-"You lo-love me..." Harry stutters.
-''I don't know... it just came out."
-"So you don't mean it..."
-"Look Harry...It's not that I did not mean it, it's because I still have feelings for Niall. And everything is messed up in my head right now..."
-"It's ok... you don't have to say it right now if you don't want to..."
-''Can we just get out of here for a while...maybe go hang out with the boys."
-"Anything for you love. Grab your coat. You can spend the night at my flat." He says as we walk out the door. We get down to the lobby of the appartment and are about to walk outside but there is plenty of paparazzi outside going crazy with their cameras and stuff. Harry grabs my hand tightly and pulls me outside. He puts me behind him and never let's go of my hand the whole time. He pushes the paparazzi away and ignores what they are saying. We get to his car and he opens the door to let me in then walks over to the drivers side and hops in and drives of. We start driving but in the wrong direction from his house.
-"Haz...where are we going?"
-''I'm taking you to my cottage in the woods.There is a lake there and it's away from everything. Louis and Eleanor are there right now and Liam was going to join them with Danielle tomorow."
-But Hazz! I don't have any clothes."
-"Perfect" He smiles.
-"HARRY! You know my beleifs!"
-''I know. I'm kidding. I have some clothes over there and Eleanor would be glad to pass you some. At night you can sleep in one of my t-shirts"
-''Fine then...You win" I laugh, and grab his hand. Before I know it we arrive at his lake side house. He parks the car then quickly runs over to my door to open it. We walk in the house and it's beautiful! I'm guessing all the boys pitched in to build this place.
-"So what do you think?" Harry says.
-"It's beautiful!"
-''Just like you" He reply's then kisses me.
-"Oh what do we have here?" Louis says walking by us kissing.Harry and I pull back at the same time. I bit my lip then look at the ground. Harry turns his head at Louis and laughs.
-"Humm" Harry manages to say.
-''Congrats dude! A year later..."
-"Yeah! At least I did it!" Harry defends his self.
-''What's going o-" Eleanor says walking towards Louis then see's us.
-"Never mind." Eleanor says again then walks away with Louis. Harry and I look at each other then start to laugh.

-"That's not the best part! Let me show you the bathroom!" Harry says and puts his hands on my eyes and brings me to the bathroom. He takes off his hands and all I see is a jacuzzi.
-"What!" I saw supried. "You have a jacuzzi in your bathroom!"
-"Yeah well I asked the boys if they could let me have this room, and they agreed."
-"To bad I don't have a bikini to wear...I have this one bikini at home that is pretty reveling, I'm sure you would of loved to see me in it...but to bad we left my house to quickly." I sort of flirt pout.
-"Stop it you killing me!" Harry pouts.
-"Oh only if I had it right now I would jump into that jacuzzi in no time."
-"Seriusly your killing me!"
-"Ha ha I know" I say and kiss him on the cheeck then run of to visit the rest of the house.
I finish touring the house and go to the living room where Louis and El where watching TV.
-"I hear your tourchering Harry" Louis laughs.
-"Yeap.Telling him about my bikini that I left home."
-"Thats why he left quick like that, only saying 'shes torturing me! I'll be right back!'." Louis says.
-''Oh so he's gone." I say calming down from my giggles.
-''Yeah he should be back by tonight. El and I are going to make supper tonight, your welcom to join us."
-"Nah...I'll wait for him before eating."
-"That's fine" Louis says and I walk away. I go back to the bedroom and decide to grab a shower then put on one of Harry's shirts. As I get out of the shower and put on Harry's big shirt, I see my scars. I slowly pass my hand on it while tears fall from my eyes. Thinking of all the reasons for this. So mostly thinking of Niall. I fall to the ground almost wanting to start cuting again. I get up and find a sharp object. Just as I sit down again in my corner someone shouts.
-"Don't! Please baby. You promised!" Harry says, running towards me, and heling me up trowing the object away.
-"I'm sorry Haz. I can't promise you I wont."
-"Try love..try. "
-"I'm just not good enough for anyone! I'm to much work for you, Niall never loved me, I never really had friends...and the list goes on."
-"Hey hey! don't say that! I love you...I want you...and when I say I want you, I mean I want the whole package. By the way you look sexy in my t-shirt." He says and I giggle a bit. "Comon let's go to bed." He says helping me up then striping down to his underwear and cuddling up to me in bed.
*Next part will be up shortly :)*
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