*Halloween night*
-"I know I messed up real bad this time." Harry says siting down next to me, playing around with his hand nervously.
-"Ya don't say!" I say sarcasticly, snifing and whiping away some of my tears.
-"I know...and I'm sorry." He says looking at me in the eyes. Damn those green eyes were to die for.
-"I'm sorry, wont work this time!" I say getting up.
-"What do you mean?" He says getting up and going in front of me.
-"We are over." I say holding back my tears.
-"Why! I'll make it up to you!"
-"You can't make it up to me! I'm tired of being your little joke!"
-"My joke! I...I love you!"
-"If you really loved me you would not keep me a secret! I feel like all of this is a whole joke!" I say turning around puting my arms on my stomac.I soon feel his strong arms caress my waist as he gives me a hug from behind. He turns me around and I put my arms around him and bury my head in his chest as I let tears go down.
-"Hey..." He says softly lifting my chin up. "I love you" He whispers whiping my tears away with his thumbs. He pulls me in for a perfect, gentle, explosif, kiss.
-"Wow! What do we have here!" Harry and I hear as we are kissing. We pull back quickly and turn towards the sound.
-"Harry, and Kayla...Since when is this an item." Taylor says and his gang laughs.
-"Don't say anything." Harry whispers standing in front of me.
-"3 months and a half." Harry says swallowing hard.
-"Really, and you never taught of telling us." Taylor says smirking.
-"No because I know how much you guys can me jerks."
-"Whatever. We have nothing to do here."
-"So we are good."
-"Yeah we are good. It's just your reputation that might go down not ours." Taylor says and leaves with the rest of the boys. Harry watches them walk away and turns back to me.
-"Where were we." He smirks bending down to finish our kiss, and at the same time it starts to pour out of no where. Our lips touch and we kiss for so long I almost forgot to breath.
-"I always wanted to kiss someone I loved under the rain." I say blushing.
-"Well you can take it off your bucket list." He laughs "Did I make it up to you?" He says garbbing my hand.
-"I think so." I giggle. He puts his jacket over my head and we walk over to his car. He arrives in front of my house and kisses me good night. I go inside and go to grab a long shower. I grab my Mac and lie down on my bed in my PJ's. I log on facebook and see I've got a few notification's. The first one was Harry asking me to be his girlfriend, wich I accepted of course, and the second one was Harry tagging me in plenty of pictures. I scroll threw all of them until I see that perfect picture. He took it the night we started dating. Stuck in the gym. We had nothing better to do, so we took pictures, and there is this one picture that I remember how we took it. He was trying to tickle me and was runing after me in the whole gym. He had finaly caught me and was tickling me to death he stoped and kissed me while I was laughing so hard.

I stand in front of the mirror and check my outfit. I had got my hair dip died pink and I loved it. (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_33/set?id=60821592#stream_box)
I walk into the school and everyone is staring at me, I kind of feel uncomfortable, so I ignor the stares and walk to my locker. I'm opening my locker and Harry arrives from behind and kisses my neck, while rapping his arms around me.
-"You look beautiful babe." He whispers. I turn red realizing that many people are now staring at us.
-"Harry people are staring at us..." I say nervously.
-"Next week we don't have school. I want to bring you to the beach house again, I'm having a sort of party. The boys are going to be there with some girls and I want you to come. It's the whole week-end, please come."
-"But..." I start.
-"No buts! You can come over thursday so we can spend some time alone."
-"Fine." I sigh.
-"I'll pick you up then" He smiles and kisses me then runs off to his class. I had in some way, a bad feeling about that party, but I went alng with it anyways...
*Tell me what you think! Do you guys have a bad feeling about the party?! Write soon -xx-*
Ohmygosh no don't go!!!!