*Zayn's POV*
This girl sleeping on my chest...She finaly noticed me. I've lived here since I was so young and it's the first time that she finaly notices me. I've seen her around alot, hanging with Liam, or Niall and even this new boy I think his name is Louis. I don't know he just moved in town and at the first day of school Viviana was the first one to go say 'hi'. So I've always had this crush on her but I'd stay in the shadow. But now was my chance to finaly get her in my arms and to be mine. I pass my hand softly on her face as I watch her sleep, I smile to myself and fall asleep.
*Viviana's POV*
I wake up and see that I'm in the same position as last night, Zayn is still sleeping as I get up slowly. I look at his perfect six pack and try so hard not to touch.
-"Go ahead you can touch." Zayn says smiling. I blush real hard as I put my hand on top. My phone buzzes on the glass table and I see a text from my mom. I check the time and jump up.
-"Oh god Zayn! I'm so sorry I have to go right now! Thanks alot for everyting!" I say grabing my jacket and phone and run out the door.
-"But your clothes!" I hear him shout from far but I was to far ahead to turn back.
-"Hey mom! Sorry I forgot to call my phone was off! I spent the night at Liam's house. We watched a movie and I fell asleep. I swear it wont happen again!"
-"Well you better be ready for your piano lesson in 30 minutes!"
-"Yes! I will!" I say running up the stairs to go grab a shower. I grab some clothes from my closet and put them on (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=59579383)
*2 hours later*
I'm walking in my neighbourdhood with my dog.
-"Zayn!" I say seing him.
-"Hey! Humm you left your things at my place last night..."
-"I know...It's just my mom was going to kill me if humm I missed my thing..."
-"I would of asked you what your thing was but I think you don't want me to know..."
-"Yeah...it's sort of a secret we can say..."
-"Oh no you don't have to explain...So whats the name of your dog?"

-"Yeah but it goes really well for him."
-"Oh I see..."
-"Shut up Zayn!" I say laughing.
-"You want to come over andd pick up your things. I can make you lunch and your dog is welcom to come in."
-"Sure" I say with a smile. "I've jsut got to tell my mom."
-"Sounds good." He say and I walk away.
-"Hey mom! I'm staying over at Niall's for a while...slobers is with me and I'll be back for super."
-"Ok! But if you sleep over I swear! Your grounded for a week."
-"I know mom! I promise." I say and hang up.
-"Your good?"
-"Yeap!" I say and we start walking towards his house. We walk into his house. We go in the kitchen and he starts making food. I sit down on the ground and start to play with Astro.
*Zayn's POV*
I watch her play around with her dog as I make some food. She looked so beautiful playing around with her dog. It was hard for me not to just kiss her...but maybe tonight would be my chance. About 10 minutes later the food is ready so I put it in plates on the table in the living room.
*Viviana's POV*
-"I rented a horror movie the other day...you want to watch it."
-"Well I'm not that big of a fan...Horror movies kind of scare me...."
-"Well if you get scared you can hide in my arms."
-"Well I guess I can make an execption for this one time." I say as I take a bite from my food. He gets up and puts the movie in as I take my last bite from my bowl. I send a text to my mom saying that I might sleep over then I send a text to Niall asking him to cover for me. I grab Astro in my arms as Zayn sits down next to me and puts the blanket around us. I lie my head on his chest as he puts his arm around mine. As the movie plays, and I get scared Zayn hold me tighter and tighter. At one point I find myself searching for his hand I feel his hand searching for mine.
The movie was now over and Astro was lying at the end of the couch while I was glued on Zayn. I start to let go of Zayn at the end but he just holds me tighter.
-"I don't ever want to see that movie ever again." I say shaking.
-"Well I'm here to protect you." He says and gives me a gently kiss on the forhead. We both just stare at each other in the eyes until we feel something bringing us closer and closer. Our lips are now brushing against each other. I feel his warm breath on my lips and his eyes staring at my lips. Our lips start to touch and Zayn goes for the kiss. I feel his toungue asking fro permision to enter and I let him. Our lips move as if they are dancing to the rithym of our heart beats. It was so perfect so passionet but yet I did not feel as many fireworks as I felt when I kissed Harry. We both pull back and smile. Our forheads are still touching and hes looking at my lips again asking for permision to kiss me again and I let him. This time it was longer and harder. I did not want to pull back but Astro started to bark so I turn around and took him in my arms.
-"I should get home Astro is hungry...." I say.
-"Oh sure yeah let me get your clothes and jacket, and I can drive you home...you know it's kind of getting dark outside."
-"Yeah sure..." I say and he gat my things and his car keys. I put my shoes and jacket on. I get Astro's leach and Zayn walks me out. He opens my door like a gentleman and runs over to the other side. A few minutes later we are in front of my house. Zayn and I get closer as if we were about to kiss but I turn around and walk out the door. I open the door to my house and let Astro off his leach. I drop my bag and hang up my jacket and walk into the kitchen. I go to the fridge and grab some water and as I close the door I see my mom in the living room with Harry. I feel my heart flop...what was I going to do or say....
*Next part up soon :) -xx-*
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