Friday, October 19, 2012

Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 6

-"What are we going to do?" He says whiping his hands on his jeans. I could see him sweating and acting all nervous as if his stomac just flopped like mine did when I found out.
-"Look we graduate tomorrow. Next week I'm leaving for London. Actually I'm mooving to London. My appartment is already baught and my parents are paying the appartment for the first year then I'm on my own."
-"What you're leaving." 
-"I'm keeping this child with or without you."
-"When did you inted on telling me this!" 
-"My flight leaves next Friday at 3 pm. I'll be crossing the gates at 2pm." I say walking away and back home.

The next day, well actually the rest of the week I did not see Harry. It was finaly friday and I was getting a few last things packed.

-"Hun ready to go?" I hear my mom say as I shut my suit case closed.
-"Yep! Be down in a sec." I shout back walking around my almost empty bedroom. I was leaving a few things here and the rest was coming with me. I grab my back back from the ground and put on my heels I walk in front of the mirror and look out my outfit (
-"You are leaving this small town for a reason! Nothing will stop you. This is going to be a fresh start. You got into designing school. Next thing you know you will be starting your own cloathing line..." I say to myself.
-"Comon stop talking to yourself let's go already!" My mom says walking into my room. My dad was gone on a buisness trip and my sister was with her boyfriend. So all my mom would do was drop me off at the airport. I know, I know, my family was very nice with me and always there for me! Right? Well no, they never really took care of me until I could do things on my own and even before that I had a nanny that would do like everything for me. So I guess thats why I am like I am...anyways let's get back to my story.
-"I'm ready." I sai grabbing both of my suit cases and my mom garbs my carry on. 
About a half hour later I arrive at the airport. I say bye to my mom and leave. I drop my bags off and decide to grab a bite. I eat a bit and look down at my tummy that was a bit bigger then before. I look at the time 1:15 pm I grab my coat, bag and carry on and make my way to the gates. I guess Harry did not want to come.
-"KAYLA! KAYLA WAIT!" I hear a familiar voice and turn around.

*Harry's POV*

Look we graduate tomorrow. Next week I'm leaving for London. Actually I'm mooving to London. My appartment is already baught and my parents are paying the appartment for the first year then I'm on my own."
-"What you're leaving." 
-"I'm keeping this child with or without you."
-"When did you inted on telling me this!" 
-"My flight leaves next Friday at 3 pm. I'll be crossing the gates at 2pm." She says and walks away. Wait what! I say to myself.'How could she drope a bomb like that on me. She must of known this for a while but never told me. Did she intend on just leaving one day without telling me. I pace around trying to clear my mind and get everything to make sence but quickly give up. I spen the whole week avoiding her and trying to make my mind up. It was now Friday and I had still not made up my mind yet. At that moment I grab a bag and fill it with clothes and essentiel things, and quickly zip it shut. I grab my wallet, my phone, passeport and other things and shove it into a backpack and call a taxi while I'm doing all of this. I'm droping my suit case off, 1:15pm. 
-"shit'' I mumble under my breath. "I'm to late" i whipser as the kind women gives me my ticket and I start running towards the gates.
-"KAYLA! KAYLA WAIT!"  I shout and I see a beautiful brunette turn around. It was her. She was going to enter thru the gates until she hear me. I run as fast as possible towards her and kiss her.
-"I'm coming with you." I say catching my breath.
-"You sure."
-"Yes... we can talk on the plane and arrange for me to switch places with the person next to you." I say rubbing her belly and kissing her forhead.
-"I'm ready for anything that will happen." I say walking to the other side of the gate to join her.
-"This is just the beggining of something beautiful.'' I wishper into her ear grabing her hand as we walk to our gate.

*Writing next part already! Post it soon! Write soon -xx- *


  1. Idk if you got my Tumblr message or not but I'm sorry for snapping at you.
