*Harry's POV*
I run out of the coffee shop and jump into a cab. I tell him the hotel address and shout to him to leave as quickly as possible.
-"Shit." I say looking down at my phone.
-"You forgot something?" The cab driver says. I look back at the paps walking towards the coffee shop
-"Oh hum no... It's ok." I say at first. I was almost half way home when I came to the realization that my act was stupid.
-"STOP!" I shout to the driver. "I'm terribly sorry sir but can you drop me off here?"
-"No I don't just-" The driver starts
-"Here is the money for the drive thank you very much!" I say almost throwing the money on him. I jump out of the cad and start to make my way back towards the coffee shop. I keep on staring at my phone in hopes that maybe I gave her my number, in hopes that she will text me or call, in hopes for a miracle. But nothing happens, no one calls, no ones texts. I'm still walking with my head down making my way slowly back to where i met a beautiful girl but i run into someone who grabs me by the arm and pulls me into a black van. I sit down on one of the seats and look up with a face full of rage until I realize that everyone in the van was already looking at me with the same face.
-"What the hell! We told you to stay out of trouble. Stay out of sight!" A voice in the back says, Louis, I quickly think. I sit there in silence not wanting to answer.
-"Harry we have to stay low. Those are Simon orders." Liam calmly states. I mumble under my breath a few words of discontent and sit back in my chair. Once we get back to our lodge I quickly lock myself up in my room. I lie down on my bed and just stare at the wall when all of a sudden it hits me. Ananya is such an uncommon name! How many Ananya can there be in Vancouver? I quickly grab my laptop and log onto Facebook. I search up Ananya and add Vancouver as a hometown. Only a few people appear in the search log, and it was pretty easy to find her. I quickly send a friend request and send her a little message. 'Hey Ana! Sorry I ran off on you this morning... I can't explain my reasons as they are private, but I'd love to grab your number in hopes to see you again :)' I send with a pretty evident smile on my face. I shut my laptop and head on down stairs to join the rest of the lads in a few games of cards and what not.
~Sorry for not posting, this is my last year in high school and class is crazy... Hope fully I will post more often... but again I'm really sorry :$ Hope you enjoy this part Ana ^^~