*A year later (The next summer)*
*Abbilin's POV*
I walk down the lane with my suitcase, serching trew the massive crowd of New York city. My best friend Emely, who had moved to New York to attend Julliard. A school of preforming arts. Anyways, she had inveted me to stay with her for te summer, and of course I said yes.
-"Abby!! Abbilin!!" I hear her shout, jumping up and down while waiving her arm. I make my way trew the crowd to finaly meet her. She was wearing a beautiful summer dress with her hair back (polyvore). While I was wearing something more relax (polyvore).
-"Em!" I shout running towards her. She hugs me tight in her arms.
-"You have not changed a bit!" She says taking a good look at me.
-"Neither have you!" I say containing my exictment.
-"Comon grab your things and let's go! We have SOOO much to catch up on!" She says and I start to push the carriage that had all my bags. It was the first time I was visiting her in New York so this was all new to me. So we made our way in downtown New York, only a few blocks away from central park.
-"This is amazing!" I say as we walk into her flat.
-"You have not lost your accent, not even a bit." She laughs helping me bring my things in.
-"Well you have lost most of it! You should really come back to Irland!" I say giggling with her.
-"So where am I staying?" I ask looking around.
-"Up there." she says pointing to a second floor.
-"And where are you staying?" I ask.
-"You see that door down there?" She points to the end up the flat.
-"Yeah?" I ask.
-"Well that's my room. I put a bed up there just for you. All of this for you. Be happy." She says sort of joking. I stick my tongue out and bring my bags up to my room.
-"Soooo! Tell me about boys!" She says joining me and siting down on my bed. "Or more tell me about Zachary!" She says jumping up and down on the bed.
-"Well...we have been dating for a year...he is simply amazing, and I really like him."
-"Show me a picture! I have never seen him!" She says squeling.
*A month later*
-"May I take your order?" The cashier asks as I take my spot in line.
-"Yes, I will have the chiken nuggets with a coke." I say looking down from the menu.
-"That will be 8,61$" She says punching things, on the cash register as I go to grab my little pouch with my money in it.
-"Give me a second." I say putting my purse on the counter as I search for my pouch. " I can't seen to find my money." I say trying to fake a smile.
-"I'll pay." An Irish accent says behind me. "and I'll take the same thing as her." He ads walking up to me.
-"I taught I would never see you again." He whispers in my ear. I turn to him starteled. I then realize it was Niall.
-"What are you doing here?" I ask grabbing my food.
-"I'm on tour here. We are in town for a few days." He says grabbing his food and walking towards a table. "By the way you look beautiful." He says and I can't help myself but blush. (polyvore).
-"Thanks." I reply.
-"I will not loose you this time Abby. I lost you twice already. This time you are staying with me. Now pass me your phone." He says gesturing me for my phone. I hesitantly give it him and sigh. He opens it and his expresion was blank.
-"Nice picture." He manages to say.
-"That's Zachary, my boyfriend." I chocke up.
-"Oh." he says kind of sad. He punches in a few things and gives me my phone back.
-"Well you are probably busy and all, so I'll just leave." I say taking my last bite and getting up.
-"No, actually I'm free. I was going to meet the boys in central park. Want to come?" He asks, and then Emely pops into my head. She was a huge directioner! She loved them, she would kill me if I did not bring her.
-"Sure, but can I bring a friend? She loves you guys so much."
*Emely's POV*
I'm at the flat eating some food I made when I hear my phone ring.
-"Hello?" I ask.
-"Hey! Em! Meet me in central park! I have a suprise for you!" She says then quickly hangs ups. I quickly drop my things and change into some nice clotes (polyvore). I make my way to the park and meet Abby where she directed me in her text. I walk joyfully down the path until I arrive to a bench where Abby was sitting. She smiles widely and pulls me onto the grass to cut to go to the pond. We arrive there and Abby walks up to a blond boy and hugs him. I look to the side and see four of the five members of One Direction. I look at Abby who had pulled back from her hug and see Niall.
-"Oh My GOD!" I squeal. "How do you know them! Abby! Why did you never mentien them when we talked about boys!" I start blabering.
-"Because of your reaction." She says and I realize I was going a bit crazy, so I take a deep breath and calm down.
-"Guys this is Emely." Abby says presenting me to the boys. I say hi to everyone and then turn to Zayn. My heart stoped, he was even hoter in real life. I felt like the whole world stoped when he smirked and said 'hi'. He...him...oh my god!
~Give feedback please! Love you all! <3 Write soon -xx- Goodnight and Happy New Years! :D~
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