making me meet the girl of my dreams!"
-"Your welcom! And don't tell the boys about Kristen and (y/n) or about the cottage please?"
-"Sure Liam anything for you." I say and leave releived about what I heard. I just could not wait to be able to see her beautiful face again. She was everything I have ben looking for all my life. I just hope she feels the same way...
-Holala Louis like her! Does she love him or not? Will he tell her? What will happen with them if he tells her his feelings but she does not feel the same way!? What will happen!? You'll just have to read the reast of the story once they are posted!-
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 3
Imagine Part 3-
*A few days of the finaly.*
Your on your laptop just brosing the web and talking to your friend on twitter. All of a sudden the incoming icon of a skype call shows up on your screan and you see it's Liam. You smile of joy and answer.
-''Hey Liam!" You say but then you see it's Louis on the other end.
-"I'm sorry to disapoint you boo, but it's not Liam." He says
-"I'm not at all sad bobear! So wazzup?" You say happly.
-"Well I'm stressing for the finaly but seing your face makes all my nerves go away."
-"Aww well thanks Lou. I'm glad I'm helping you!"
-"I miss being with you boo."
-"I miss being with you bobear but your out chassing your dreams! Anyways once you guys win this Liam planed briging you and the boys with me and Kristen up in the mountains for a weekend!"
-"I know he has spoken about this to us! And I really am looking foward to spending the weekend with you"He says but quickly stuters "Humm I mean with you guys!"
You look at him and laugh. You hear in the background "Louis! Where are you!"
-"HERE!" Louis screams "Sorry about that boo!"
-"No problem! And I can't wait to spend time with you and the guys!" You say. Then the door opens and Liam walks in.
-"Seriously Lou! You hacked my computer again!" Liam says and then looks at the screen. "Oh I see now."He says and winks at Louis.
-"Yeah you see!'' Louis say to Liam.
-"But more seriously I have to talk to this girl that I call my best friend about important things" Liam tells Louis.
-"Ok fine then" Louis says sadly. "Well then Boo I have to go but I'll call you later! See you soon boo! I miss you!"
-"Bye Bobear! I miss you to! And yeah call me later!" You say and he exist and Liam sits in front of the camera.
-"What was that all about Liam?" You ask confused.
-"Oh nothing nothing! It's just something betwen me and him! It's a secret and it's actually the only one that I can't tell you!" He says
-"Argg" You puff "Fine...! So what did you want to talk about that was so important?"
-"Well first of all I'm flying you and Kristen in for the finaly! You guys are flying in tomorow! And second of all... I booked a cottage in the mountains and well we are leaving there two days after the finaly!" He says exited.
-"What really! OMG Liam I am so happy!" You squeel.
-"Your mom confirmed that she received the plane tickets and all! Your plane will leave around 3pm so start packing missy!"
-"Aye aye captain!" You joke
-"Ok then see you later "Boo"! Can't wait to see you and Kristen!"
-"Ha ha ha see you later too Liam! Can't wait to see you and the boys!"
-"And when you mean "boys" you mean Louis right" He winks.
-"Ok then!" He laughs "Bye and oh! I'll be at the airport tomorow to pick you up!"
-"OK! Bye Liam!"
-"Bye (y/n)!"
And you both hang up. You where so happy and quickly started to pack. You where so exited that you put on your music to the max and danced aroung in your room while packing all your clothes.
*A few days of the finaly.*
Your on your laptop just brosing the web and talking to your friend on twitter. All of a sudden the incoming icon of a skype call shows up on your screan and you see it's Liam. You smile of joy and answer.
-''Hey Liam!" You say but then you see it's Louis on the other end.
-"I'm sorry to disapoint you boo, but it's not Liam." He says
-"I'm not at all sad bobear! So wazzup?" You say happly.
-"Well I'm stressing for the finaly but seing your face makes all my nerves go away."
-"Aww well thanks Lou. I'm glad I'm helping you!"
-"I miss being with you boo."
-"I miss being with you bobear but your out chassing your dreams! Anyways once you guys win this Liam planed briging you and the boys with me and Kristen up in the mountains for a weekend!"
-"I know he has spoken about this to us! And I really am looking foward to spending the weekend with you"He says but quickly stuters "Humm I mean with you guys!"
You look at him and laugh. You hear in the background "Louis! Where are you!"
-"HERE!" Louis screams "Sorry about that boo!"
-"No problem! And I can't wait to spend time with you and the guys!" You say. Then the door opens and Liam walks in.
-"Seriously Lou! You hacked my computer again!" Liam says and then looks at the screen. "Oh I see now."He says and winks at Louis.
-"Yeah you see!'' Louis say to Liam.
-"But more seriously I have to talk to this girl that I call my best friend about important things" Liam tells Louis.
-"Ok fine then" Louis says sadly. "Well then Boo I have to go but I'll call you later! See you soon boo! I miss you!"
-"Bye Bobear! I miss you to! And yeah call me later!" You say and he exist and Liam sits in front of the camera.
-"What was that all about Liam?" You ask confused.
-"Oh nothing nothing! It's just something betwen me and him! It's a secret and it's actually the only one that I can't tell you!" He says
-"Argg" You puff "Fine...! So what did you want to talk about that was so important?"
-"Well first of all I'm flying you and Kristen in for the finaly! You guys are flying in tomorow! And second of all... I booked a cottage in the mountains and well we are leaving there two days after the finaly!" He says exited.
-"What really! OMG Liam I am so happy!" You squeel.
-"Your mom confirmed that she received the plane tickets and all! Your plane will leave around 3pm so start packing missy!"
-"Aye aye captain!" You joke
-"Ok then see you later "Boo"! Can't wait to see you and Kristen!"
-"Ha ha ha see you later too Liam! Can't wait to see you and the boys!"
-"And when you mean "boys" you mean Louis right" He winks.
-"Ok then!" He laughs "Bye and oh! I'll be at the airport tomorow to pick you up!"
-"OK! Bye Liam!"
-"Bye (y/n)!"
And you both hang up. You where so happy and quickly started to pack. You where so exited that you put on your music to the max and danced aroung in your room while packing all your clothes.
Niall Horan Imagine (Daniella)
Imagine- Today was your birthday and as always you were not doing anything much. You where staying home and watch TV most of the day. It was bout 11am and you got out of bed. You decided to have a little fun this year, so you went out and did some shopping. You bought this cute little outfit that you found just adorable. Since today was your 18th birthday you decided to go clubing so you took a shower put on your new outfit and fixed your hair. Just as you where walking out the door to go to a club you get a text from your best friend Niall
*Meet me at my place!*
You sighed and got in your car to go to his place. A few minutes later you arrive at her flat you knock on the door. He screams to you to come in. You open the door and everything is dark. You turn on the light and see a table set for two. There was some Nandos in the plates and he held a single rose in his hand.
-"Daniella...I have something on my mind and I just can't keep it in no longer. You beauty shines and it never goes to sleep. It might be out of the blue but Daniella oh how I love you. Daniella I love you more than you'll ever know. More than you'll ever know." He sings
You always had feelings for Niall but after he became famous you tought you'd never have a chance with him. You teo had becom distant and just to have him for a minute would mean the world to you, and know he is standing here singing you a song holding a single rose and all dressed up. He looked adorable and you loved it.
-"So yeah I love you Daniella...For like a few years now and I got you this for your birthday." He stutters and gives you a little box and a card. You opened the box and there was a beautiful ring in it.
Niall looked at you and said "It's just to let you know that we will always be friends no matter what."
-"But Niall what if I want to be more than friends..." You smile
-"Well then a promise ring."
-"I love you Niall more then you'll ever know." You go to kiss him but he refuses.
-"Open the letter first!" He insists.
-"Fine..." You sigh and open the letter.
*Happy Birthday Daniella! Will you PLEASE come on tour with me!?
xoxo Love Niall*
-"Of course I will Niall!''
-''Only if I can come as your official girlfriend!"
-''Yes Girlfriend! I can't wait to show the world that we are finaly dating!"
-"Haha I love you Nialler!"
-"I love you too Daniella." He says and kisses you. "Want to eat?"
-"Yess Niall I'm starving."
A week later Niall picks you up at your flat and you both walk out hand in hand. The paparazzi are going crazy over this. Niall stops you and whispers in your ear "I love you babe!" You smile and kiss him whispering. "I love you to honey!"
*Meet me at my place!*
You sighed and got in your car to go to his place. A few minutes later you arrive at her flat you knock on the door. He screams to you to come in. You open the door and everything is dark. You turn on the light and see a table set for two. There was some Nandos in the plates and he held a single rose in his hand.
-"Daniella...I have something on my mind and I just can't keep it in no longer. You beauty shines and it never goes to sleep. It might be out of the blue but Daniella oh how I love you. Daniella I love you more than you'll ever know. More than you'll ever know." He sings
You always had feelings for Niall but after he became famous you tought you'd never have a chance with him. You teo had becom distant and just to have him for a minute would mean the world to you, and know he is standing here singing you a song holding a single rose and all dressed up. He looked adorable and you loved it.
-"So yeah I love you Daniella...For like a few years now and I got you this for your birthday." He stutters and gives you a little box and a card. You opened the box and there was a beautiful ring in it.
Niall looked at you and said "It's just to let you know that we will always be friends no matter what."
-"But Niall what if I want to be more than friends..." You smile
-"Well then a promise ring."
-"I love you Niall more then you'll ever know." You go to kiss him but he refuses.
-"Open the letter first!" He insists.
-"Fine..." You sigh and open the letter.
*Happy Birthday Daniella! Will you PLEASE come on tour with me!?
xoxo Love Niall*
-"Of course I will Niall!''
-''Only if I can come as your official girlfriend!"
-''Yes Girlfriend! I can't wait to show the world that we are finaly dating!"
-"Haha I love you Nialler!"
-"I love you too Daniella." He says and kisses you. "Want to eat?"
-"Yess Niall I'm starving."
A week later Niall picks you up at your flat and you both walk out hand in hand. The paparazzi are going crazy over this. Niall stops you and whispers in your ear "I love you babe!" You smile and kiss him whispering. "I love you to honey!"
Saturday, June 23, 2012
HEY! so for the Louis Imagine I was thinking of spliting it in two diferent parts one about the Louis story and one more about what happens with her friend Kristen! So the Louis Imagine will now become the One direction Imagine! THANKX FOR READING THIS!
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 2
Imagine Part 2-
-"So Louis." You say.
-"Please call me bobear!" He says.
-"Ok then call me boo."
-"Sure deal. I'll call you boo if you call me bobear."
-"Deal!" You say and you both shake hands. "So guys staying here overnight?"
-"I think so."
-"Oh yeah!" You say a little to happy.
-"How bout we watch some tv boo?" He says grabbing the remote from your desk and turning on the TV in your room.
-"Sure why not"You say and sit back in your bed and so does Louis. He puts on cartoon and The Loney Tunes show starts to play. You lay your head on Louis chest and he plays with your hair. It was about 11pm already and you had fallen asleep with Louis by your side. You wake up really quickly because someone was nocking on the door and it scared you like hell. The door slowly opens and you see who it is. Louis was still asleep.
-"Bloody hell Liam! You scared the hell out of me!" You say in a low tone.
-"Sorry...I just wanted to see how my best friend was."
-"I'm fine Liam. You?"
-"I'm fine but what's happening here?"
-"Oh well we where watching TV and fell asleep."
-"I see. So you spent the whole afternoon with Louis?"
-"Humm yeah well...I came upstairs to do a few things and he came and meet me. Just when I was about to leave he asked me if we could stay here and I agred. I tought it would be a good opertunity to get to know him better."
-"Sure but he better not steal my best friend!"
-''He wont Liam! You will ALWAYS be my best friend no matter what!" You convince him.
-"Good." He laughs "But humm more seriously...I know how things have ben really bad these past few months and I wanted to know if you where going to be fine...?"
-"Liam I'm fine. I'm over my ex, my parents I'm sort of maneging and well with me and Kristen it's hard but we are always skyping. The only thing is that I miss you being aroung me!"
-"I know... I miss you to so much (y/n). I promise once me and the mates won the XFactor I'm briging you and Kristen out in the mountains with me and the boys a weekend!"
-"I can't wait Liam!"You say with a tired voice. He comes and give you a hug and kisses your forhead saying good night. You laid your head back down on Louis chest and closed your eyes shut after Liam turned off the TV and lights and shutting the door.
A while later you started to shiver and you felt a warm hand caressing you. You hear that conforting voice and open your eyes.
-"You cold boo?" Louis say in his sexy sleepy voice.
-"Sort of.." You say half asleep. He takes teh covert and puts his arms around you and raps you tightl around him keeping you warm. You felt like he was going to be an amazing friend and will always be there to chear you up just like Liam.
-"So Louis." You say.
-"Please call me bobear!" He says.
-"Ok then call me boo."
-"Sure deal. I'll call you boo if you call me bobear."
-"Deal!" You say and you both shake hands. "So guys staying here overnight?"
-"I think so."
-"Oh yeah!" You say a little to happy.
-"How bout we watch some tv boo?" He says grabbing the remote from your desk and turning on the TV in your room.
-"Sure why not"You say and sit back in your bed and so does Louis. He puts on cartoon and The Loney Tunes show starts to play. You lay your head on Louis chest and he plays with your hair. It was about 11pm already and you had fallen asleep with Louis by your side. You wake up really quickly because someone was nocking on the door and it scared you like hell. The door slowly opens and you see who it is. Louis was still asleep.
-"Bloody hell Liam! You scared the hell out of me!" You say in a low tone.
-"Sorry...I just wanted to see how my best friend was."
-"I'm fine Liam. You?"
-"I'm fine but what's happening here?"
-"Oh well we where watching TV and fell asleep."
-"I see. So you spent the whole afternoon with Louis?"
-"Humm yeah well...I came upstairs to do a few things and he came and meet me. Just when I was about to leave he asked me if we could stay here and I agred. I tought it would be a good opertunity to get to know him better."
-"Sure but he better not steal my best friend!"
-''He wont Liam! You will ALWAYS be my best friend no matter what!" You convince him.
-"Good." He laughs "But humm more seriously...I know how things have ben really bad these past few months and I wanted to know if you where going to be fine...?"
-"Liam I'm fine. I'm over my ex, my parents I'm sort of maneging and well with me and Kristen it's hard but we are always skyping. The only thing is that I miss you being aroung me!"
-"I know... I miss you to so much (y/n). I promise once me and the mates won the XFactor I'm briging you and Kristen out in the mountains with me and the boys a weekend!"
-"I can't wait Liam!"You say with a tired voice. He comes and give you a hug and kisses your forhead saying good night. You laid your head back down on Louis chest and closed your eyes shut after Liam turned off the TV and lights and shutting the door.
A while later you started to shiver and you felt a warm hand caressing you. You hear that conforting voice and open your eyes.
-"You cold boo?" Louis say in his sexy sleepy voice.
-"Sort of.." You say half asleep. He takes teh covert and puts his arms around you and raps you tightl around him keeping you warm. You felt like he was going to be an amazing friend and will always be there to chear you up just like Liam.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Louis Tomlinson Imagine 5 Part 1
Imagine Part 1- You and Liam where best friends since you where young. You, Kristen and him would make a trio, you where always together. One day he left and auditioned, for the second time, for the XFactor. This time he had made it but not alone, he was part of this new up comming boy band called One Direction. You, Kristen and him would skype almost every night. You missed him so much. He was your best friend since forever and you never had spent this much time apart.
At this point everything was going rong in your life, your parents were divorcing, your best friend Kristen was moving away, you ex-boyfriend was cheating on you, and to top it of you missed Liam like hell.
It was christmas time and your father had moved out of the house Kristen had moved to London and you had forgoten about your ex. Kristen had come to your house with her mom for christmas and Liam was comming home for a little while to. He had told you and Kristen all about the boys. They had even joined you guys in your skype session a few time.
Today was finaly the day you would get to see Liam again. You heard the door opening and Liam walked in with the rest of the boys.
-"OMG LIAM!" You and Kristen screamed at the same time. You both ran to him and huged him tight.
-"Hey girls I missed you so much!" He says "I want to introduce you to the boys. So this is Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis" You and Kristen said hello to the boys while Liam went and say Hi to his parents.
-"Hi I'm (y/n)!" You say smiling at the boys.
-"And I'm Kristen!" She says.
-"Hey girls. It's nice to finaly meet you." They all say. Kristen and you went in the living room with the boys. You laughed and talked getting to know each other.
-"Hey guys I'll be right back." You say and walk up to your room. As you reach your room your phone starts to ring. You answer and it was your father. You had stayed close with him because even tough he cheated on your mom you still loved him. You spoke for five minutes and then finaly said your good byes.
-"Bye dad! Can't wait to come and see you on New Years."
-"Love you to honey! Miss you"
-"Miss you to paps! Bye"
and you hang up. You get startled when you hear knocking on the door. You tunr around and see that Louis is standing in your door way.
-"Oh god Lou you scared me!"
-"Haha sorry!"
-"Can you pass my your phone please?"
-"Humm sure..." You say as you pass him your phone. He types something in and gives it to you.
-"You coming down stairs?" You asks.
-"Well I was hopping to get to know you better..." He tell's you and you sit back down on your bed. You speak and laugh adn just get to know each other better.
This was the begining of a beautiful friendship!
At this point everything was going rong in your life, your parents were divorcing, your best friend Kristen was moving away, you ex-boyfriend was cheating on you, and to top it of you missed Liam like hell.
It was christmas time and your father had moved out of the house Kristen had moved to London and you had forgoten about your ex. Kristen had come to your house with her mom for christmas and Liam was comming home for a little while to. He had told you and Kristen all about the boys. They had even joined you guys in your skype session a few time.
Today was finaly the day you would get to see Liam again. You heard the door opening and Liam walked in with the rest of the boys.
-"OMG LIAM!" You and Kristen screamed at the same time. You both ran to him and huged him tight.
-"Hey girls I missed you so much!" He says "I want to introduce you to the boys. So this is Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis" You and Kristen said hello to the boys while Liam went and say Hi to his parents.
-"Hi I'm (y/n)!" You say smiling at the boys.
-"And I'm Kristen!" She says.
-"Hey girls. It's nice to finaly meet you." They all say. Kristen and you went in the living room with the boys. You laughed and talked getting to know each other.
-"Hey guys I'll be right back." You say and walk up to your room. As you reach your room your phone starts to ring. You answer and it was your father. You had stayed close with him because even tough he cheated on your mom you still loved him. You spoke for five minutes and then finaly said your good byes.
-"Bye dad! Can't wait to come and see you on New Years."
-"Love you to honey! Miss you"
-"Miss you to paps! Bye"
and you hang up. You get startled when you hear knocking on the door. You tunr around and see that Louis is standing in your door way.
-"Oh god Lou you scared me!"
-"Haha sorry!"
-"Can you pass my your phone please?"
-"Humm sure..." You say as you pass him your phone. He types something in and gives it to you.
-"You coming down stairs?" You asks.
-"Well I was hopping to get to know you better..." He tell's you and you sit back down on your bed. You speak and laugh adn just get to know each other better.
This was the begining of a beautiful friendship!
Niall Horan Imagine (Alayna)
Imagine- You and Niall are really close friends, you met in your guitar classes and becam really good friends. At the begining you never taught you would fall for him, one day that all changed. Your guitar teacher had paired you up for a project. One night he came over and you had to choose a song to play. You were both sitting and giving out ideas until your phone rang.
*My heart's a stereo it beats for you so listen close, hear my toughts in every no-o-ote.
Make me your radio and tunr me up when you feel low...*
You run to your phone and tell the other person your busy. You sit back down with Niall and he looks at you.
-"That's my favorite song!" He smiles
-"Mine to!"
-"I say we play that song for our project!"
-"I think your right Niall."
And you both get to work. The thing is you did not have to work hard you both knew the song by heart in lyrics and on the guitar. You only had to split it. And at that point for some sort of reason you started to fall for him. After that you both started to hang out more than before. You where texting and laughing and you said "I think we should meet up and do a basket ball game cause I'm sure I'll beat you ;)" He laugh and says"Your on!" You arrange a date to meet up this weekend sunday.
*Sunday afternoon*
-"Hey Alayna!" He says with a big smile.
-"Hey Nialler!" You say back smiling. You drop you bag in his room and hed outside.
-"Ready for me to bea you Niall?" You tease.
-"Humm I don't think you should be so confident Alayna." He laughs
-"Ok then ready for a one on one" You wink.
-"Bring it on."He says and you pass him the ball and he passes it back. You play for about a half hour. At on point has really close to you as he is trying to block you from getting to the net. You turn around and shoot the ball. It goes in, but you quickly realize that you are face to face with Niall and really close to him. You both look into each other's eyes and you feel like everything around you stops moving. You both bend in and kiss. It was the most passionate and perfect kiss you ever had. You both pull back and stare at each other. You into his perfect bleu eyes and him into your sparkly green eyes.
-"So humm yeah" He says breaking the silence. "I don't know if it was obvius but I really like you but more than a friend." He says. You just stand there smiling.
-"Well that's a releaf because I really really like you to." He looks at you and smiles.
-"So would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says. You bend in and kiss him again passionatly, and pull back after a minute.
-"Was that a yes?" He asks
-"Of course Niall!" You say laughing kissing him again.
-Personal Imagine for Alayna! I hope you like it :D-
*My heart's a stereo it beats for you so listen close, hear my toughts in every no-o-ote.
Make me your radio and tunr me up when you feel low...*
You run to your phone and tell the other person your busy. You sit back down with Niall and he looks at you.
-"That's my favorite song!" He smiles
-"Mine to!"
-"I say we play that song for our project!"
-"I think your right Niall."
And you both get to work. The thing is you did not have to work hard you both knew the song by heart in lyrics and on the guitar. You only had to split it. And at that point for some sort of reason you started to fall for him. After that you both started to hang out more than before. You where texting and laughing and you said "I think we should meet up and do a basket ball game cause I'm sure I'll beat you ;)" He laugh and says"Your on!" You arrange a date to meet up this weekend sunday.
*Sunday afternoon*
-"Hey Alayna!" He says with a big smile.
-"Hey Nialler!" You say back smiling. You drop you bag in his room and hed outside.
-"Ready for me to bea you Niall?" You tease.
-"Humm I don't think you should be so confident Alayna." He laughs
-"Ok then ready for a one on one" You wink.
-"Bring it on."He says and you pass him the ball and he passes it back. You play for about a half hour. At on point has really close to you as he is trying to block you from getting to the net. You turn around and shoot the ball. It goes in, but you quickly realize that you are face to face with Niall and really close to him. You both look into each other's eyes and you feel like everything around you stops moving. You both bend in and kiss. It was the most passionate and perfect kiss you ever had. You both pull back and stare at each other. You into his perfect bleu eyes and him into your sparkly green eyes.
-"So humm yeah" He says breaking the silence. "I don't know if it was obvius but I really like you but more than a friend." He says. You just stand there smiling.
-"Well that's a releaf because I really really like you to." He looks at you and smiles.
-"So would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says. You bend in and kiss him again passionatly, and pull back after a minute.
-"Was that a yes?" He asks
-"Of course Niall!" You say laughing kissing him again.
-Personal Imagine for Alayna! I hope you like it :D-
So yeah school's out for summer! :D I'm really happy right now and yeah I'll get started on the personal imagines today!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Harry Styles Imagine 5 Part 10
Imagine Part 10-
-"Harry!" You says and he turns aroung. You hear the doors shut lock "What no" You say as you turn back to the doors then back to Harry.
-"Harry!" You try keep your distance from him as he turns and walks towards you. All you wanted to do was jump in his arms and tell him you love him but you knw he did not feel the same way. But oh god how he is beautiful.
*Harry's P.O.V*
I here my name being called by a familiar voice. I turn around and se her. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her long blong hair still as perfect as always and her beautiful bleu eyes that I fell for in the first place. The only thing that was missing was her perfect smile, I have not seen it in a while, and I am not seing it right now. But oh how I missed her.
There was this awkward silence where we did not say anything we just stared at each other. I looked away from her and all the anger came up to me.
-"I...I..." She tried to say but she kept stuttering.
-"Everything was going fine then right before the show I find this letter in the bus!" I scream and pull out the letter from my pocket. She stood without a word and tears rolling down her cheecks.
-"You know on this letter it is ritten that you were going to be back as soon as possible, but the next day Eleanor come to me and say you were never comming back! Don't you know how much that killed me! I mean I LOVED YOU! You never seemed to see that but I loved you and I still love you! Why TELL ME WHY! Why did you just leave?"
-"I-I-I" She says
-"TELL ME!" I Scream.
*My P.O.V*
Your just standing there crying not saying a word. He keeps scream at you to tell him why you left.
-"For GOD SAKE!! (Y/N)! Tell me I wont be mad." He finally calms down.
There was a moment of silent and you finaly decided to speek up.
-"Harry I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you but it's only because..." You say
-"Because what?" He says calmly
-"Because when I left to see James, He asked me to meet him at a club where he was doing a gig and well after that we had a couple of drinks to much and we ended back at my hotel room and well I splept with him. And well when I woke up I remembered everything and well I there was something going thru my mind it was descision. But I knew that if I went back to you you'd hate me and if I told you I slept with him you would never want me so I left you and him."
-"But you never said who you choose."
-"Well when I woke up the next morning seing James I regreted everything and at that point I knew you where the one all thi time."
-"First of all, I can't be mad anymore. I never really was I loved you to much. I tried hating you but it would hurt me to much. And second of all, You choose me..."
-"Well yeah I think I've always choose you but never knew it until a few months ago."
-"You choose me.." I hear him whisper to himself smiling at the ground. "Well that's good because I have always choose you." he says and gets closer to you.
-"Harry just kiss me already!" You say
-"Humm you'll have to work for it" He teases, and starts to tickle you. You run away from him and he catches you. When he catches you it makes you fall. You fall on your back and he falls over you.
-"Just kiss me Harry I've missed your beautiful lips."
-"Fine I think you've worked hard enough..." He says and kisses you. You are both smiling during the kiss.
-"Does this mean we can finaly be public?" Harry asks.
-"I think so.." You say
-"Well thats good because I'm sure paparazzi is here right now waiting to find me, and I wanted to take you out on a real date."
-"Well I think I can manage with that."
-"But you know that you will get hate from fake directioners...and I dont want you to have a bad life because of that."
-"If ever anything happens Hazz I'll tell you babe."
-"Well thats good! And can you please come back on tour with me and the boys?"
-"Hazz I would love to but...I have to get back to my study's."
-"Well miss future designer...wil you have to honor of being our band designer?"
-"Humm well I don't know Hazza..." You tease.
-"Comon please baby?" He insists.
-"Oh fine then I think it could be good publicity."
-"Thanks love!"
You kiss one last them then he helps you get up and you get out of the room. You both walk out of the hotel doors and paparazzi are all over the place. Harry whispers in your ear "Can I kiss you right now?" You look at him and laugh and take him close and kiss him. You both go on a wounderfull date even tough the paparazzi folowed you both everywhere.
The next morning, you go spend the day with your new boyfriend. You walk into a starbucks and sit at a table. You open you phone and open perez hilton's gossip blog. You see the head line of today's new.
*Harry Styles hback with mysteri girl!?*
You laugh and you show it to Harry. He takes out his phone and types in something. You scrool down a bit more on Perez Hilton's blog then go check twitter. You see that you have tones of new followers and check Harry's tweet
*Yes the rumors are true! I'm back with mysteri girl! But this girl has a name @(Y/N) and please don't hate on this perfect girl. We have ben thru enough already and all that counts is that I love her!*
You read the tweet and smile you ben over to him and give him a kiss. You knew he was going to be *The One* And that this was just the begining of a perfect relationship with the best guy ever.
-THE END! Hope you liked it!-
-"Harry!" You says and he turns aroung. You hear the doors shut lock "What no" You say as you turn back to the doors then back to Harry.
-"Harry!" You try keep your distance from him as he turns and walks towards you. All you wanted to do was jump in his arms and tell him you love him but you knw he did not feel the same way. But oh god how he is beautiful.
*Harry's P.O.V*
I here my name being called by a familiar voice. I turn around and se her. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her long blong hair still as perfect as always and her beautiful bleu eyes that I fell for in the first place. The only thing that was missing was her perfect smile, I have not seen it in a while, and I am not seing it right now. But oh how I missed her.
There was this awkward silence where we did not say anything we just stared at each other. I looked away from her and all the anger came up to me.
-"I...I..." She tried to say but she kept stuttering.
-"Everything was going fine then right before the show I find this letter in the bus!" I scream and pull out the letter from my pocket. She stood without a word and tears rolling down her cheecks.
-"You know on this letter it is ritten that you were going to be back as soon as possible, but the next day Eleanor come to me and say you were never comming back! Don't you know how much that killed me! I mean I LOVED YOU! You never seemed to see that but I loved you and I still love you! Why TELL ME WHY! Why did you just leave?"
-"I-I-I" She says
-"TELL ME!" I Scream.
*My P.O.V*
Your just standing there crying not saying a word. He keeps scream at you to tell him why you left.
-"For GOD SAKE!! (Y/N)! Tell me I wont be mad." He finally calms down.
There was a moment of silent and you finaly decided to speek up.
-"Harry I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you but it's only because..." You say
-"Because what?" He says calmly
-"Because when I left to see James, He asked me to meet him at a club where he was doing a gig and well after that we had a couple of drinks to much and we ended back at my hotel room and well I splept with him. And well when I woke up I remembered everything and well I there was something going thru my mind it was descision. But I knew that if I went back to you you'd hate me and if I told you I slept with him you would never want me so I left you and him."
-"But you never said who you choose."
-"Well when I woke up the next morning seing James I regreted everything and at that point I knew you where the one all thi time."
-"First of all, I can't be mad anymore. I never really was I loved you to much. I tried hating you but it would hurt me to much. And second of all, You choose me..."
-"Well yeah I think I've always choose you but never knew it until a few months ago."
-"You choose me.." I hear him whisper to himself smiling at the ground. "Well that's good because I have always choose you." he says and gets closer to you.
-"Harry just kiss me already!" You say
-"Humm you'll have to work for it" He teases, and starts to tickle you. You run away from him and he catches you. When he catches you it makes you fall. You fall on your back and he falls over you.
-"Just kiss me Harry I've missed your beautiful lips."
-"Fine I think you've worked hard enough..." He says and kisses you. You are both smiling during the kiss.
-"Does this mean we can finaly be public?" Harry asks.
-"I think so.." You say
-"Well thats good because I'm sure paparazzi is here right now waiting to find me, and I wanted to take you out on a real date."
-"Well I think I can manage with that."
-"But you know that you will get hate from fake directioners...and I dont want you to have a bad life because of that."
-"If ever anything happens Hazz I'll tell you babe."
-"Well thats good! And can you please come back on tour with me and the boys?"
-"Hazz I would love to but...I have to get back to my study's."
-"Well miss future designer...wil you have to honor of being our band designer?"
-"Humm well I don't know Hazza..." You tease.
-"Comon please baby?" He insists.
-"Oh fine then I think it could be good publicity."
-"Thanks love!"
You kiss one last them then he helps you get up and you get out of the room. You both walk out of the hotel doors and paparazzi are all over the place. Harry whispers in your ear "Can I kiss you right now?" You look at him and laugh and take him close and kiss him. You both go on a wounderfull date even tough the paparazzi folowed you both everywhere.
The next morning, you go spend the day with your new boyfriend. You walk into a starbucks and sit at a table. You open you phone and open perez hilton's gossip blog. You see the head line of today's new.
*Harry Styles hback with mysteri girl!?*
You laugh and you show it to Harry. He takes out his phone and types in something. You scrool down a bit more on Perez Hilton's blog then go check twitter. You see that you have tones of new followers and check Harry's tweet
*Yes the rumors are true! I'm back with mysteri girl! But this girl has a name @(Y/N) and please don't hate on this perfect girl. We have ben thru enough already and all that counts is that I love her!*
You read the tweet and smile you ben over to him and give him a kiss. You knew he was going to be *The One* And that this was just the begining of a perfect relationship with the best guy ever.
-THE END! Hope you liked it!-
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