Liam and I have been friends forever. Since we were toddlers. He was
my neighbor and my best friend. Our rooms where across from one another. So at
night we would look out our windows and talk to each other using note pads and
writing things on it. (Like in taylor switf's you
belong with me video).
He knew
everything about me. He knew me almost better then I know myself. Although he
was about three years older then me he never treated me as a little baby.
When he first auditioned for te X Factor at the age of fourteen, I
followed him until I could not anymore. When he came back from the judges
house, he was broken to the fact that he got sent back home. But he never
stoped signing. I would watch him practice every night in his room. I laughed
as he tried dancing. When he was sixteen and the X factor came back, I was not
with him this time. My parents got divorced and I was forced to move to
California with my mom. He would text me what was going on during the X factor,
but once he met Danielle it's like I did not exists. Next thing I know is that
they were dating. I learned it from a gossip magazine. It made me feel so
unliked, but the worst part was that my heart broke. Once I saw the magazine I
ran back home and locked myself in my bedroom. I open a box that I had never
touched since I moved to california. I look trew it and fin plenty of things
that Liam had got me or things that reminded me of him. I see plenty of
pictures of him, the notepad I would use to talk to him, a bracelet he bought
me when I was five, I then see a book at the botom of the box. 'The Notebook'.
I loved this book. Liam gave it to me one morning out of the bleu. I smiled and
accepted it. I never really liked reading but this book, I must of read it
about twenty times. I grab it from the box and dust it off then sat down on my
window bench. I fliped trew the pages and a piece of paper fell out. I open it
and see "I Love You" Writen on it, witch makes me have a flashback.
can't believe you're leaving to California!" He says tearing up a bit.
I said tearing up, my eyes becoming red. "I'll miss you." I say
searching for my words. This was so hard. I hug him tight and walk away
quickly. I run up to my almost empty room and fall on my bed. When I look up
out my window I see Liam waiting with a peice of paper in his hand.
cry- was written on it.
should I not? I'm leaving tomorrow morning!- I writte back.
I'll talk to you every day, skype, and when I become famouse I'll bring you
everywhere with me!- He writtes back with a huge smile. I was writing something
on my paper and wanted to show it to him but his blinds were closed. My smile
faided away as I put my notebook down in my lap. I ripped the paper out of the
book and trew it in the garbadge.
~The Next
Morning~ (Still in flashback)
As I woke up I was still dressed the same as
yesterday. I had fallen asleep while crying. I got up and turned my buzzing
alarm off. "Arg." I moan to myself. I get up and look around my empty
room. All that was left is my empty dresser and my bed. My suit case was at the
end of my room. I get up and grab the set of clothes I had placed on my suit
case the day before. For my age I was pretty classy in my clothes style. I
picked up my floral skirt and my black long sleve crop top. I walk over to my
dresser that had a mirror on top of it and fix my hair. My hair was not that
bad so I brushed it and made a waterfal braid. I whipe off my face with a wet
cloth and put on a bit a makeup that looked natural. I stand in front of my
mirror pretty satisfied with my styling choice: polyvore . As I close my suit case my mom calls me
from down stairs.
time to go." She says. I grab my suit case and backpack. I walk to my door
way and stare at my bedroom. As I scan it for the last time I see the paper I
trew in my garbadge and go pick it up. I unscramble it and nicely folf it into
my wallet. I walk down the stairs and meet my mom outside waiting for me in
front of the cab. I look back at the house one last time and a tear rolls down
my eye. I see my dad at the front door looking at me and my mom and I run up to
miss you dad. " I say tearing up.
come and visit promise." He says holding me tight.
I say sniffling.
Carmen! We have to go. We are going to miss the plaine." My mom shouts in
the background. I let go of my dad and he kisses my cheek I say my last goodbye
and hop into the cab. I look out the window as my tears flow down my cheecks. I
never wanted to leave.
My mom had already bout the house and had been living there for
about a week already. The house was all done. furnished and everything. She had
spent the week fixing everything up. I moved during the srping after
school at finished, and spent the whole summer going to the beach, skyping with
my dad and Liam, and going to work with my mom. *My mom was a photograph and
became quite famous over the summer. She had started small, then before she
knew it she was getting calls from big agencies.*
~Back to when she was crying as she saw the paper~
It sort of made me smile to start reading the book again, but at the
same time memories rushed back like a waterfal. I closed my book and pushed it
down on my bed. I stood up and whiped away my tears.
-"No!" I told myself. I had become popular here, I had
many friends, a best friend that was always there for me, a 'soon to be'
boyfriend, and I was a model for god sakes! A model! I looked at myself in the
mirror and smiled. I finaly had closure on Liam. And as I was thinking that my
phone buzzed.
-Wanna catch a movie?
~Sam- I smiled (Sam was my 'soon to be' boyfriend)
-Yeah of course!- I replied.
-Pick you up at 7?-
-See you soon love- He sent back and I smiled. He was probably one
of my first friends I made when I moved to California. He was from Bristol,
England. He had moved about a year ago but still had the full on English
accent. He was so sweet and nice. He was tall, like really tall. Even with my
heals he was still about an inch taller then me. He had blond/brown hair that
kind of looked like Liam's and he would remind me of him at times.
I heard the door bell ring and I stepped in front of the
mirror wearing this :
-"Hey Carmen." He smiles. "Ready to go?"
-"As ready as I'll ever be." I reply with a smile. He
grabs my hand gently and leads me to his car. (Btw right now she is 16 and it
is her last year in high school, and it's in may).
*After the movie*
We walk outside hand in hand and he opens my door for me. He was
such a gentleman. We went down to the pear and started to walk down the
board walk. As we arrived at the end of the boardwalk, Sam stood in front of me
and looked me in the eyes. I knew this moment I had seen it millions of time in
every chick flick I know. It was that stare before the kiss. But as he bent
down the only thing I could think of was -Liam- .
-"I-I'm sorry." I say pulling back as hima dn I were only
inches away.
-"What? Did I do something wrong?" He asks worried.
-"No, no! Everything is perfect." I say tryin to smile.
-"So what's wrong?" He asked confused.
-"It's just..." I start.
-"You're in love with Liam." He says finishing my
-"Look you are so sweet, kind, nice, and just an amazing guy!
But-" I start.
-"No it's ok, I understand. Just let me leave." He says
stoping me.
-"I'm really sorry." I say looking at the ground as he
walked away.
*A Few Months later*
I'm walking down the street thinking to myself 'how stupid
I was to not kiss Sam! Liam would never love me and anyways, he already had
that "Danielle"' I hold back a few tears as I made my way to the
beach to meet a few friends wearing this :
As I'm a few feet away from them, my phone starts to ring.
-"Hello?" I ask confused. I never get calls, people always
text me before calling...
-"Urm, H-hi." A teary voice says, I was not really able to
put my finger on who this was.
-"Who is this?" I ask confused once again.
-"It's it's..." He says taking deeps breaths trying to
calm himself.
-"Liam?" I ask kind of happy and confused. "What's
-"It''s..." He says but keeps stumbling on his words
sort of on purpose.
-"Look Li, I'm meeting with friends and I really have to go. I
don't know what's wrong and usually I'd try to help you but don't think you can
call me out of the bleu after months of not speaking. Bye now go cry on
Danielle' sholder." I say sort of pissed.
-"But Dan is..." He starts but I hang up on him and walk
up to my friends with a big smile on my face. None of my friends in California
except Sam knew about Liam so I had to hide everything from him.
-"Hey guys!" I say and we start to walk down to find a
good spot on the beach. We quickly strip off our clothes and run to the
water. We had all graduated and our prom was in a two weeks. School was out,
exam were over, and we decided to go and party on the beach. We partied all
night behind one of my friends beach house. Drank. Danced. And did plenty of
stupid things. I woke up the next morning on a couch (witch I'm guessing was in
my friends beach house) I had this massive hangover, and was tired as hell. I
hear my ringtone start to play and I groan because the noise was killing me. I
run up and find my phone in my bag at the other end of the fully packed room.
Just as I pick it up it stops to ring. I open it and see.
-30 messages and 15 missed calls- I started going a bit crazy
thinking it was my mom. I open to see that the 30 messages were from Liam. I
roll my eyes and delete the messages before even reading them. I then checked
the missed calls and 14 of them were from Liam and the last one was from my
mom. "Shit" I whisper. I quickly run out of the room to go in the
bathroom and call her back.
-"Hi mom." I say keeping my voice low because of my
pounding head.
-"Hey hun!" She says really exited in a sort of high pitch
voice. I grab my pounding head. "How are you doing darling?" She
-"Oh I'm fine." I say lying in a almost whisper.
-"Did I wake you?" She says concerned.
-"Sort of…"
-"Oh well! What's done is done! But honey don't forget, I'll be
arriving landing late around midnight, so I'll grab a cab and tomorrow we shall
go shopping for your prom dress ok!" She explains. Since my mom was a
photograph she traveled a lot. But would give me tons of money to feed myself
as I stayed home and she traveled.
-"Yes mom." I say.
-"Well I have to go. Love you darling." She says.
-"Love you to mom."
-"Oh and I almost forgot! Liam called me. Telling me to tell
you to call him back." She says.
-"I will bye now." I say and hang up. Although I still
loved him with all my heart I could just not forgive him this easily for like
ditching me and forgetting me like that. Even if all this time I've been
telling myself that he belonged with me and not that Danielle girl.
*The day of the prom.*
My phone had been rigging like crazy for the passed
days and all from Liam. But weirdly today it had not rung once. It was killing
me to not answer him but I wanted him to feel the pain I felt. I had carried
that note with "I Love You" written on it, every where. Never ever
let it leave my sight. But let's go to the important things! So I had spent the
whole day getting ready for prom. Getting my hair and makeup done. I had no
date to the prom so I went with my friends. Everyone was pretty shocked because
they all thought I'd be going with Sam, but I was still able to amaze them with
what I was wearing. I was wearing This : polyvore
I was thinking that this prom night would the most awesome night of
my life. I mean like this is my last memory of high school, it supposed to be
epic. But no, I am alone on this special night. All my friends have dates and
I'm siting alone at our table watching them have the night of their lives. I
take out my phone from my purse and start doodling with it to make time pass.
When all of a sudden I hear plenty of screams. I raise my head to see a circle
has formed around I don't know who. I shake my head and ignore it and go back
to my phone but my head shoots up when I hear "Carmen? Carmen where are
you?" I look up to see...LIAM! He was standing on stage with the
microphone in hand searching the room. As I stand up a light shines on me and Liam
looks straight into my eyes.
-"Look Carmen I'm sorry." He says.
-"Oh so you think a 'I'm sorry' will do! You who assumingly
promised me that you would always be here for me even after I moved!" I
snap back.
-"I know I messed up." He says.
-"Yeah you chose Danielle over me." I start.
-"I broke up with her…" He says silently. "Can I
just. Maybe this will help you more…" He says turning towards the DJ and
handing him something. A strumming of guitar starts and he looks at the ground.
-"Said i’d never leave her cause her hands fit like my tshirt,Tongue
tied over three words, cursed." He starts to sing.
Running over thoughts
that make my feet hurt,
Bodies intertwined
with her lips
Now she’s feeling so
low since she went solo
Hole in the middle of
my heart like a polo
And it’s no joke to me
So we can we do it all
over again
If you’re pretending
from the start like this,
With a tight grip,
then my kiss
Can mend your broken
I might miss
everything you said to me
And I can lend you
broken parts
That might fit like
And I will give you
all my heart
So we can start it all
over again
Can we take the same
road two days in the same clothes
And I know just what
she’ll say if I make all this pain go
Can we stop this for a
You know, I can tell
that your heart isn’t in it or with it
Tell me with your
mind, body and spirit
I can make your tears
fall down like the showers that are British
Whether we’re together
or apart
We can both remove the
masks and admit we regret it from the start
If you’re pretending
from the start like this,
With a tight grip,
then my kiss
Can mend your broken
I might miss
everything you said to me
And I can lend you
broken parts
That might fit like
And I will give you
all my heart
So we can start it all
over again
You’ll never know how
to make it on your own
And you’ll never show
weakness for letting go
I guess you’re still
hurt if this is over
But do you really want
to be alone?
If you’re pretending
from the start like this,
With a tight grip,
then my kiss
Can mend your broken
I might miss
everything you said to me
And I can lend you
broken parts
That might fit like
And I will give you
all my heart
So we can start it all
over again
If you’re pretending
from the start like this,
With a tight grip,
then my kiss
Can mend your broken
I might miss
everything you said to me
And I can lend you
broken parts
That might fit like
And I will give you
all my heart
So we can start it all
over again" He ends. As he was signing he walked his way towards me, and
once he was in front of me he grabbed my hand an sang to me looking me straight
into my eyes. Once the song was finished, he pulled out a piece of paper out of
his pocket.
-"I forgot to
show you this before you mooved." He says showing me a page of his note
pad that we had when we lived next door from one another. He unfolded it and I
my jaw dropped as I read what was on it.
'I Love You.' I
quickly grab my piece of paper and show it to him.
-"I'm trully
sorry Carmen." he starts."But maybe we can make things better and you
can come on tour with me?" He finished.
-"Just kiss
me." I said and his lips quickly met mine.
-"So is that a
yes?" He asks pulling back.
course." I smile and he kisses me again. Now this is what I meant by
wanting an epic prom.
He say between kisses. I smiled and kissed him harder.
I reply.
*No hate towards Danielle was intended! I love her and glad they are back together! Please give me feedback! Ans sorry for taking so long to post! :s :x but school is so busy! Christmas break si soon! I'll try to write more! Love you guys -xx- ~Write soon <3 *