*3 months later*
*Harry's POV*
I'm walking around the airport looking for Emma. I finally spot her. Her belly is getting bigger but in some way she is even more beautiful then the last time I saw her. I start walking towards her then my pace gets faster and faster by the second. I finaly run up to her and my lips smash on hers. I see the paparazzi flashes come out of every corner and I had forgoten that they had no idea that she was with child. I grab my bag and her hand and walk out. There was already a car waiting for us. The man grabs my bag and puts it in the trunck while I help Emma to get into the car. As I close the door the driver comes in the car and drives of.
*20 mintutes later*
-"I've missed this place."
-"I feel kind of lonely sometimes. It's kind of big. A two floor appartment." She says looking around at the big open room. On the left there was the big modern kitchen on the middle a dinning table, and on the right her huge modern well designed kitchen. If we went upstairs there is 3 bedroom plus a bathroom. Her bedroom is really big. She has a walk in closet that is huge. A private bathroom that is very nice and spacious. On of the bedrooms is her dance studio, and that bedroom is about as big as her other bedroom. And the last bedroom is a guest room that is normal sized. Yeah I know what you guys are thinking...how does she pay this house...well you see her mom is a model/dancer/singer/actress and her father has a recording studio that we the lads and I used once. Anyways her parents pay for most of this. So she has does not really worry about paying her house.
-"Well managment left me 5 days here. Tomorow is the oultrasound and we should know if it a boy or a girl and then I'll spend the rest of the time taking care of you."
-"Yeah...I'm so glad your back baby." She says kissing me, and I melt. I was really falling hard for this girl and I did not want to mess it up.
-"I was woundering..." I say as we walk upstairs so I can put my things in her room. "Can we start taking things out of the guest room for the child...I was hoping to start paiting the room while I'm here."
-"Humm sure... I actually have this extra room downstairs that I don't use...it can be the guest room." She says joyfully.
-"Wait you have another room?!?"
-"Humm yeah it's painted and all. I just never knew what to put in it."
-"Well I'll start after diner."
We order some chinese and eat. I then start to empty the room with Emma.
*The next day*
*Emma's POV*
-"Miss (Your last name)?" A nurse asks me while I'm waiting in the waiting room to go get my ultrasound.
-"Mister Gone is ready t see you." She say and I follow her with Harry right behind me. I arrive in the room and lie down on the 'bed'. A tall man walks in and presents himself. He sits down next to me and ask me to pull up my shirt. He asks me plenty of question while aplying a gel on my tummy. He then garbs a wand and puts it on my stomac. He moves the wand around and looks at the screen. After a while he looks at us and smile.
-"Your baby is healty and doing very well. Do you guys want to know the gender?" He asks.
-"YES!" Harry and I say excited.
-"Well she will grow up to some amazing parents. She will be healty. I hope your happy to have a little girl to add to your family!" The doctor says.
-"We are not married!" I say quickly, letting go of Hazza's hand.
-"Ok then!" The doctor says taking off the gell of my stomac. "Here is your next oultrasound date. Hope to see that she is healty in 3 months! And if you feel sick, like a fever call me. If anything seems wrong come to the hospital. Just if anything bad happens come here!" The doctor says leaving. We go back home and Hazz makes some food while I'm looking at baby rooms on my laptop. Hazz sits down next to me with the food.

-"Good it's perfect! But humm Jamie?"
-"Yeah..hum when I'm bored I start to talk to our baby and call her Jamie."
-"Oh...So you name her without asking me what I tought?"
-"No it's just a nickname baby...don't worry!" I say making him feel better. For the rest of the week Harry finished emptying the room. bought the paint and started pating. By the last day of his stay he had finished the blue coat. All we had left to do is paint the three and shop for the rest. The last day was here and I said bye to Haz. Once I got back home from the airport someone was waiting in front of my door.
-"Jennifer!?!" I say walking up to her and hugging her. She was my best friend since forever.
-"How dare you not tell me that 1 your datting THE HARRY EDWARD STYLES and second you pregs!!!" She shouts at me.
-"I know I'm so sorry! I have not even told my parents yet... I don't want then to think I'm a slut but even if I did call them I don't want my child to get attached to them."
-"I understand. But you could of told your best friend! Even tought I was in canada and not in London. You could of called or texted or skyped or messaged or something!"
-"I know I'm really sorry but to make it up to you I'm going to need help shopping for some clothes for my little girl, and some stuff to put in her bedroom."
-"Fine! You got me! Your forgiven! I'm going to be staying with you as often as possible! Comon open the door already we have some only shopping to do!" She says jumping up and down.
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