Imagine-Niall was your best friend Lizzy's cusin, and you had met him only two or three times. Before you met him you never beleived in love at first sight but once you saw him you fell head over heals for him.Lizzy knew about your crush and was totaly fine with it. After she foudn out she would would try to make all three of us hang out together but it was kind of hard since Niall was on tour most of the time. Since next saterday was Lizzy's 18th birthday, you were planing on taking her clubing for the first time.
*I've tried playing it cool
but when I'm looking at you
I can't every be brave
Cause you make my heart braze-* You hear your phone ring an pick it up.
-"Hello?" You ask.
-"Hey Hellin..." You hear a familiar voice, a beautiful Irish accent like yours.
-"Hey Nialler! Whats up?''
-"Humm's Lizzy's birthday saterday and I wanted to do something for her...have any idea's''
-"Yeah! I'm going to take her out clubbing for the first time. She to much of a goody goody to break the law so."
-"Well you sure YOU are old enough for that?" Niall asks treasingly
-''Shut up Niall! I turned 18 five months ago! You know that! You sent a shoutout on twiiter for me!"
-''I know I know I'm just teasing! But more seriously...I'm going to arrive at the airport saterday. Do you think you can pick me up? I want to suprise Lizzy.''
-"yeah sure I think I can...'' you say and the convo goes on for a little while and you both hang up.
Saterday you make your way to the airport with your bag containing your party clothes. After you greet each other you make your way to Lizzy's house and suprise her. Later on that night you go to an epic club all together. It was aroung 1am and you and Niall had not drank that much compared to Lizzy who was waisted. So you and Niall, who had rented a hotel room, bring her back and put her to bed. I sit down on the couch.
-"That was an epic night!" I tell Niall as he makes his way to sit next to me.
-"Yeah pretty much. I had a fun time.'' He says and then a silence apears.
-''I say we go to the bar downstairs!''
-"Yeah good idea hellin! I'm bored to death and in plus lizzy will be fine alone.'' He says and we walk out to go to the bar in the hotel. Once your at the bar you sit down and order a beer. After drinking a beer you get tired of it and go for a walk. You walk in total silence for a while.
-"Hellin...I have to tell you something..."
-"Go tell me!"
-"I never beleived in love at first sight but once I saw you that all changed.''
-''I actually find this pretty funny! Because I tought the same thing once I saw you.''
-"So your telling me you feel the same way!?''
-''Of course I feel the same way Niall!'' You say and smille at the ground. He pulls up your head gently and kisses you.
-''Hellin will you be my girlfriend...breathe for yes, lick your elbow for no.'' He tells you and you laugh.
-''Well I dont have much of a choice do I''you say
-''No not really" He says and kisses me.
*Sorry for not psting much latly VERY VERY busy :S*
Hey I was just wondering if you could do me an imagine with Niall!:) My names Courtney, thanks!