*Kayla's POV*
*9 months later*
-"Bloody hell!" I shout thru the falt with a british accent I had picked up with all the time living here.
-"What's wrong?" Harry shouts back.
-"Get the car ready! NOW!" I shout as I grab the bag from the ground.
-"What? Why?" He says rushing to the room and see's the water on the ground.
-"Why do you think bastered! My water broke!" I shout unwillingly at him.
-"Oh god let's go." He says helping me up and grabing the bag I was trying to get. He throws his wallet and phones in the bag and grabs his keys. He helps me to the elevator and presses the button about ten thousand times until it arrives. Two minutes later we arrive in the parking lot of the building. He rushes to the car and helps me in.
*30 minutes later*
-"Ok well you are only about 3 cm, so do you want the medecation or not?" The doctor asks as she looks up at me. I shake the head in the motion of a yes while I squeeze Harry's hand.
*5 Hours later*
-"Oh god Harry! I want this thing out of me now!" I shout in pain. I never taught that it would hurt so much giving birth. It had only ben 5 hours and the baby was only 6 cm down.
-"It will all soon be over Baby." He says grabbing my hand and kissing my forhead.
-"I'm sorry for the past 9 months, all the snapping at you and the emotional wreck I was I'm sorry baby." I say starting to cry as I look at him in the eyes.
-"It's ok honey, in just a while everything will be over the pain will be over. And no matter of it's a boy or a girl I will love him or her as much as I love you." He says kissing me gently and then my tummy.
-"I don't care if it's a boy or girl but I can't wait to find out." I say smiling and whiping away my tears. "And I'm sorry you have to see me at my worst, I must look horrible right now. You must find me repuslive at this moment."
-"Hey wow wow wow! I never said that! You are beautiful as always and nothing or no one can change my mind." He says kising my hand.
-"I love you so much Harry."
-"I love you to honey." He says with a cheeky smile.
*3 hours later*
-"Push honey PUSH!" Harry shouts
-"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I'M DOING YOU IDIOT!" I shout back as I catch my breath fro the next push.
-"Sorry just trying to help."
-"Well don't!" I shout back, and Harry backs out.
-"Harry! Go back with her she needs you!" The doctor shouts at him and he hurry's back to me in cofusion.
-"It's a boy!" The doctor say as she cuts the cord and gives him to the nurses. All I hear is crying and shouts, the doctor talking to me and Harry's conforting hand squeezing mine but all I could do was look at my baby boy. He had the same green eyes as his farther and that charming smile of his. He was so beautiful and mine. They finaly put him on my chest and I grab him and my arms. He quickly stops crying and smiles.
-"What do you want to name him?" Harry whispers in my ear giving me a gently kiss a the same time.
-"Jonathan." I say smiling and turning my head to Harry.
-"Jonathan, it goes well on him." He says smiling.
*5 years later*
-"Happy Birthday to you!" Harry and I finish signing as I put Jonathan's birthday cake in front of him. It had ben 5 years that Jonathan was born and about 6 years that Harry and I have ben together. I still can't beleive it. It turned out that when my sister found out I had a child she was really exited for me, and when I told my parents that I was pregnant it actually brought us closer together. On the other hand things with Harry's family did not go as well. For about 4 years Harry and his mom never spoke. The first time they spoke again was about a year ago at our wedding. (I'll fill you in on that later ). And with Gemma she was always very suportive of all this stuff, she would come and visit often. Actually our life turned out to be amazing. While I was pregnant, Harry auditioned for the XFactor and got joined into this band called One Direction. I hardly see him anymore but we make it thru. I became best friends with the rest of his band mates, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn. Last year, Harry brought me on tour with him and at one of his concerts he did the sweetes thing ever. He brought me on stage and sat me down on a stool. He started to sing one of the songs he had sang on the XFactor.
-"So you can tell everybody this is your song, it may be quite simple but, now that it's done. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words. How wounderful life is while you're in the world." He ended the song and went down on one knee and proposed. The whole croud went crazy and so did I. The rest of my life story unfolds pretty easly. I can actually say that I have had an amazing life so far and hoping that it will continue this way!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 7
*In London*
*Kayla's POV*
-"Harry are you sure you want this?" I say turning towards him before unlocking the door to my apartment.
-"I'm sure, I can't just let you raise this child on your own. Because it's my fault that you got-" Harry starts but stops as he gets to the "p" word. The whole trip to London, everytime the "P" word would come up he would change the subject as quick as possible wich made me doubt he actually wanted to be here with me.
-"It's both our fault Hazz. But I'm just doubting you are ready for the comitment thats involved." I say biting my lip and looking away.
-"I am! It's just I'm not used to this, well I have to get used to this. Can we just go in." He says avoiding the subject again as I unlock the front door. The flat was already furnished and most of my things where here already.
The apartment was not very big. It had an open kitchen that led into the living room wich had a view of the town. As we open the front door we walk into the kitchen/living room and we see three doors. One of then is the enormus bathroom, the other one is my bedroom that was pretty simple, and the last one was a guest room, that was a bit smaller then my room.
-"How do your parents avoid this!" Harry exclaims as he take a look of the flat.
-"Well my dad owns a huge recording label, and my mom is a world wide known designer." I say looking at him as I drop both of my bags.
-"It's amazing!"
-"Thanks, now you can stay in the guest room." I say picking my bags up again and rushing to my room.
-"What? We don't sare a room!?" I hear him shout but I already closed my door and did not intend to come out.
*Harry's POV*
'Why was she acting this way? Did I say something that hurt her?' all these questions rushed thru my mind as I watched her storm to her room. I checked my watch and it was about 5 pm. "Wow" I whisper to myself. The time change was wierd and I was exausthed and starved. I put my bag in the gues room and grab the house key and phone and left to go explore the streets of London. I walk for a while until I arrive in front of this restaurant called Nandos. I ordered food for Kayla and I and made my way back to 'our' new flat. Wow how it sounded wierd to say that. I was living with a girl that I have only ben dating for about 4 month and was pregnant because of me! It was all to much. I went back home and Kayla was still locked into her room. I droped the food on the kitchen counter and set a table for two. I knew that things were moving to fast but I knew I loved her and would stick trew thick and thin with her.
-"Kayla?" I say softly knocking at her door. "Dinner is served." I say and turn back to the table without and answer. I eat up my food slowly and quietly. It was now 8pm and she had still not come out of her room. I gar a tray and place her food and a glass of juice and put it at her door.
-"Super is at your door if you are hungry." I say softly hoping she will open, and thats when I hear shatering glass on the ground. I rush open the door to find her mirror broken into a million pieces and her bleding fist.
-"KAYLA!" I shout looking around furiously and woried. I would of taught I would of ben the one punching things furiously because of all thats happening. I quickly look around at the rest of her room. Her bed was a mess she had thrown so many things on the ground it was crazy what she had done. I turn to her and grab her bleeding hand. I walk her to the bathroom and pull out all the shards of mirror in her fist. I then pass it under water and put a bandage over it.
-"You are really good at this Styles." She finaly says whiping away a few tears with her other hand.
-"I would pay attention when my mom would do things like this to me when I got hurt and learned from it." I say with a smirk. I finish up the bandage and look at her into her beautiful, sparkly, speacial brown eyes. I sit up on the side of the bath tub next to her and put my arm around her.
-"We will get trew this together Baby. I will be with you the whole time."
-"I know you will." She says snifing and rubing her eyes.
-"I think we will sleep in my bed tonight since your room is a mess." I say holding her tight and gently kissing her forhead. She nods and I grab her in my arms bridal style and bring her to my bedroom. I drop her lightly on the bed and lie down next to her to form the big spoon.
*Sorry it took so long! :S I need your help! Tell me the gender and name of the child and I will choose from that the name and gender of the baby! Please write in coments!*
*In London*
*Kayla's POV*
-"Harry are you sure you want this?" I say turning towards him before unlocking the door to my apartment.
-"I'm sure, I can't just let you raise this child on your own. Because it's my fault that you got-" Harry starts but stops as he gets to the "p" word. The whole trip to London, everytime the "P" word would come up he would change the subject as quick as possible wich made me doubt he actually wanted to be here with me.
-"It's both our fault Hazz. But I'm just doubting you are ready for the comitment thats involved." I say biting my lip and looking away.
-"I am! It's just I'm not used to this, well I have to get used to this. Can we just go in." He says avoiding the subject again as I unlock the front door. The flat was already furnished and most of my things where here already.
The apartment was not very big. It had an open kitchen that led into the living room wich had a view of the town. As we open the front door we walk into the kitchen/living room and we see three doors. One of then is the enormus bathroom, the other one is my bedroom that was pretty simple, and the last one was a guest room, that was a bit smaller then my room.
-"How do your parents avoid this!" Harry exclaims as he take a look of the flat.
-"Well my dad owns a huge recording label, and my mom is a world wide known designer." I say looking at him as I drop both of my bags.
-"It's amazing!"
-"Thanks, now you can stay in the guest room." I say picking my bags up again and rushing to my room.
-"What? We don't sare a room!?" I hear him shout but I already closed my door and did not intend to come out.
*Harry's POV*
'Why was she acting this way? Did I say something that hurt her?' all these questions rushed thru my mind as I watched her storm to her room. I checked my watch and it was about 5 pm. "Wow" I whisper to myself. The time change was wierd and I was exausthed and starved. I put my bag in the gues room and grab the house key and phone and left to go explore the streets of London. I walk for a while until I arrive in front of this restaurant called Nandos. I ordered food for Kayla and I and made my way back to 'our' new flat. Wow how it sounded wierd to say that. I was living with a girl that I have only ben dating for about 4 month and was pregnant because of me! It was all to much. I went back home and Kayla was still locked into her room. I droped the food on the kitchen counter and set a table for two. I knew that things were moving to fast but I knew I loved her and would stick trew thick and thin with her.
-"Kayla?" I say softly knocking at her door. "Dinner is served." I say and turn back to the table without and answer. I eat up my food slowly and quietly. It was now 8pm and she had still not come out of her room. I gar a tray and place her food and a glass of juice and put it at her door.
-"Super is at your door if you are hungry." I say softly hoping she will open, and thats when I hear shatering glass on the ground. I rush open the door to find her mirror broken into a million pieces and her bleding fist.
-"KAYLA!" I shout looking around furiously and woried. I would of taught I would of ben the one punching things furiously because of all thats happening. I quickly look around at the rest of her room. Her bed was a mess she had thrown so many things on the ground it was crazy what she had done. I turn to her and grab her bleeding hand. I walk her to the bathroom and pull out all the shards of mirror in her fist. I then pass it under water and put a bandage over it.
-"You are really good at this Styles." She finaly says whiping away a few tears with her other hand.
-"I would pay attention when my mom would do things like this to me when I got hurt and learned from it." I say with a smirk. I finish up the bandage and look at her into her beautiful, sparkly, speacial brown eyes. I sit up on the side of the bath tub next to her and put my arm around her.
-"We will get trew this together Baby. I will be with you the whole time."
-"I know you will." She says snifing and rubing her eyes.
-"I think we will sleep in my bed tonight since your room is a mess." I say holding her tight and gently kissing her forhead. She nods and I grab her in my arms bridal style and bring her to my bedroom. I drop her lightly on the bed and lie down next to her to form the big spoon.
*Sorry it took so long! :S I need your help! Tell me the gender and name of the child and I will choose from that the name and gender of the baby! Please write in coments!*
Friday, October 19, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 6
-"What are we going to do?" He says whiping his hands on his jeans. I could see him sweating and acting all nervous as if his stomac just flopped like mine did when I found out.
-"Look we graduate tomorrow. Next week I'm leaving for London. Actually I'm mooving to London. My appartment is already baught and my parents are paying the appartment for the first year then I'm on my own."
-"What you're leaving."
-"I'm keeping this child with or without you."
-"When did you inted on telling me this!"
-"My flight leaves next Friday at 3 pm. I'll be crossing the gates at 2pm." I say walking away and back home.
The next day, well actually the rest of the week I did not see Harry. It was finaly friday and I was getting a few last things packed.
-"Hun ready to go?" I hear my mom say as I shut my suit case closed.
-"Yep! Be down in a sec." I shout back walking around my almost empty bedroom. I was leaving a few things here and the rest was coming with me. I grab my back back from the ground and put on my heels I walk in front of the mirror and look out my outfit (
-"You are leaving this small town for a reason! Nothing will stop you. This is going to be a fresh start. You got into designing school. Next thing you know you will be starting your own cloathing line..." I say to myself.
-"Comon stop talking to yourself let's go already!" My mom says walking into my room. My dad was gone on a buisness trip and my sister was with her boyfriend. So all my mom would do was drop me off at the airport. I know, I know, my family was very nice with me and always there for me! Right? Well no, they never really took care of me until I could do things on my own and even before that I had a nanny that would do like everything for me. So I guess thats why I am like I am...anyways let's get back to my story.
-"I'm ready." I sai grabbing both of my suit cases and my mom garbs my carry on.
About a half hour later I arrive at the airport. I say bye to my mom and leave. I drop my bags off and decide to grab a bite. I eat a bit and look down at my tummy that was a bit bigger then before. I look at the time 1:15 pm I grab my coat, bag and carry on and make my way to the gates. I guess Harry did not want to come.
-"KAYLA! KAYLA WAIT!" I hear a familiar voice and turn around.
*Harry's POV*
Look we graduate tomorrow. Next week I'm leaving for London. Actually I'm mooving to London. My appartment is already baught and my parents are paying the appartment for the first year then I'm on my own."
-"What you're leaving."
-"I'm keeping this child with or without you."
-"When did you inted on telling me this!"
-"My flight leaves next Friday at 3 pm. I'll be crossing the gates at 2pm." She says and walks away. Wait what! I say to myself.'How could she drope a bomb like that on me. She must of known this for a while but never told me. Did she intend on just leaving one day without telling me. I pace around trying to clear my mind and get everything to make sence but quickly give up. I spen the whole week avoiding her and trying to make my mind up. It was now Friday and I had still not made up my mind yet. At that moment I grab a bag and fill it with clothes and essentiel things, and quickly zip it shut. I grab my wallet, my phone, passeport and other things and shove it into a backpack and call a taxi while I'm doing all of this. I'm droping my suit case off, 1:15pm.
-"shit'' I mumble under my breath. "I'm to late" i whipser as the kind women gives me my ticket and I start running towards the gates.
-"KAYLA! KAYLA WAIT!" I shout and I see a beautiful brunette turn around. It was her. She was going to enter thru the gates until she hear me. I run as fast as possible towards her and kiss her.
-"I'm coming with you." I say catching my breath.
-"You sure."
-"Yes... we can talk on the plane and arrange for me to switch places with the person next to you." I say rubbing her belly and kissing her forhead.
-"I'm ready for anything that will happen." I say walking to the other side of the gate to join her.
-"This is just the beggining of something beautiful.'' I wishper into her ear grabing her hand as we walk to our gate.
*Writing next part already! Post it soon! Write soon -xx- *
-"What are we going to do?" He says whiping his hands on his jeans. I could see him sweating and acting all nervous as if his stomac just flopped like mine did when I found out.
-"Look we graduate tomorrow. Next week I'm leaving for London. Actually I'm mooving to London. My appartment is already baught and my parents are paying the appartment for the first year then I'm on my own."
-"What you're leaving."
-"I'm keeping this child with or without you."
-"When did you inted on telling me this!"
-"My flight leaves next Friday at 3 pm. I'll be crossing the gates at 2pm." I say walking away and back home.
The next day, well actually the rest of the week I did not see Harry. It was finaly friday and I was getting a few last things packed.
-"Hun ready to go?" I hear my mom say as I shut my suit case closed.
-"Yep! Be down in a sec." I shout back walking around my almost empty bedroom. I was leaving a few things here and the rest was coming with me. I grab my back back from the ground and put on my heels I walk in front of the mirror and look out my outfit (
-"You are leaving this small town for a reason! Nothing will stop you. This is going to be a fresh start. You got into designing school. Next thing you know you will be starting your own cloathing line..." I say to myself.
-"Comon stop talking to yourself let's go already!" My mom says walking into my room. My dad was gone on a buisness trip and my sister was with her boyfriend. So all my mom would do was drop me off at the airport. I know, I know, my family was very nice with me and always there for me! Right? Well no, they never really took care of me until I could do things on my own and even before that I had a nanny that would do like everything for me. So I guess thats why I am like I am...anyways let's get back to my story.
-"I'm ready." I sai grabbing both of my suit cases and my mom garbs my carry on.
About a half hour later I arrive at the airport. I say bye to my mom and leave. I drop my bags off and decide to grab a bite. I eat a bit and look down at my tummy that was a bit bigger then before. I look at the time 1:15 pm I grab my coat, bag and carry on and make my way to the gates. I guess Harry did not want to come.
-"KAYLA! KAYLA WAIT!" I hear a familiar voice and turn around.
*Harry's POV*
Look we graduate tomorrow. Next week I'm leaving for London. Actually I'm mooving to London. My appartment is already baught and my parents are paying the appartment for the first year then I'm on my own."
-"What you're leaving."
-"I'm keeping this child with or without you."
-"When did you inted on telling me this!"
-"My flight leaves next Friday at 3 pm. I'll be crossing the gates at 2pm." She says and walks away. Wait what! I say to myself.'How could she drope a bomb like that on me. She must of known this for a while but never told me. Did she intend on just leaving one day without telling me. I pace around trying to clear my mind and get everything to make sence but quickly give up. I spen the whole week avoiding her and trying to make my mind up. It was now Friday and I had still not made up my mind yet. At that moment I grab a bag and fill it with clothes and essentiel things, and quickly zip it shut. I grab my wallet, my phone, passeport and other things and shove it into a backpack and call a taxi while I'm doing all of this. I'm droping my suit case off, 1:15pm.
-"shit'' I mumble under my breath. "I'm to late" i whipser as the kind women gives me my ticket and I start running towards the gates.
-"KAYLA! KAYLA WAIT!" I shout and I see a beautiful brunette turn around. It was her. She was going to enter thru the gates until she hear me. I run as fast as possible towards her and kiss her.
-"I'm coming with you." I say catching my breath.
-"You sure."
-"Yes... we can talk on the plane and arrange for me to switch places with the person next to you." I say rubbing her belly and kissing her forhead.
-"I'm ready for anything that will happen." I say walking to the other side of the gate to join her.
-"This is just the beggining of something beautiful.'' I wishper into her ear grabing her hand as we walk to our gate.
*Writing next part already! Post it soon! Write soon -xx- *
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 5
*Two weeks later*
-"Fuck..." I say to myself as I pace around in the bathroom. I keep on looking at the stick hoping it would say negative. I look at the pregnancy test one last time and realize it wont change, it's positive... I was sixteen! I was not ready for a child! And at that moment another thing poped into my mind. HARRY! How will I tell I have to!? Maybe he wont realize?
-"Of course he will realize! And so will my parents and sister!" I mutter to myself
-"FUCK!" I say again.
What will my say when I tell them! Or what will my sister say!? More important what will Harry do!
At that moment an idea poped into my mind. I'll abort! Yeah thats a perfect Idea! I wont have to tell Harry! I'll just act as if nothing is going on and avoid Harry! Yeah!
-"Yeah! That will work!" I say to myself. I hide the stick and walk out of the bathroom and go to bed.
*The week en of the party*
-"!" I say catching my breath. "You...Are...A...mazing!" I shout between the breathing.
First let's go back to what happened before.
I was downstairs at the door paying the pizz we had ordered for the party. I walk to the kitchen and drop the pizza on the counter. As I turn around I see her beautiful face. She looked so amazing! Her long perfect legs on those flashing red heels made her look amazing, and that brilliant red lipstick just made me want to kiss her so bad. ( I swallow and hold up my urge to jump on her and kiss her.
-"I'm speachless." I whisper letting my breath out.
-"Do I look that bad?" She say biting her lip nervously. Damn she made me sweat. She looked so hot when she did that, I grab the counter to keep myself from falling at her beauty.
-"It's just I have no words to describe how beautiful you look right now." I say going ther her and wraping my arms around my waist. I bend in for a soft kiss. We are inches away I feel her breathing and I can resist it anymore I'm going to lay my lips on hers but she speaks up.
-"You'll need to work a little harder Styles." She says turning around and walking away. I can't help myself to not stare at he fine body.
It was 9pm and people where starting to arrive. The music was loud and everyone was walking around with drinks in their hand.
At midnight everyone was here. Actually everyone and many more people. I did not even know half of the people that were ar my house. But I did not really care. I had drank about 5 bottles of beer and was even crazier then before. I was dancing with Kayla, breathing down her neck. She had only drank 2 bottles but took a few shooters so she was drunker than me. I slowly start to kiss her neck giving her a sign that I want some. She let's me slide my hands down her back to her ass while kissing her harder and harder. She finds her way to my lips. She whispers something into my ear and I grab her hand and bring her up to my room.
*A while Later
-"!" I say catching my breath. "You...Are...A...mazing!" I shout between the breathing.
-"" She says catching her breath to. She lays her head on my chest and I kiss her forhead. I watch her fall asleep as I play with her haur and slowly I fall asleep to.
*Two weeks later*
*Harry's POV*
-"Hey baby!" I say walking up to her and kissing her.
-"Hey...bye I have to go." She say kissing my cheeck giving me a weak smile and walking away.
The whole week went by and I felt as if she was ignoring me. Everytime I came up to her she would leave as fast as possible.
-"Kayla! Wait up!" I shout running after her.
-"Yep." She say and I could feel something was up as she faked me a smile.
-"Can we talk?" I ask grabing her hand.
*Kayla's POV*
-"Can we talk?" He asks grabing my hand, as I faked my smile. He brought me to the the spot I would hang out alone usually. It was on the other side of the football field and not many people go there.
-"Why are you avoiding me?"
-"What do you mean?" I say trying ot act as if I did not know what he was talking about.
-"You know what I mean! You have ben avoiding me! I would look for you all around school, and when I would find you, you would always leave almost right away. You avoided me so much you knw what my friends said!"
-"What have they ben saying?"
-"Have you and Kayla broke up! You guys are always together and it's kind of getting anoying! They say we can't keep our hands off each other! Anyways, why are you avoinding me?" He says
-"Avoiding you! Pff! Harry! Not at all."
-"Stop lying to me!" He insists. I turn around on my heels woundering if I should tell him or not.
-"Tell me!" He says again a bit louder. I try to keep my glare away from him since I don't want to tell him I was, you know, pregnant.
-"TELL ME WHY!" He now shouts grabing my arms and forcing me to look at him.
-"I'm pregnant" I whisper.
-"What?" He say with a questioned face.
-"I'm pregnant..." I whisper again.
-"Since when? It can't be the night of the party! I used one!"
-"That's not when it happened..." I say looking at the ground.
-"Don't tell me you slept with someone else!" He practicaly shouts.
-"NO! God no! Harry...Thursday...the night we arrived...don't tell me you already forgot!?"
-"Oh no I did not forget just oh shit." He says playing around with his curls nervously.
*Don't forget to enter the contest! I am really searching for someone! ~Write soon -xx-*
*Two weeks later*
-"Fuck..." I say to myself as I pace around in the bathroom. I keep on looking at the stick hoping it would say negative. I look at the pregnancy test one last time and realize it wont change, it's positive... I was sixteen! I was not ready for a child! And at that moment another thing poped into my mind. HARRY! How will I tell I have to!? Maybe he wont realize?
-"Of course he will realize! And so will my parents and sister!" I mutter to myself
-"FUCK!" I say again.
What will my say when I tell them! Or what will my sister say!? More important what will Harry do!
At that moment an idea poped into my mind. I'll abort! Yeah thats a perfect Idea! I wont have to tell Harry! I'll just act as if nothing is going on and avoid Harry! Yeah!
-"Yeah! That will work!" I say to myself. I hide the stick and walk out of the bathroom and go to bed.
*The week en of the party*
-"!" I say catching my breath. "You...Are...A...mazing!" I shout between the breathing.
First let's go back to what happened before.
I was downstairs at the door paying the pizz we had ordered for the party. I walk to the kitchen and drop the pizza on the counter. As I turn around I see her beautiful face. She looked so amazing! Her long perfect legs on those flashing red heels made her look amazing, and that brilliant red lipstick just made me want to kiss her so bad. ( I swallow and hold up my urge to jump on her and kiss her.
-"I'm speachless." I whisper letting my breath out.
-"Do I look that bad?" She say biting her lip nervously. Damn she made me sweat. She looked so hot when she did that, I grab the counter to keep myself from falling at her beauty.
-"It's just I have no words to describe how beautiful you look right now." I say going ther her and wraping my arms around my waist. I bend in for a soft kiss. We are inches away I feel her breathing and I can resist it anymore I'm going to lay my lips on hers but she speaks up.
-"You'll need to work a little harder Styles." She says turning around and walking away. I can't help myself to not stare at he fine body.
It was 9pm and people where starting to arrive. The music was loud and everyone was walking around with drinks in their hand.
At midnight everyone was here. Actually everyone and many more people. I did not even know half of the people that were ar my house. But I did not really care. I had drank about 5 bottles of beer and was even crazier then before. I was dancing with Kayla, breathing down her neck. She had only drank 2 bottles but took a few shooters so she was drunker than me. I slowly start to kiss her neck giving her a sign that I want some. She let's me slide my hands down her back to her ass while kissing her harder and harder. She finds her way to my lips. She whispers something into my ear and I grab her hand and bring her up to my room.
*A while Later
-"!" I say catching my breath. "You...Are...A...mazing!" I shout between the breathing.
-"" She says catching her breath to. She lays her head on my chest and I kiss her forhead. I watch her fall asleep as I play with her haur and slowly I fall asleep to.
*Two weeks later*
*Harry's POV*
-"Hey baby!" I say walking up to her and kissing her.
-"Hey...bye I have to go." She say kissing my cheeck giving me a weak smile and walking away.
The whole week went by and I felt as if she was ignoring me. Everytime I came up to her she would leave as fast as possible.
-"Kayla! Wait up!" I shout running after her.
-"Yep." She say and I could feel something was up as she faked me a smile.
-"Can we talk?" I ask grabing her hand.
*Kayla's POV*
-"Can we talk?" He asks grabing my hand, as I faked my smile. He brought me to the the spot I would hang out alone usually. It was on the other side of the football field and not many people go there.
-"Why are you avoiding me?"
-"What do you mean?" I say trying ot act as if I did not know what he was talking about.
-"You know what I mean! You have ben avoiding me! I would look for you all around school, and when I would find you, you would always leave almost right away. You avoided me so much you knw what my friends said!"
-"What have they ben saying?"
-"Have you and Kayla broke up! You guys are always together and it's kind of getting anoying! They say we can't keep our hands off each other! Anyways, why are you avoinding me?" He says
-"Avoiding you! Pff! Harry! Not at all."
-"Stop lying to me!" He insists. I turn around on my heels woundering if I should tell him or not.
-"Tell me!" He says again a bit louder. I try to keep my glare away from him since I don't want to tell him I was, you know, pregnant.
-"TELL ME WHY!" He now shouts grabing my arms and forcing me to look at him.
-"I'm pregnant" I whisper.
-"What?" He say with a questioned face.
-"I'm pregnant..." I whisper again.
-"Since when? It can't be the night of the party! I used one!"
-"That's not when it happened..." I say looking at the ground.
-"Don't tell me you slept with someone else!" He practicaly shouts.
-"NO! God no! Harry...Thursday...the night we arrived...don't tell me you already forgot!?"
-"Oh no I did not forget just oh shit." He says playing around with his curls nervously.
*Don't forget to enter the contest! I am really searching for someone! ~Write soon -xx-*
Hey lovely readers! I have a some news fro you guys!
I'd like to start writing a a book on wattpad.
Don't fret, I will continue working on my blog!
Anyways I'd like to find 2 people to help me write the book! So for that I will have a miny contest we can say...
The point will be to write a short 1 page imagine, and from that I will choose 2. Hopefully you guys will enter in a big number.
Send me and email at
Send me your name and family name at the top followed the story name and then the short imagine.
The name of the Email will be Writing contest
The contest ends on the 31 of october! After that I will stop hope many of you enter!
Write soon -xx- :)
Anne-Michelle W.
I'd like to start writing a a book on wattpad.
Don't fret, I will continue working on my blog!
Anyways I'd like to find 2 people to help me write the book! So for that I will have a miny contest we can say...
The point will be to write a short 1 page imagine, and from that I will choose 2. Hopefully you guys will enter in a big number.
Send me and email at
Send me your name and family name at the top followed the story name and then the short imagine.
The name of the Email will be Writing contest
The contest ends on the 31 of october! After that I will stop hope many of you enter!
Write soon -xx- :)
Anne-Michelle W.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 4
-"Hey love! Ready to go?" I hear Harry say as he walks into my room. Thank god my sister was gone! She would of ben jumping up and down wanting to ask him plenty of questions.
-"Yep! Let me get my shoes and bag and we can go!" I say getting off my bed and running into my bathroom. I garb my black heels and look at myself one more time in front of the mirror. I nod and aproving of what I'm wearing (
-"Come here." He says pulling me closer as I'm bedding down to grab my suit case. He goes to settle his lips on mine but I put one finger over his lips and whisper.
-"You'll have to wait until we get to the beach house" I wink seductivly grabbing my bag and walking out.
-"Really! You're going to make me suffer!"
-"Yep!" I wink turning around, blowing him a teasing kiss. He mumbles under his breath and runs over to me, taking my bag and walking down the stairs. He goes out to the car as I leave a note on the fridge. I lock the front door. I turn around and see Harry leened on the car with the door open.
-"You really want that kiss. Don't you." I say walking up to him and he puts he arms on my waist. I bend in closer as if I was going to kiss him.
-"Not yet, not yet." I wink kissing his cheeck, and hopping into the car. I hear him pout as I shut the door and he runs over to the drivers seat. He starts the car and we head off. I watch out the window as the scenery goes by, I turn to Harry and flash him a small smile.I lay my head back against the window and slowly shut my eyes.
*One hour later*
My eyes flutter open as I feel the car slowing down and coming to a stop.
-"Sleep well beautiful?" Harry winks as I turn my head and whipe my eyes to wake me up.
-"We here?" I say yawning and stretching my arms and legs.
-"Yep!" He smiles getting out of the car and getting the bags out of the trunk. I grab my backpack and hop out of the car. The house looked excatly how I last remembered. It had two big black doors as the front doors. The house had many windows and was all white. It was very modern. I walk into the house and walk around as if it was the first time I came here. I walk into the big open kitchen. It had white marble counters that were so beautiful...anyways I grabbed my Iphone and snaped a pic of the house and posted it on Instagram.
*Epic house! Can't wait to spend a week-end with my amazing boyfriend. Love you babe <3!*
-"Hey love! Ready to go?" I hear Harry say as he walks into my room. Thank god my sister was gone! She would of ben jumping up and down wanting to ask him plenty of questions.
-"Yep! Let me get my shoes and bag and we can go!" I say getting off my bed and running into my bathroom. I garb my black heels and look at myself one more time in front of the mirror. I nod and aproving of what I'm wearing (
-"Come here." He says pulling me closer as I'm bedding down to grab my suit case. He goes to settle his lips on mine but I put one finger over his lips and whisper.
-"You'll have to wait until we get to the beach house" I wink seductivly grabbing my bag and walking out.
-"Really! You're going to make me suffer!"
-"Yep!" I wink turning around, blowing him a teasing kiss. He mumbles under his breath and runs over to me, taking my bag and walking down the stairs. He goes out to the car as I leave a note on the fridge. I lock the front door. I turn around and see Harry leened on the car with the door open.
-"You really want that kiss. Don't you." I say walking up to him and he puts he arms on my waist. I bend in closer as if I was going to kiss him.
-"Not yet, not yet." I wink kissing his cheeck, and hopping into the car. I hear him pout as I shut the door and he runs over to the drivers seat. He starts the car and we head off. I watch out the window as the scenery goes by, I turn to Harry and flash him a small smile.I lay my head back against the window and slowly shut my eyes.
*One hour later*
My eyes flutter open as I feel the car slowing down and coming to a stop.
-"Sleep well beautiful?" Harry winks as I turn my head and whipe my eyes to wake me up.
-"We here?" I say yawning and stretching my arms and legs.
-"Yep!" He smiles getting out of the car and getting the bags out of the trunk. I grab my backpack and hop out of the car. The house looked excatly how I last remembered. It had two big black doors as the front doors. The house had many windows and was all white. It was very modern. I walk into the house and walk around as if it was the first time I came here. I walk into the big open kitchen. It had white marble counters that were so beautiful...anyways I grabbed my Iphone and snaped a pic of the house and posted it on Instagram.
*Epic house! Can't wait to spend a week-end with my amazing boyfriend. Love you babe <3!*
I go upstairs to Harry's room. It looked the same...all clean...The maid must of come by not to long ago. The house contained a bedroom for his sister Gemma, and a room for his mom. I had promised my mom that I would sleep in Gemma's room, and Harry's mom said the same.Harry and I we're sad but agreed anyways. Anyways the rest of the house had two guest rooms and a huge basement.
-"Kayla?" I hear Harry scream from the kitchen as I'm walking around in Gemma's room. It was so beautiful...I loved spending time here because I did not have to share a room with anyone really. I had my privacy. I walk out and go to Harry's room again and sit on his bed. I start to think of the first time he braught me here.
-"Kayla?!" I hear, but I was so wrapped up in my taughts that I did not answer.
-"Kayla!" I hear someone sigh and I jump out of my daydreaming.
-"Oh sorry..." I whisper turning to him. "I was just so wrapped up in my taughts."
-"What were you thinking of." He winks sinting down next to me and wraping his arms around, as if he knew what I was thinking of.
-"Oh nothing very important." I smirk trying to avoid the subject.
-"I think it went something like this..." I whispers pressing his lips againts mine. The kiss started softly, but I felt it getting rougher and rougher. He lays me down on his bed starting to kiss my rougfly down my jaw line going to my neck.
-"" I ask as he kisses my jaw line.
-"Doesn't matter!" He say kissing me harder and harder. He makes his way back to my lips and at the same time he unzips my top as I take his pants off. He let's go of the kiss and strips off his shirt. He makes his was to my lips again as he rips her pants off...
*Sorry took so long to post! I'll catch up I promise! Hope you enjoy this part! I'll work on the next part tomorow! Going to bed now! Just saying I have a big revelation coming in the next few parts! ;) Stay posted for the next part! Oh and I suggest you guys go read this story my friend has started to write! It's so amazing!! I promise you wont be dissapointed!*
Friday, October 12, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 3
*Halloween night*
-"I know I messed up real bad this time." Harry says siting down next to me, playing around with his hand nervously.
-"Ya don't say!" I say sarcasticly, snifing and whiping away some of my tears.
-"I know...and I'm sorry." He says looking at me in the eyes. Damn those green eyes were to die for.
-"I'm sorry, wont work this time!" I say getting up.
-"What do you mean?" He says getting up and going in front of me.
-"We are over." I say holding back my tears.
-"Why! I'll make it up to you!"
-"You can't make it up to me! I'm tired of being your little joke!"
-"My joke! I...I love you!"
-"If you really loved me you would not keep me a secret! I feel like all of this is a whole joke!" I say turning around puting my arms on my stomac.I soon feel his strong arms caress my waist as he gives me a hug from behind. He turns me around and I put my arms around him and bury my head in his chest as I let tears go down.
-"Hey..." He says softly lifting my chin up. "I love you" He whispers whiping my tears away with his thumbs. He pulls me in for a perfect, gentle, explosif, kiss.
-"Wow! What do we have here!" Harry and I hear as we are kissing. We pull back quickly and turn towards the sound.
-"Harry, and Kayla...Since when is this an item." Taylor says and his gang laughs.
-"Don't say anything." Harry whispers standing in front of me.
-"3 months and a half." Harry says swallowing hard.
-"Really, and you never taught of telling us." Taylor says smirking.
-"No because I know how much you guys can me jerks."
-"Whatever. We have nothing to do here."
-"So we are good."
-"Yeah we are good. It's just your reputation that might go down not ours." Taylor says and leaves with the rest of the boys. Harry watches them walk away and turns back to me.
-"Where were we." He smirks bending down to finish our kiss, and at the same time it starts to pour out of no where. Our lips touch and we kiss for so long I almost forgot to breath.
-"I always wanted to kiss someone I loved under the rain." I say blushing.
-"Well you can take it off your bucket list." He laughs "Did I make it up to you?" He says garbbing my hand.
-"I think so." I giggle. He puts his jacket over my head and we walk over to his car. He arrives in front of my house and kisses me good night. I go inside and go to grab a long shower. I grab my Mac and lie down on my bed in my PJ's. I log on facebook and see I've got a few notification's. The first one was Harry asking me to be his girlfriend, wich I accepted of course, and the second one was Harry tagging me in plenty of pictures. I scroll threw all of them until I see that perfect picture. He took it the night we started dating. Stuck in the gym. We had nothing better to do, so we took pictures, and there is this one picture that I remember how we took it. He was trying to tickle me and was runing after me in the whole gym. He had finaly caught me and was tickling me to death he stoped and kissed me while I was laughing so hard.
I smile and shut my laptop off. I go under my blankets and smile myself to sleep.
I stand in front of the mirror and check my outfit. I had got my hair dip died pink and I loved it. (
I walk into the school and everyone is staring at me, I kind of feel uncomfortable, so I ignor the stares and walk to my locker. I'm opening my locker and Harry arrives from behind and kisses my neck, while rapping his arms around me.
-"You look beautiful babe." He whispers. I turn red realizing that many people are now staring at us.
-"Harry people are staring at us..." I say nervously.
-"Next week we don't have school. I want to bring you to the beach house again, I'm having a sort of party. The boys are going to be there with some girls and I want you to come. It's the whole week-end, please come."
-"But..." I start.
-"No buts! You can come over thursday so we can spend some time alone."
-"Fine." I sigh.
-"I'll pick you up then" He smiles and kisses me then runs off to his class. I had in some way, a bad feeling about that party, but I went alng with it anyways...
*Tell me what you think! Do you guys have a bad feeling about the party?! Write soon -xx-*
*Halloween night*
-"I know I messed up real bad this time." Harry says siting down next to me, playing around with his hand nervously.
-"Ya don't say!" I say sarcasticly, snifing and whiping away some of my tears.
-"I know...and I'm sorry." He says looking at me in the eyes. Damn those green eyes were to die for.
-"I'm sorry, wont work this time!" I say getting up.
-"What do you mean?" He says getting up and going in front of me.
-"We are over." I say holding back my tears.
-"Why! I'll make it up to you!"
-"You can't make it up to me! I'm tired of being your little joke!"
-"My joke! I...I love you!"
-"If you really loved me you would not keep me a secret! I feel like all of this is a whole joke!" I say turning around puting my arms on my stomac.I soon feel his strong arms caress my waist as he gives me a hug from behind. He turns me around and I put my arms around him and bury my head in his chest as I let tears go down.
-"Hey..." He says softly lifting my chin up. "I love you" He whispers whiping my tears away with his thumbs. He pulls me in for a perfect, gentle, explosif, kiss.
-"Wow! What do we have here!" Harry and I hear as we are kissing. We pull back quickly and turn towards the sound.
-"Harry, and Kayla...Since when is this an item." Taylor says and his gang laughs.
-"Don't say anything." Harry whispers standing in front of me.
-"3 months and a half." Harry says swallowing hard.
-"Really, and you never taught of telling us." Taylor says smirking.
-"No because I know how much you guys can me jerks."
-"Whatever. We have nothing to do here."
-"So we are good."
-"Yeah we are good. It's just your reputation that might go down not ours." Taylor says and leaves with the rest of the boys. Harry watches them walk away and turns back to me.
-"Where were we." He smirks bending down to finish our kiss, and at the same time it starts to pour out of no where. Our lips touch and we kiss for so long I almost forgot to breath.
-"I always wanted to kiss someone I loved under the rain." I say blushing.
-"Well you can take it off your bucket list." He laughs "Did I make it up to you?" He says garbbing my hand.
-"I think so." I giggle. He puts his jacket over my head and we walk over to his car. He arrives in front of my house and kisses me good night. I go inside and go to grab a long shower. I grab my Mac and lie down on my bed in my PJ's. I log on facebook and see I've got a few notification's. The first one was Harry asking me to be his girlfriend, wich I accepted of course, and the second one was Harry tagging me in plenty of pictures. I scroll threw all of them until I see that perfect picture. He took it the night we started dating. Stuck in the gym. We had nothing better to do, so we took pictures, and there is this one picture that I remember how we took it. He was trying to tickle me and was runing after me in the whole gym. He had finaly caught me and was tickling me to death he stoped and kissed me while I was laughing so hard.

I stand in front of the mirror and check my outfit. I had got my hair dip died pink and I loved it. (
I walk into the school and everyone is staring at me, I kind of feel uncomfortable, so I ignor the stares and walk to my locker. I'm opening my locker and Harry arrives from behind and kisses my neck, while rapping his arms around me.
-"You look beautiful babe." He whispers. I turn red realizing that many people are now staring at us.
-"Harry people are staring at us..." I say nervously.
-"Next week we don't have school. I want to bring you to the beach house again, I'm having a sort of party. The boys are going to be there with some girls and I want you to come. It's the whole week-end, please come."
-"But..." I start.
-"No buts! You can come over thursday so we can spend some time alone."
-"Fine." I sigh.
-"I'll pick you up then" He smiles and kisses me then runs off to his class. I had in some way, a bad feeling about that party, but I went alng with it anyways...
*Tell me what you think! Do you guys have a bad feeling about the party?! Write soon -xx-*
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 2
It started about 5 months ago. I was walking in the gym after school hours...I was going to get a bag that I forgot in the locker. So anyways I walked into the gym and found Harry trashing the place.
-"What are you doing?" I say with a blank expression.
-"Look who is here to join me! Freaky Kay."
-"Hey look it's Harry douche!"
-"Nice outfit can't beleive your parents let you dress like that." (
-"Anyways I wont stay longer. I just want to grab my purse I left in the locker." I say and start to walk to the locker room. I walk out of the lockers and see that Harry is still at doing his prank. I sigh and make my way to the door.
-"Stop there missy!" The principle says walking into the gym as I'm about to walk out. I take my hands off the handle and turn around.
-"You to mister! Both of you in my office now!" He shouts walking out of the gym and making his way to his office.
-"Look what you just did!" He shouts.
-"ME! All I did was come and get my bag!"
-"Yes you! He must of saw you walk in and came and see!"
-"God just go to the principals office with me. He did call for both of us." I say sighing and walking out of the gym. We both arrive at the principals office at the same time.
-"From you Kayle Dooley! This is a suprise! From you Harold Styles. It's not much big suprise. "
-"But sir! I did not do any of this!"
-"I caught you both in the gymnasium passed class hours. I don't care what you guys say! Both of you detention for 6 weeks and every day after school for 2 weeks!"
-"But!" I say
-"No buts!" He snaps
-"Harry! Tell him that I did none of this!" I beg Harry.
-"She was part of my skeem" Harry says hiding his smirk. I give him a dead look and the principal dismisses us.
-"This is all your fault!" I shout at Harry walking out of school.
The weeks went by and all the time we would snap at each other and fight. I guess we can say that's love. But we just did not know it yet. This week was our last week of detention and after that I would be free.
-"May Kayla Dooley and Harold Styles report to the principals office please." I hear over the intercom during my math class. Everyone turns and stares at me as if I killed someone. I grab my things and put them in my bag. I get up and walk slowly out the door. I walk into the office and Harry was already there. I walk in and sit down next him.
-"You both may think that your service time is over, and well yes it is. Tonight there is a freshman dance. It ends at around 10 pm. You two are both going to clean up the gym after the dance ALONE. Since it's Friday and you both don't go to bed until 1 am this will not do anything. And if you dare miss it you will get the rest of the year in detention and will have to clean the whole school every friday after school! Understood!?" He says.
-"Yes..." Harry and I mumble.
-"You are both dismissed." He says waiving us off, as the bell rings.
-"See you tonight." He says walking off with a develish smirk.
*10 pm ish*
-"Good both of you are here! Now all you need is over there in the corner, now here are the keys to put all of this back in the janitors room. This place has to be spotless by tomorow morning." He says tossin me the keys. "Get to work!" He says walking away.
-"Hey! You are actually dressed like a normal person!" Harry says laughing. (
-"Ha Ha Ha!" I say rolling my eyes. I throw my bag in a corner and grab my ipod. I put my earphones in my ears and put my music up to the max.
DNA from Little Mix ( starts to play and as a reflex, I start to dance while cleaning everything up. The thing is that I don't realize Harry was staring me down.
-"WHAT?" I shout once I realize he is staring at me. I take my earphones out once he starts to talk.
-"Nothing, it's just for the past half hour I have ben watching you dance."
-"You're not even helping me clean! You know it's your fault that we are stuck here! You should be doing this alone."
-"I am helping, but it's just I never knew you danced!"
-"Well now you know, I do hip hop! Get to work I don't want to leave here at midnight!" I say putting my earphones back in. Another half hour passes and I realize that Harry is staring at me again.
-"God can you stop looking at me!"
-"Here let's have some fun!" He says grabbing my ipod and putting it on speaker.
-"I am NOT dancing with you!"
-"Why not you have danced alone for the pass hour!"
-"Look I'm finishing my half of the gym and then leave." I pout grabing my broom and continue cleaning up. All I see at one point is him dancing around like a fool.
-"I'm done." I say grabbing my ipod and bag.
-"Where do you think your going!" He says running towards me and blocking my way.
-"Home! Let me go Harry!"
-"No! Because you forgot your bag that day I got caught! You are finishing this with me!" He says passing me my broom.
-"My FAULT!" You better be kiding me! If anything this is all you fault!" I shout walking off to continue cleaning.
-"My fault!" He says running towards me and grabbing my arm.
-"Let me go Harry!"
-"I did you a favor!"
-"A FAVOR! YOU made me get detention for something I did not do!" I shout.
-"YES! A favor!"
-"You better be kidding me!" I laugh rolling my eyes.
-"Just get to work!" He says letting me go.
-"I will!" I shout then mumble "Stupid ass".
-"What did you just say!"
-"Nothing" I smirk.
-"You're stuck with me tonight! So get used to it."
-"What do you meen I'm stuck with you tonight! I'm leaving you once we are done!"
-"That's what I meant!" He says rolling his eyes and grabs his broom again.
-"I'm done! Bye." I say exhausted. I grab my bag and make my way to the door. I go to open it but it does not want to. I yank it around but it wont opend.
-"Great! Now I'm really stuck with you!" I pout/
-"That's really nice!" He replie's. I throw my bag on the floor again and sit down in the bleachers. "This is all your fault! How many times do I have to say that! I'm blaming all this on you! Now I'm stuck with a douche for the whole night!"
-"I never planed to be stuck with you!" He says and a free for all fight blows off. I get up and go up to him and throw around bitch talking and this fight just has like no end.
-"All you care about is you, you, and you! You never pay any attention to anybody else!" I shout at him, and I have no idea why he jumps foward and his lips press against mine. You know how you're supposed to feel sparks or magic or what so ever...well I felt everything! My heart was melting, I felt my knees get week, and a party of fireworks in my stomac. I woundered if he felt the same way.
-"Oh god." He says pulling back and putting his arms over his head.
-"Don't act like this! I have to remember YOU are the one who kissed ME!"
-"I know! And I take full responsibility for it."
-"Then why oh god!" I say confused.
-"Because I think I might actually like you! Like really really like you." He says burying his face in his hands. I shily turn red and stand there speachless.
-"Well say something at least!" He sort of shouts.
-"I...I...I don't know what to say...I never realized it until you kissed me...I think I actually felt something..."
-"So you are telling me you feel the same way?''
-"I think so..." I say turning bright red.
-"Well this might be a problem..."
-"Because dating will ruin my reputation..."
-"Dating me...we never made anything official..."
-"Well I'd like to..." He say shily.
-"Are YOU asking ME to be your girlfriend?"
-"I think so..." He say siting down next to me.
-"Well your answer is yes."
-"But I can't put in jepordy my reputation..."
-"Why don't we keep this our secret...So tomorow we will act like none of this happened...but only act like we are dating when we are we are dating in secret."
-"I thinks thats a great Idea!" He say grabing my hand sliding his finger betwen mine, as I lay my head on his sholder.
-"Harry I've got a question...where are we sleeping?"
-"Well they have matresses in here and for blankets we can use my jacket." He says and arranges something.
Anyways thats how we started dating... He took me on a private little date on the beach one week-end. He took me there for our kind of two months thing. His family had a beach house and lented it to us. We could not let go of one another. One night, it started out by us cuddling on the couch watching a movie, it was kind of boring so Harry started having fun and giving me rugh kisses on the neck, that slowly went up to my lips. Our kiss started soft and passionate but got rugher and rugher by the second, one thing led to another and we ended up in his bed...I know it sound wrong at my age...16...but it was so right I had a feeling things would last. Everything was perfect, well sort of, until we arrive to the present day...Halloween night.
*Give me feedback! Please! Hope you like it so far!*
It started about 5 months ago. I was walking in the gym after school hours...I was going to get a bag that I forgot in the locker. So anyways I walked into the gym and found Harry trashing the place.
-"What are you doing?" I say with a blank expression.
-"Look who is here to join me! Freaky Kay."
-"Hey look it's Harry douche!"
-"Nice outfit can't beleive your parents let you dress like that." (
-"Anyways I wont stay longer. I just want to grab my purse I left in the locker." I say and start to walk to the locker room. I walk out of the lockers and see that Harry is still at doing his prank. I sigh and make my way to the door.
-"Stop there missy!" The principle says walking into the gym as I'm about to walk out. I take my hands off the handle and turn around.
-"You to mister! Both of you in my office now!" He shouts walking out of the gym and making his way to his office.
-"Look what you just did!" He shouts.
-"ME! All I did was come and get my bag!"
-"Yes you! He must of saw you walk in and came and see!"
-"God just go to the principals office with me. He did call for both of us." I say sighing and walking out of the gym. We both arrive at the principals office at the same time.
-"From you Kayle Dooley! This is a suprise! From you Harold Styles. It's not much big suprise. "
-"But sir! I did not do any of this!"
-"I caught you both in the gymnasium passed class hours. I don't care what you guys say! Both of you detention for 6 weeks and every day after school for 2 weeks!"
-"But!" I say
-"No buts!" He snaps
-"Harry! Tell him that I did none of this!" I beg Harry.
-"She was part of my skeem" Harry says hiding his smirk. I give him a dead look and the principal dismisses us.
-"This is all your fault!" I shout at Harry walking out of school.
The weeks went by and all the time we would snap at each other and fight. I guess we can say that's love. But we just did not know it yet. This week was our last week of detention and after that I would be free.
-"May Kayla Dooley and Harold Styles report to the principals office please." I hear over the intercom during my math class. Everyone turns and stares at me as if I killed someone. I grab my things and put them in my bag. I get up and walk slowly out the door. I walk into the office and Harry was already there. I walk in and sit down next him.
-"You both may think that your service time is over, and well yes it is. Tonight there is a freshman dance. It ends at around 10 pm. You two are both going to clean up the gym after the dance ALONE. Since it's Friday and you both don't go to bed until 1 am this will not do anything. And if you dare miss it you will get the rest of the year in detention and will have to clean the whole school every friday after school! Understood!?" He says.
-"Yes..." Harry and I mumble.
-"You are both dismissed." He says waiving us off, as the bell rings.
-"See you tonight." He says walking off with a develish smirk.
*10 pm ish*
-"Good both of you are here! Now all you need is over there in the corner, now here are the keys to put all of this back in the janitors room. This place has to be spotless by tomorow morning." He says tossin me the keys. "Get to work!" He says walking away.
-"Hey! You are actually dressed like a normal person!" Harry says laughing. (
-"Ha Ha Ha!" I say rolling my eyes. I throw my bag in a corner and grab my ipod. I put my earphones in my ears and put my music up to the max.
DNA from Little Mix ( starts to play and as a reflex, I start to dance while cleaning everything up. The thing is that I don't realize Harry was staring me down.
-"WHAT?" I shout once I realize he is staring at me. I take my earphones out once he starts to talk.
-"Nothing, it's just for the past half hour I have ben watching you dance."
-"You're not even helping me clean! You know it's your fault that we are stuck here! You should be doing this alone."
-"I am helping, but it's just I never knew you danced!"
-"Well now you know, I do hip hop! Get to work I don't want to leave here at midnight!" I say putting my earphones back in. Another half hour passes and I realize that Harry is staring at me again.
-"God can you stop looking at me!"
-"Here let's have some fun!" He says grabbing my ipod and putting it on speaker.
-"I am NOT dancing with you!"
-"Why not you have danced alone for the pass hour!"
-"Look I'm finishing my half of the gym and then leave." I pout grabing my broom and continue cleaning up. All I see at one point is him dancing around like a fool.
-"I'm done." I say grabbing my ipod and bag.
-"Where do you think your going!" He says running towards me and blocking my way.
-"Home! Let me go Harry!"
-"No! Because you forgot your bag that day I got caught! You are finishing this with me!" He says passing me my broom.
-"My FAULT!" You better be kiding me! If anything this is all you fault!" I shout walking off to continue cleaning.
-"My fault!" He says running towards me and grabbing my arm.
-"Let me go Harry!"
-"I did you a favor!"
-"A FAVOR! YOU made me get detention for something I did not do!" I shout.
-"YES! A favor!"
-"You better be kidding me!" I laugh rolling my eyes.
-"Just get to work!" He says letting me go.
-"I will!" I shout then mumble "Stupid ass".
-"What did you just say!"
-"Nothing" I smirk.
-"You're stuck with me tonight! So get used to it."
-"What do you meen I'm stuck with you tonight! I'm leaving you once we are done!"
-"That's what I meant!" He says rolling his eyes and grabs his broom again.
-"I'm done! Bye." I say exhausted. I grab my bag and make my way to the door. I go to open it but it does not want to. I yank it around but it wont opend.
-"Great! Now I'm really stuck with you!" I pout/
-"That's really nice!" He replie's. I throw my bag on the floor again and sit down in the bleachers. "This is all your fault! How many times do I have to say that! I'm blaming all this on you! Now I'm stuck with a douche for the whole night!"
-"I never planed to be stuck with you!" He says and a free for all fight blows off. I get up and go up to him and throw around bitch talking and this fight just has like no end.
-"All you care about is you, you, and you! You never pay any attention to anybody else!" I shout at him, and I have no idea why he jumps foward and his lips press against mine. You know how you're supposed to feel sparks or magic or what so ever...well I felt everything! My heart was melting, I felt my knees get week, and a party of fireworks in my stomac. I woundered if he felt the same way.
-"Oh god." He says pulling back and putting his arms over his head.
-"Don't act like this! I have to remember YOU are the one who kissed ME!"
-"I know! And I take full responsibility for it."
-"Then why oh god!" I say confused.
-"Because I think I might actually like you! Like really really like you." He says burying his face in his hands. I shily turn red and stand there speachless.
-"Well say something at least!" He sort of shouts.
-"I...I...I don't know what to say...I never realized it until you kissed me...I think I actually felt something..."
-"So you are telling me you feel the same way?''
-"I think so..." I say turning bright red.
-"Well this might be a problem..."
-"Because dating will ruin my reputation..."
-"Dating me...we never made anything official..."
-"Well I'd like to..." He say shily.
-"Are YOU asking ME to be your girlfriend?"
-"I think so..." He say siting down next to me.
-"Well your answer is yes."
-"But I can't put in jepordy my reputation..."
-"Why don't we keep this our secret...So tomorow we will act like none of this happened...but only act like we are dating when we are we are dating in secret."
-"I thinks thats a great Idea!" He say grabing my hand sliding his finger betwen mine, as I lay my head on his sholder.
-"Harry I've got a question...where are we sleeping?"
-"Well they have matresses in here and for blankets we can use my jacket." He says and arranges something.
Anyways thats how we started dating... He took me on a private little date on the beach one week-end. He took me there for our kind of two months thing. His family had a beach house and lented it to us. We could not let go of one another. One night, it started out by us cuddling on the couch watching a movie, it was kind of boring so Harry started having fun and giving me rugh kisses on the neck, that slowly went up to my lips. Our kiss started soft and passionate but got rugher and rugher by the second, one thing led to another and we ended up in his bed...I know it sound wrong at my age...16...but it was so right I had a feeling things would last. Everything was perfect, well sort of, until we arrive to the present day...Halloween night.
*Give me feedback! Please! Hope you like it so far!*
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
A love song (Viviana) Part 9
-"What time is it?" I say finishing up the last Harry Potter movie.
-"About 9pm" Louis reply's taking his arm off my sholders. We were cuddled up watching the movie and did not even realize the position we were in until the last Harry Potter ended.
-"Are you ready to tell me what's up?" Louis asks looking at me in the eyes.
-"" I start to say but the door bell rings.
-"Go get it, you can tell me later." Louis says with a half smile. I get up and go to the door. I open it and see Harry.
-"Ha-Harry..." I stutter.
-"Look hear me out!" He says grabbing my arms.
*Harry's POV*
I arrive at her house and ring the door bell. I grab myself to the door frame because I was feeling dizy.
-"Ha-Harry..."She stutters in shock.
-"Look hear me out!" I say grabbing myself to her arms because I was feeling really dizy.
-"Fine you have 2 minutes."
-"I was being stupid and a jerk! How could I ever think that leaving for about 8 years then come back and think everything is the same! You've changed and so have I, the only thing that hase not changed are my feelings for you. I want to fix things with you and I'd like to try doing it now! Give me chance and let me bring you out for tea this week-end. Just to catch up from all that lost time we have."
-"Harry..." She says shaking her arms to make me let go, and I loos my step and almost fall. "I'll go out to tea with you, but it's only a outing as friends. Nothing more."
-"I promise I'll make it up to you!" I say trying to grab on to something but loose foot and fall.
-"Are you ok Hazz?"
-"Yeah I'm feeling kind of dizy, can I get a glass of water and just sit down for a while."
-"Sure" I say helping him up and getting a glass of water. "Here you go Hazza." I say giving him the glass and siting down next to him.
-"I'm going to get home... You'll tell me later what happened." Louis says getting up and leaving. I give him a goodbye hug and sit back down next to Harry.
-"I am really sorry...I never wanted to cause you any harm..."
-"Stop apoligizing Harold..."
-"But I can't lie...being away from you all theise years have killed me because I had to leave the love of my life behind."
-"The love of your that not just a litle exagiration...we were only like 6..."
-"It's not an exagiration..."
-"You really feel that way for me don't you..."
-"It's not even an exagiration."
-"I don't know what to say...I'm kind of shocked..."
-"Kiss me."
-"That's kind of straight forward don't you think..."
-"Don't tell me that you don't have feelings fro me."
-"I can't say that I don't..."
-"Then kiss me." I say and press my lips against her. I am litteraly melting on the inside, I feel the magic, the fireworks everything.
-"Please Vivy, be my have no idea how long I've ben waiting."
-"You can't deny it anymore yo-" I start to say without thinking.
-"Calm down Harold...I said yes..." She giggles. "But only, let's just keep it a secret for just a while."
-"Anything for you." I say puting my hand on her soft cheeck and kissing her again.
*I'll start writing part 2 of Heart to Heart, Face to Face. Tonight! :) Hoped you liked this imagine as much as I loved writing it! :D ~Write soon -xx-*
-"What time is it?" I say finishing up the last Harry Potter movie.
-"About 9pm" Louis reply's taking his arm off my sholders. We were cuddled up watching the movie and did not even realize the position we were in until the last Harry Potter ended.
-"Are you ready to tell me what's up?" Louis asks looking at me in the eyes.
-"" I start to say but the door bell rings.
-"Go get it, you can tell me later." Louis says with a half smile. I get up and go to the door. I open it and see Harry.
-"Ha-Harry..." I stutter.
-"Look hear me out!" He says grabbing my arms.
*Harry's POV*
I arrive at her house and ring the door bell. I grab myself to the door frame because I was feeling dizy.
-"Ha-Harry..."She stutters in shock.
-"Look hear me out!" I say grabbing myself to her arms because I was feeling really dizy.
-"Fine you have 2 minutes."
-"I was being stupid and a jerk! How could I ever think that leaving for about 8 years then come back and think everything is the same! You've changed and so have I, the only thing that hase not changed are my feelings for you. I want to fix things with you and I'd like to try doing it now! Give me chance and let me bring you out for tea this week-end. Just to catch up from all that lost time we have."
-"Harry..." She says shaking her arms to make me let go, and I loos my step and almost fall. "I'll go out to tea with you, but it's only a outing as friends. Nothing more."
-"I promise I'll make it up to you!" I say trying to grab on to something but loose foot and fall.
-"Are you ok Hazz?"
-"Yeah I'm feeling kind of dizy, can I get a glass of water and just sit down for a while."
-"Sure" I say helping him up and getting a glass of water. "Here you go Hazza." I say giving him the glass and siting down next to him.
-"I'm going to get home... You'll tell me later what happened." Louis says getting up and leaving. I give him a goodbye hug and sit back down next to Harry.
-"I am really sorry...I never wanted to cause you any harm..."
-"Stop apoligizing Harold..."
-"But I can't lie...being away from you all theise years have killed me because I had to leave the love of my life behind."
-"The love of your that not just a litle exagiration...we were only like 6..."
-"It's not an exagiration..."
-"You really feel that way for me don't you..."
-"It's not even an exagiration."
-"I don't know what to say...I'm kind of shocked..."
-"Kiss me."
-"That's kind of straight forward don't you think..."
-"Don't tell me that you don't have feelings fro me."
-"I can't say that I don't..."
-"Then kiss me." I say and press my lips against her. I am litteraly melting on the inside, I feel the magic, the fireworks everything.
-"Please Vivy, be my have no idea how long I've ben waiting."
-"You can't deny it anymore yo-" I start to say without thinking.
-"Calm down Harold...I said yes..." She giggles. "But only, let's just keep it a secret for just a while."
-"Anything for you." I say puting my hand on her soft cheeck and kissing her again.
*I'll start writing part 2 of Heart to Heart, Face to Face. Tonight! :) Hoped you liked this imagine as much as I loved writing it! :D ~Write soon -xx-*
Friday, October 5, 2012
Heart to Heart, Face to Face (Kayla) Part 1
-"Still dressed up as special as always." He say staring me down. The jock of the school Taylor, was actually taking to me.
-"Special? I dress perfectly fine." ( I reply in deffence.
-"Well yeah special, just like you."
-"Is that a compliment from teh jock of the school?" I say in suprise.
-"Yeah I guess so, anyways, Im having this halloween party at my place. You should come."
-"Well... I'm not to sure..." I start.
-"Good! See you on Halloween night party starts at 7pm" He says running back to his friends that are waiting for him.
-"Kaylee right?" He shouts while running.
-"Yep." I say with a nod and smile. I grab my bag from the floor and walk in the other direction.
*A few minutes later*
-"Hey!" I shout as I take off my shoes and walk up to my bedroom. My sister was obviusly already home, she's 19 and finishes earlier.
-"Hey sis!" She say all happy.
-"Hey Emily." I say droping my bag on my bed.
-"Who chose your outfit today an elf?" She says laughing.
-"Ha ha. I was going to tell you something jucy but it seems like you are making fun of my outfit."
-"No I'm not! It's just special! It's not my type."
-"Of course."
-"Comon please tell me Kay!"
-"Fine..." I sigh."The jock of the school, Taylor, spoke to me today. He invited me to his Halloween party. But I don't think I'm going to go, it's not my thing and I will not know anyone."
-"You are going! I have the perfect costume for you!" She says jumping out of her bed almost falling off, and going to her closet. She throws clothes all over the room and all I hear is. "FOUND IT!"
-"Here! I, on the other hand, was actually popular in high school and got invited to party's like this one all the time!" She says showing me the costume.
-"I am NOT wearing that!"
-"Do it for me! I'll stop making fun of how you dress and I'll do your chores for the whole week!"
-"Fine." I pout.
-"The party is friday, since halloween is friday. I'll get you all dressed up nicely and drop you off, you'll just have to go and party!"
-"Whatever." I say putting my earphones over my head and lying down on my bed while grabing my laptop.
*Friday night*
-"You look perfect!" She says looking at me as if I was an art piece. (
-"I'm only going for about two hours"
-"Yes I know. You'll call me when you're ready to leave." She says as I walk out the door, it was 8pm when I got there only one hour late. I walk into the house all dressed up, the music is loud and people are dancing around. A few people are talking with drinks in there hand. This was all new to me. I was never a popular girl, They found me wierd because of how I dressed but the other day one of the popular guys invited me to this party. I was not really into the whole party thing but, as I got home and told my sister that is 19 years old that I got invited to this party she got up and helped me find an outfit. Anyways let's get back to the party. This house was huge. I'm walking around and nobody seems to notice I'm here. I grab a drink and continue walking around looking for someone I know.
-"Hey! You made it!" The guy who invited me says.
-"Hum yeah."
-"Let me show you around." He says with a smirk and grabbing my hand. He brings me up stairs and we are walking down a hall way kind of crowded. Another guy come up next to him.
-"Can I speek to you?" The other guy say and Taylor let's go of my hand and follows his friend somewhere. I see them talking or more arguing in the corner and he comes back with a smile.He brings me to a room and let's me open the door. As I open up the door people throw water baloons and party strings.
-"I knew this was a bad idea, whatever I'll just leave I did not even want to come to this stupid party anyways." I say and leave. I get out the door as soon as posible and go to the nearest parc. I sit down on the bench and whipe away my tears.
-"I know I messed up real bad this time." My boyfriend. Harry Styles. He was part of the football team and was friends with the jock of the team. It's a long story and I'm about to say it to you...
*Tell me what you think so far!*
-"Still dressed up as special as always." He say staring me down. The jock of the school Taylor, was actually taking to me.
-"Special? I dress perfectly fine." ( I reply in deffence.
-"Well yeah special, just like you."
-"Is that a compliment from teh jock of the school?" I say in suprise.
-"Yeah I guess so, anyways, Im having this halloween party at my place. You should come."
-"Well... I'm not to sure..." I start.
-"Good! See you on Halloween night party starts at 7pm" He says running back to his friends that are waiting for him.
-"Kaylee right?" He shouts while running.
-"Yep." I say with a nod and smile. I grab my bag from the floor and walk in the other direction.
*A few minutes later*
-"Hey!" I shout as I take off my shoes and walk up to my bedroom. My sister was obviusly already home, she's 19 and finishes earlier.
-"Hey sis!" She say all happy.
-"Hey Emily." I say droping my bag on my bed.
-"Who chose your outfit today an elf?" She says laughing.
-"Ha ha. I was going to tell you something jucy but it seems like you are making fun of my outfit."
-"No I'm not! It's just special! It's not my type."
-"Of course."
-"Comon please tell me Kay!"
-"Fine..." I sigh."The jock of the school, Taylor, spoke to me today. He invited me to his Halloween party. But I don't think I'm going to go, it's not my thing and I will not know anyone."
-"You are going! I have the perfect costume for you!" She says jumping out of her bed almost falling off, and going to her closet. She throws clothes all over the room and all I hear is. "FOUND IT!"
-"Here! I, on the other hand, was actually popular in high school and got invited to party's like this one all the time!" She says showing me the costume.
-"I am NOT wearing that!"
-"Do it for me! I'll stop making fun of how you dress and I'll do your chores for the whole week!"
-"Fine." I pout.
-"The party is friday, since halloween is friday. I'll get you all dressed up nicely and drop you off, you'll just have to go and party!"
-"Whatever." I say putting my earphones over my head and lying down on my bed while grabing my laptop.
*Friday night*
-"You look perfect!" She says looking at me as if I was an art piece. (
-"I'm only going for about two hours"
-"Yes I know. You'll call me when you're ready to leave." She says as I walk out the door, it was 8pm when I got there only one hour late. I walk into the house all dressed up, the music is loud and people are dancing around. A few people are talking with drinks in there hand. This was all new to me. I was never a popular girl, They found me wierd because of how I dressed but the other day one of the popular guys invited me to this party. I was not really into the whole party thing but, as I got home and told my sister that is 19 years old that I got invited to this party she got up and helped me find an outfit. Anyways let's get back to the party. This house was huge. I'm walking around and nobody seems to notice I'm here. I grab a drink and continue walking around looking for someone I know.
-"Hey! You made it!" The guy who invited me says.
-"Hum yeah."
-"Let me show you around." He says with a smirk and grabbing my hand. He brings me up stairs and we are walking down a hall way kind of crowded. Another guy come up next to him.
-"Can I speek to you?" The other guy say and Taylor let's go of my hand and follows his friend somewhere. I see them talking or more arguing in the corner and he comes back with a smile.He brings me to a room and let's me open the door. As I open up the door people throw water baloons and party strings.
-"I knew this was a bad idea, whatever I'll just leave I did not even want to come to this stupid party anyways." I say and leave. I get out the door as soon as posible and go to the nearest parc. I sit down on the bench and whipe away my tears.
-"I know I messed up real bad this time." My boyfriend. Harry Styles. He was part of the football team and was friends with the jock of the team. It's a long story and I'm about to say it to you...
*Tell me what you think so far!*
Hey :)!
Sorry for not posting much :S I've had so many exams and plenty of training :P I have a competition this week-end (Wish me luck :S) I'll probably try to work on a few imagines. I'm not done with "A Love Song'' but I'm going to start working on a new imagine that is going to be called 'Heart to heart & Face to Face'. Here is a little glimps of it ;)
-I walk into the house all dressed up, the music is loud and people are dancing around. A few people are talking with drinks in there hand. This was all new to me. I was never a popular girl, They found me wierd because of how I dressed but the other day one of the popular guys invited me to this party. I was not really into the whole party thing but, as I got home and told my sister that is 19 years old that I got invited to this party she got up and helped me find an outfit. Anyways let's get back to the party. This house was huge. I'm walking around and nobody seems to notice I'm here. I grab a drink and continue walking around looking for someone I know.
-"Hey! You made it!" The guy who invited me says.
-"Hum yeah."
-"Let me show you around." He says with a smirk and grabbing my hand. He brings me up stairs and we are walking down a hall way kind of crowded. Another guy come up next to him.
-"Can I speek to you?" The other guy say and he let's go of my hand and follows his friend somewhere. I see them talking or more arguing in the corner and he comes back with a smile.He brings me to a room and let's me open the door. As I open up the door...-
*I'll write part 1 later and part 9 of A love song to ;)*
-I walk into the house all dressed up, the music is loud and people are dancing around. A few people are talking with drinks in there hand. This was all new to me. I was never a popular girl, They found me wierd because of how I dressed but the other day one of the popular guys invited me to this party. I was not really into the whole party thing but, as I got home and told my sister that is 19 years old that I got invited to this party she got up and helped me find an outfit. Anyways let's get back to the party. This house was huge. I'm walking around and nobody seems to notice I'm here. I grab a drink and continue walking around looking for someone I know.
-"Hey! You made it!" The guy who invited me says.
-"Hum yeah."
-"Let me show you around." He says with a smirk and grabbing my hand. He brings me up stairs and we are walking down a hall way kind of crowded. Another guy come up next to him.
-"Can I speek to you?" The other guy say and he let's go of my hand and follows his friend somewhere. I see them talking or more arguing in the corner and he comes back with a smile.He brings me to a room and let's me open the door. As I open up the door...-
*I'll write part 1 later and part 9 of A love song to ;)*
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A love song (Viviana) Part 8
-"Hey Viviana? Are you here? Niall told me to meet you here..." I hear Harry say as he walks in the auditorium where Niall had left me to fall.
*Harry's POV*
-"Go find Viviana at the auditorium" Niall says walking up to me and leaving before I can say something. I close my locker and go to the auditorium.
-"Hey Viviana? Are you here? Niall told me to meet you here..." I say opening the doors. I hear sobbing and then I see here on the floor crying in her bleu polka dotted white dress with her brown cowboys boot and a white vest. (
-"What in the world!" I say going to her.
-"Leave me alone Harry! This is all your fault!"
-"My fault! What did I even do!"
-"If you would of never come here Niall would not break up with me!"
-"What! Why would he break up with you?"
-"Because he told me that my heart did not belong to him, that it belogned to someone else and we both know who. So he meant it belogned to you."
-"But is it true...?"
-"It's not important!"
-"It's not important! HOW can this not be important!"
-"Go away Harry." She says crying harder.
-"I won't"
-"Fine then I will!." She says getting up in a hurry and leaving.
*Viviana's POV*
I'm running off crying, wanting to go find Niall to tell him I loved him and wanted him, but something pulled me back. I just walked out and was standing in front of the door. I see people starting to look at me, so I hide my head in my shirt and turn to the door.
-"If I go back in there Harry will think that I want him...but I do...but if I don't go back in and go find Niall he will think I want him back, even tought I want Harry...well I'm not to sure right now. Things are going to be so awkward with Niall now and if I go to Harry it will be even more awkward with Niall, but on the other hand. He is the one that let me go... but I don't want this reputation, but I have loved Harry my whole life..." I think to myself. I turn around and go home. Skipping all afternoon classes.
*Harry's POV*
I walk out of the auditorium about 5 minutes after Viviana does. People flash me stares as if I did something and I hear whispers. I ignore them and try to find Viviana to try to talk to her, but I look everywhere and do not find her.
-"Hey Niall!" I say seeing him in the hallway
-"What!" He says anoyed.
-"Have you seen Viviana?"
-"Why? You lost your girlfriend already!"
-"Niall nothing happened! I came in and tried talking to her but she ran off. I've looked for her all lunch but I can't find her."
-"Well it's not my job to find her! She is your's know you find her yourself!"
-"God you are so blind! I will explain this later but right now you're waisting my time I have to find her." I say and leave. I go to my locker and grag my books for my afternoon classes. I try to concentrate on what my teacher is saying but I just can't listen to her when my mind is so full. As I hear the bell ring saying classes were over I run to my locker and grab my things go to Viviana's house.
-"Ready for the big game tonight Haz?"
-"What? The game is tonight!"
-"Really! You forgot our big game! You're lucky we took you in the team at this time of the year! You're lucky someone got injured! You better be ready!"
-"Yeah...I'm ready." I say with a half smile.
-"Shit." I whisper under my breath, and slaming my locker shut after grabbing my bag. I run up to the boys and follow them to the locker room.
-"Ready Badgers?!"
-"YEAH!" The whole room screams all stocked for the big game.
-"Harry right?"This tall guy with brown hair comes up and see's me.
-"I'm Liam. I play on the team...I don't think we ever formaly met." He says with suprisingly good maners.
-"Oh well Harry."
-"Ready for the big game! You can't forget that it's the championships!"
-"Yeah...I'm ready."
-"Well that's perfect!" He says giving me a pat on my sholder and walking off. I give him a hald smile and grab my helmet.
-"Everyone come in!" The coach says and we all round up and put our hands in the middle.
-"Guys, this game means everything! The girls have wone the championships in soccer and we have to win it in football! Now let's bring it in." He says and we all start to do our cheer. We get back up straight and run out to the field.
*A while later*
Everyone is cheering and jumping up and down. I see them all running towards me and jumping in for a colective hug.
-"We won! We won!" They all shout but in the moment I was not sure what had just happened.
-"You okay?" I hear Liam ask.
-"Yeah." I say shacking it off.
-"You took quite a swing down there." He says concerned.
-"I'm fine."
-"Guys give him space!" He says and everyone backs off.
-"Tell me Harry? What just happened?" He continues.
-"Humm well from what everyone says we won..."
-"Ok. You are not fine." He says helping me up. We start to walk but I'm about to fall so he puts my arm around his sholder and helps me get to the bench.
-"Is he ok. He took a pretty bad hit out there." I here someone say but I can't really recodnise who.
-"He does not remember what happened." Liam says.
-"Let's get him in the room." The other person who I finaly recodnised. Our coach. They help me up but I push them away.
-"Guys! I'm fine! I'm going to go home and relax I'm just tired after all that happened during the game." I say and get up and make my way to the room. I take a shower and change. I grab my bag and right away go to Viviana's house.
*Viviana's POV*
As I get home I throw my bag across my room with tears streaming do(wn my face smudging my mascara. Good thing my mom was gone on a buisness trip again. I grab my pillow and roll up in a ball on my bed letting the tears flow down. I hear the door bell ring but ignore it, it rings once, twice, three times until I stop hearing anything.
-"Viviana!?" I hear a voice say.
-"Who is it and how did you get into my house!"
-"It's Louis. The front door was unlocked." He says making his way to my room
-"I saw you running out of school with tears, so I grabbed my things and figured you'd be home." He says siting down next to me. "Now what's wrong Viv?"
-"Can you just stay here with me...I don't feel like talking right now."
-"Sure. Here, why don't you grab a shower while I go get some ice cream at the store."
-"Are you becoming my new best friend mister Tomlinson?" I say with a smirk and giggle.
-"I think so..." He laughs getting up and leaving to the store. I get up and go to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and slowly take my makeup off. I then hop into the shower, I mostly just stand there and think for about 7 minutes then wash my hair and hop out. I then slide into my clothes and go in front of the mirror again. ( I take a deep breath and dry my hair then fix it up. I grab my phone and call my dog and walk downstairs to the living room. I grab the blanket and wrap it around at the same time that Louis walks in the door. I ask him to lock the door and then he comes to meet me with two spoons and a big bowl of ice cream. I get up and get the Harry Potter movie's out from the shelve and pop the firts one in the dvd player. I cuddle up to Louis as he sits down on the couch with the ice cream.
-"Hey Viviana? Are you here? Niall told me to meet you here..." I hear Harry say as he walks in the auditorium where Niall had left me to fall.
*Harry's POV*
-"Go find Viviana at the auditorium" Niall says walking up to me and leaving before I can say something. I close my locker and go to the auditorium.
-"Hey Viviana? Are you here? Niall told me to meet you here..." I say opening the doors. I hear sobbing and then I see here on the floor crying in her bleu polka dotted white dress with her brown cowboys boot and a white vest. (
-"What in the world!" I say going to her.
-"Leave me alone Harry! This is all your fault!"
-"My fault! What did I even do!"
-"If you would of never come here Niall would not break up with me!"
-"What! Why would he break up with you?"
-"Because he told me that my heart did not belong to him, that it belogned to someone else and we both know who. So he meant it belogned to you."
-"But is it true...?"
-"It's not important!"
-"It's not important! HOW can this not be important!"
-"Go away Harry." She says crying harder.
-"I won't"
-"Fine then I will!." She says getting up in a hurry and leaving.
*Viviana's POV*
I'm running off crying, wanting to go find Niall to tell him I loved him and wanted him, but something pulled me back. I just walked out and was standing in front of the door. I see people starting to look at me, so I hide my head in my shirt and turn to the door.
-"If I go back in there Harry will think that I want him...but I do...but if I don't go back in and go find Niall he will think I want him back, even tought I want Harry...well I'm not to sure right now. Things are going to be so awkward with Niall now and if I go to Harry it will be even more awkward with Niall, but on the other hand. He is the one that let me go... but I don't want this reputation, but I have loved Harry my whole life..." I think to myself. I turn around and go home. Skipping all afternoon classes.
*Harry's POV*
I walk out of the auditorium about 5 minutes after Viviana does. People flash me stares as if I did something and I hear whispers. I ignore them and try to find Viviana to try to talk to her, but I look everywhere and do not find her.
-"Hey Niall!" I say seeing him in the hallway
-"What!" He says anoyed.
-"Have you seen Viviana?"
-"Why? You lost your girlfriend already!"
-"Niall nothing happened! I came in and tried talking to her but she ran off. I've looked for her all lunch but I can't find her."
-"Well it's not my job to find her! She is your's know you find her yourself!"
-"God you are so blind! I will explain this later but right now you're waisting my time I have to find her." I say and leave. I go to my locker and grag my books for my afternoon classes. I try to concentrate on what my teacher is saying but I just can't listen to her when my mind is so full. As I hear the bell ring saying classes were over I run to my locker and grab my things go to Viviana's house.
-"Ready for the big game tonight Haz?"
-"What? The game is tonight!"
-"Really! You forgot our big game! You're lucky we took you in the team at this time of the year! You're lucky someone got injured! You better be ready!"
-"Yeah...I'm ready." I say with a half smile.
-"Shit." I whisper under my breath, and slaming my locker shut after grabbing my bag. I run up to the boys and follow them to the locker room.
-"Ready Badgers?!"
-"YEAH!" The whole room screams all stocked for the big game.
-"Harry right?"This tall guy with brown hair comes up and see's me.
-"I'm Liam. I play on the team...I don't think we ever formaly met." He says with suprisingly good maners.
-"Oh well Harry."
-"Ready for the big game! You can't forget that it's the championships!"
-"Yeah...I'm ready."
-"Well that's perfect!" He says giving me a pat on my sholder and walking off. I give him a hald smile and grab my helmet.
-"Everyone come in!" The coach says and we all round up and put our hands in the middle.
-"Guys, this game means everything! The girls have wone the championships in soccer and we have to win it in football! Now let's bring it in." He says and we all start to do our cheer. We get back up straight and run out to the field.
*A while later*
Everyone is cheering and jumping up and down. I see them all running towards me and jumping in for a colective hug.
-"We won! We won!" They all shout but in the moment I was not sure what had just happened.
-"You okay?" I hear Liam ask.
-"Yeah." I say shacking it off.
-"You took quite a swing down there." He says concerned.
-"I'm fine."
-"Guys give him space!" He says and everyone backs off.
-"Tell me Harry? What just happened?" He continues.
-"Humm well from what everyone says we won..."
-"Ok. You are not fine." He says helping me up. We start to walk but I'm about to fall so he puts my arm around his sholder and helps me get to the bench.
-"Is he ok. He took a pretty bad hit out there." I here someone say but I can't really recodnise who.
-"He does not remember what happened." Liam says.
-"Let's get him in the room." The other person who I finaly recodnised. Our coach. They help me up but I push them away.
-"Guys! I'm fine! I'm going to go home and relax I'm just tired after all that happened during the game." I say and get up and make my way to the room. I take a shower and change. I grab my bag and right away go to Viviana's house.
*Viviana's POV*
As I get home I throw my bag across my room with tears streaming do(wn my face smudging my mascara. Good thing my mom was gone on a buisness trip again. I grab my pillow and roll up in a ball on my bed letting the tears flow down. I hear the door bell ring but ignore it, it rings once, twice, three times until I stop hearing anything.
-"Viviana!?" I hear a voice say.
-"Who is it and how did you get into my house!"
-"It's Louis. The front door was unlocked." He says making his way to my room
-"I saw you running out of school with tears, so I grabbed my things and figured you'd be home." He says siting down next to me. "Now what's wrong Viv?"
-"Can you just stay here with me...I don't feel like talking right now."
-"Sure. Here, why don't you grab a shower while I go get some ice cream at the store."
-"Are you becoming my new best friend mister Tomlinson?" I say with a smirk and giggle.
-"I think so..." He laughs getting up and leaving to the store. I get up and go to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and slowly take my makeup off. I then hop into the shower, I mostly just stand there and think for about 7 minutes then wash my hair and hop out. I then slide into my clothes and go in front of the mirror again. ( I take a deep breath and dry my hair then fix it up. I grab my phone and call my dog and walk downstairs to the living room. I grab the blanket and wrap it around at the same time that Louis walks in the door. I ask him to lock the door and then he comes to meet me with two spoons and a big bowl of ice cream. I get up and get the Harry Potter movie's out from the shelve and pop the firts one in the dvd player. I cuddle up to Louis as he sits down on the couch with the ice cream.
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