*Niall's POV*
I walk into a restaurant in Mullingar. I was on vacation from touring all year, and decided to go spend time with my family. So I walk into Brioche Cafe & Deli. It was one of my favorite coffe shops in town. I sit down at one of the tables at the end of the restaurant.
-"Hello, my name is Abbilin Rose. I will be your waitress for the day." She says with a smile. She had natural ginger hair and bleu eyes. That name sounded familiar and so did her face but I pushed it aside thinking it was nothing.
-"May I take your order?" She asked with an Irish accent.
-"Yes, I will have a coffe, and a BLT" I say giving her my menu and giving her a smile.
-"Coming right up." She smile and walks away.
I ate my food and paid my meal and left the joint. But that girl Abbilin Rose. She was stuck in my head. Why? I did not know her? Well at least I think. Abbilin Rose...
*A few days later*
I was walking around in the park with my guitar in hand struming songs as I walk along. It was a beautiful day, the sky was bleu with no cloud, it was not to hot not to cold, it was just perfect. So as I stroll around the parc I see her. Abbilin Rose. She looked beautiful. I was hard to miss that curly red hair and freckled face. (polyvore) As I watched her walk along, everything made sense.
*Flashback to when he was seven.*
-"Good morning class." Miss Vermont says walking into class.
-"Good morning Miss Vermont." The whole class says at the same time.
-"A new student will be joining our class today." She says dropping her bag on her desk. Please welcome, Abbilin Rose. She had curly red hair, bleu eyes and freckles. She smiled shily and the teacher pointed to the free desk next to me.
-"Hi, I'm Niall Horan." I whisper.
-"Abbilin Rose." She says back, and turns to listen to the teacher.
A few months went by and by then Abbilin and I had become best friends. We knew everything about each other. She had told me how she was an orphan, and that she had just moved in with her new foster family. It was the midle of december when she moved in with them, and it was now may and the school year was almost over.
*Abbilin' POV (still in flashback)*
(21 of may)
I gave my goodbye hug to Niall and left for home. I made my way home and opened the door. My dad was in the living room, he was crying, he had the phone in one hand and a bottle of scotch in the other.
-"Hi daddy! What's wrong?" I ask clulesly.
-''Mommy is dead my darling." He says sobbing. I drop everything that I was holding on the ground. I run up to my dad and hug him but he pushes me away.
-"Your aunt should be here any minute. You are going to live with her." he says taking a sip from his scotch. The door opened slowly and I say my aunt walk in. She brought me up to my bedroom and helped me pack up. She lived in Dublin with her husband. We finished packing up and packed her car. I asked her to stop at Nialls house and she accepted kindly.
I run up to his front door and knock.
-"Why hello Abbilin!" His mom says. "Is everything alright?" She asks seeing my red eyes.
-"May I speek to Niall please?" I ask as my aunt walks up behind me.
-"Yes! Come in." She says to me then looks up at my aunt. "And you are?"
-"Teagan. I'm her aunt." she says.
-"Well come on in. Niall is up in his room." Niall mom says and I quickly run up to his room. I open the door and fall into tears.
-"What? What is wrong Abby?" He says running up to me and huging me.
-"My mommy is dead and my dad is sending me off to live with my aunt in Dublin."
-"Well Dublin is not that far away." He says brushing my hair softly as I cry in his arms.

-"Abbilin! We have to get going."I hear my aunt say.
-"Bye Niall." I say giving him a peck on the cheek and a tight hug.
*Flashback Finished*
*Nialls POV*
I shacked my head in disbelief. I could not beleive this! My lost best friend was stading a few feet away from me! I was about to walk up to her until I saw her kissing another boy. My smile left my face and I turned around.
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