Sunday, May 27, 2012

Zayn Malik Imagine 4

Imagine- You and Zayn were dating. Zayn had brought you on tour with the rest of the boys. Today was the last day of tour and it was the day that you and Zayn met for the first time. It has ben 3 years that you and Zayn were dating and you still loved him as much as the first time you started to date and even more. It was morning.
-"Hey beautiful! I can't beleive it has ben 3 years since I finaly got the courage to ask the girl of my dreams out!" Zayn says kissing you on the forhead.
-"Haha I love you to Zayn!" Kissing him passionatly. You both get up and get dressed and once you were done you sat on the bed.
-"You comming honney?" Zayn asks you as he walks out of the bathroom. 
-"Where are we going?" You ask as you get up and grab Zayn's hand.
-"I'm taking you out today! Shopping and all but first we are going to breakfast! Paul is already waiting for us downstairs." Zayn says while grabbing his phone walet and keys to the room. You have an amazing day with Zayn, you laugh and talk and just have a blast. You finaly walk into a store and see this one dress. You walk up to it and just gaze at it.
-"You want it?" Zayn grabs you by the waist and whispers in the ear.
-"Yes! So much but..." You look at all your bags "...but I don't...did you not waist enough money on me today?" You tell him.
-"Not at all...go try it on beauty! And if you like it you can go find some nice shoes to go with it ok!" Zayn tells you.
-"Fine then!" You smile and grab the right size dress and run of to the cabbin. You just put the dress on and walk out of the cabbin. Zayn turns around and his jaw drops.
-"I don't care what you say! I am bying you this dress! You look amazing in it!" He says almost paying on the spot. So you smile and go back in the cabbin and change. You pay and go find a pair of shoes. Finally you go back to the hotel room and go into your room. Just as you walk in Zayn drops the bags and leaves again telling you he will be back soon.
(Zayn's Point of view)
I walk into the room and drop the bags on the floor I give her a hug and leave almost right away. I go back to the mall because I forgot to get one thing. I walk into the jewlery store...
(My point of view)
It is a few hours before the show and Zayn is not back yet. So you try to call him up but there is no answer. You slowly get dressed, you decied to put on your brand new dress. it was a baby blue and white dress. You straigten your hair and put it into a nice ponytail. You finally put on your heels and just as you were doing that it knocks on the door.
-"Hi Paul." You say as you open the door.
-"Are you ready we have to go." He says.
-"But were is Zayn he left a few hours ago and is still not back?" You ask him while you where grabbing your purse.
-"He is with the rest of the boys...they are already at the concert." He says as you close you door and walk out of the hotel. A few minutes later you were at the concert. You walk into their dressing room but Zayn is no were to be found.
-"Where is Zayn?!?" You ask the boys as you sit down next to Louis.
-"I don't know...We have not seen him." Louis says and all the boys giggle.
-"Yeahh you totaly don't know were he is." You tell them and get up and walk away to try to find Zayn. After a while of searching you give up. You go back in the dressing room and spend the rest of the time with the other boys. Before you know it, it was time for them to go preform so you walk with them to the stage. You finaly find Zayn waiting for them there. You go to speek to him but they were already running up on stage. You watch them as the start with WMYB and then one thing and More than this. They stop and they talk a bit. Zayn looks to you and says
-"As you all know I am dating a wounderful girl. It has ben 3 years today that I got the courage to ask her out. I would realy apreciate if she would come on stage with me for a while." He says and walks up to you and grabs your hand pulling you on stage.
-"So I am going to sing this song fer her." He says to the crowd then looks at you and says "It's you favorite song and I need a female singer so..." He says and someone runs on stage giving you a mic. You start to sing -Lucky from Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat- 
~Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have ben where I have ben
Lucky to be comming home again
Lucky were in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be comming home someday~ You both sing in perfect sinc.
At the end of the song he says
-"You see she is an amazing singer! but there is one last thing I have to say and do to her before she walks of stage..." He turns to you and says " Honey...I'm sorry I left you like that this's just I went back to the mall and it took me forever to pick the right one..." He pulls out a box from his jacket and goes down on one knee "My beautiful...I am so lucky that I am in love with my best friend... I'm lucky just to have you in my life! I want to be able to wake up to your beautiful face every morning...I want to be the one and only person that can call you his wife...In other lovely will you mary me?" The crowd goes silent waiting for your reaction. A tear rolls down your face and you nod yes. Zayn smiles and puts the ring on your finger. He stands up and kisses you. The boys start to throw some party web on you and Zayn. You both laugh and Zayn says 
-"From know on I don't want you guys to call this girl my girlfriend but I want you guys to call her my wife!" He smiles, kisses you one last time and someone walks you of stage. Later that year you and Zayn get married and lived happly ever after. You could hardly beleive was just like a farytale.

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